Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2825: The treasure of the town

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Who knew that Empress Zhou was not angry, but immediately understood the deep meaning of Su Jin's words.

She sat down again, thinking that she was really too anxious, too much to join in this family matter, but Su Jin's girl was not sober and could see clearly.

"What is the treasure of the town and the country, it is really nonsense that Ai Jia sees you to really put gold on the face of Ai Jia!"

Although Queen Mother Zhou scolded, her expression was smiling.

This relieved the people around.

"The empress dowager is of course our treasure of the town and the country. No matter how big the whole palace is, it is no bigger than the empress dowager. All the treasures in the treasury can't be combined with your majesty.

Su Jin pursed her lips and smiled. The reason why she dared to speak out in front of Mrs. Zhou was also because she understood the character of Mrs. Zhou.

"Your girl's mouth really speaks more and more, and you don't know who you learned from with your tongue smooth." Empress Zhou laughed and scolded.

"The slave maid has been serving with the empress dowager, and never left. You said with whom did slave maid learn this skill?" Su Jin laughed.

"What do you mean, it's the failure of Aijia to teach you?" Empress Zhou glared at her.

"Oh, Queen Mother, you said this, but the slave-maid didn't say it." Su Jin spread her hands together and pushed them out completely.

Empress Zhou was teased again.

The entire Shoukang Palace was also full of joy because of Empress Zhou ’s laughter, and the court ladies and eunuchs shuttled between them, with a relaxed smile on their faces.

It's been a long time since they have seen the empress dowager smile again, and there is no such relaxed atmosphere as now.

All of this is because the messengers sent by the Northern Qi Kingdom are going to marry them with Xi Chu!

I hope the emperor will marry the third princess sooner, so that the empress dowager can laugh all the time.

"Sudient girl Su Jin, according to what you mean, shall we wait in the palace all the time?" Empress Zhou smiled and smiled, but had not forgotten the business.

She was always at ease, worried about what would happen to her son.

Su Jin thought for a while and said, "Otherwise, please ask the empress dowager to give the slave-servant a decree, and let the slave-servant go out of the palace to investigate. If there is something wrong, the slave-servant can take out the decree to stop it."

When Queen Mother Zhou heard it, she nodded and said, "Okay, just do it, but you may have to change your clothes so that no one recognizes you."

"The slave maid knows."

After Su Jin took Yi Yi, she went back to her room and changed her clothes. She wore a civilian costume and became a dignified and elegant middle-aged woman. She looked only in her early thirties. Her skin was crystal clear and white. different.

She thought about it and darkened her cheeks again with light ink, which was finally less noticeable.

Unexpectedly, after she blackened her cheeks, no one in the palace even knew her.

When she was out of the palace, the guard at the gate stopped her expressionlessly.

"Wait a minute, which palace are you from? Why have I never seen you?"

Su Jin took out the waist card, and several guards looked over and over again, but still refused to dispel doubts.

"Where did you get your waist tag? You are too faceless. We have been in the palace for so many years. Which of the ladies in the palace haven't seen it, why have you never seen you? You wear this civilian clothes What's going on? "

Su Jin couldn't help being arrogant and funny. The guards were really serious. She didn't know whether to praise them a few words or scold them for being blind.

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