Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2794: The road is yours?

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"Zheng'er, you should call me uncle."

Chu Shaoyang's cold face looked like a smile, and he looked at Tuobazheng: "Don't you call me very intimate when you are in the house? How come you call my name now?"

The crowds were all surprised when they heard this and whispered.

"Hey, how did Lord Chu become the second uncle's uncle?"

"I do not know!"

Tuobazheng's face warmed up, his lips moved, but there was no sound.

It's not that he doesn't want to call, but that the son of a thousand faces does not let him call.

"Chu, Brother Chu." He held me back for a long time, holding out a title.

Chu Shaoyang didn't look at him anymore, his eyes fell on the face of Qianmianzi, and his voice was a little bit harsh, "Qianqian, didn't you say that the strings were broken and you bought a string? Did you get the strings? "

The thousand-faced son suddenly realized what he was shaking his head and said, "No, he met the second prince as soon as he came out. The second prince had to let me go home with him."

Chu Shaoyang said with a smile: "The second prince, if you really want to marry him, then three media and six hired my family to give a courtesy, so openly pulling outside, is to destroy thousands 'S reputation? "

"You ... you, I ... I ..." Tuoba Zheng was blocked from speaking.

If talking about eloquence, one hundred Tuobazheng tied together is not a Chu Shaoyang opponent.

He is sincere about the thousand-faced son, but if he is to be hired openly, he knows that the father will never promise to marry a man anyway. .

He could make trouble in the palace of the King of Chu, but if this matter is known to everyone, he will eventually be unlucky.

Thinking of this, his fingers could not help but loosen, and the thousand-faced son was freed at once, took a step back, and stood behind Chu Shaoyang.

"Let's go buy the strings."

Chu Shaoyang ignored Tuobazheng, grabbed his right hand, and had already grasped the arm of a thousand-faced son.

His catch was like a tiger's paw, and the thousand-faced son twitched the corners of his mouth, but his face smiled.

"it is good."

The two went forward without looking back, and no one looked back at Tuoba Zheng.

Tuobazheng was full of loss, but dared not catch up.

Because he was afraid of Chu Shaoyang.

If Chu Shaoyang poked this matter in front of his father and emperor, he would not dare to think about the consequences.

By the way, find Pang Junshi!

He must have a way.

"Scattered and scattered! Scattered! What a fun thing! Let's go home and hug the children!"

Tuobazheng blasted the lively people like a fly, and he took a big step toward the house.

Chu Shaoyang took a thousand-faced son to make a turn, and then let go.

Thousand-faced son said nothing, and left.

Chu Shaoyang smiled slightly and followed behind him.

"Don't you promise to let me go? Why should you follow me?" The son of Thousand Faces turned back suddenly and stood still.

Chu Shaoyang put his hands behind his back and said lightly: "This way is yours? Can you go, can't I go?"

"Okay, you go this way, I go that way."

Thousand-faced son gritted his teeth and changed his direction, striding forward.

Although he didn't hear footsteps behind him, after a while, he could already conclude that Chu Shaoyang followed.

He always had the feeling of having thorns on his back.

Sure enough, when he turned around, he saw Chu Shaoyang again, less than three meters behind him.

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