Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2795: There is a ghost in my heart

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"This road is also yours?" The thousand-faced man sarcastically said.

"It's not my home, nor yours. If you can go, I can go too." Chu Shaoyang still said that.

The soul is not gone!

The thousand-faced son scolded fiercely in his stomach.

"Why follow me?" He said in a deep voice.

I was wondering.

He has lost all his skill now, not much stronger than an ordinary person. With Chu Shaoyang's current skill, if he follows behind him and doesn't want to make himself aware, he won't know anyway.

But Chu Shaoyang didn't do that. He just followed him behind him, so he followed him wherever he went.

"Ask for what you know." Chu Shaoyang replied lightly.

Thousand-faced son's face sank steeply, and his bright eyes became cold.

"I don't understand."

"You understand." Chu Shaoyang said.

The two were like playing a dumb mystery, but no one would try to crack that mystery first.

Qianmianzi's face was as cold as frost, but Chu Shaoyang was the opposite. His eyes flashed faintly, the expression on his face was unpredictable, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, with a hint of smile.

This guy seems to be in a good mood?

Thousand-faced son whispered in his heart.

He knew that he wanted to get rid of Chu Shaoyang, something he couldn't do at all. If he said he would follow himself, then he would definitely follow.

How to do?

"Chu Shaoyang, don't you really like me? Are you like Tuoba Zheng, and you like men?"

Thousand-faced Master's eyes rolled, and Xiao Yinyin said.

The makeup on his face has been wiped clean by Tuobazheng, revealing his original face, more enchanting and charming, with brows and corners of the eyes all kinds of styles.

"Maybe." Chu Shaoyang said lightly.

Thousand-faced son stunned.

He wanted to provoke Chu Shaoyang deliberately, but the ambiguous answer from the other side made him feel unable to start.

"You see my face clearly, unlike her, not at all." He pointed to his nose.


Chu Shaoyang glanced at him, but there was no strange expression on his face, except that the deep black eyes turned around on his face like he was exploring something, with a penetrating strength, even letting thousands of faces The son's heart burst into emptiness.

"You said that as long as I want to go, I can leave at any time. Are you grandfather Chu, what you say is fart?" Qianmianzi sarcastically said.

"I'm talking," Chu Shaoyang still answered with a blush and a heartless look, and he looked seriously. "You have left the palace of the king now, aren't you?"

From the beginning to the end, his lips were covered with that wicked smile, which was unpredictable.

Suddenly, there was a feeling that the other face was a cat, and he was a mouse. He let himself go, just like a cat deliberately let go of a mouse, and he would never die if he did n’t play tricks.

He gritted his teeth hard and gritted them.

"Chu Shaoyang, you ..." Before he finished, his pupils shrank again.

Because at this moment, he saw the second call signal rise into the sky.

In the sunny daytime, the firework signal is not conspicuous, and many people will not pay attention, while the trained Zixiaoge killers can distinguish it at a glance.

Obviously, the person waiting for him has already begun to worry, and sent another urgent message.

No, we must quickly get rid of Chu Shaoyang!

Otherwise, if he can't get to the appointed place, his companion will think that he can't be found and go to another place.

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