Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2793: Entrapped by a lunatic

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Although the thousand-faced son is in the position of the young master in the Zixiao Pavilion, the master of the Xiaoxiao Pavilion has stricter discipline and requirements for him. Words.

Because the killer is cold-blooded and ruthless.

Once you have an emotional killer, you are no longer an individual killer.

Thousand-faced son's respect for his righteous father is deeply buried in his heart, and he dare not show a little bit.

Until he met Shen Ning, his heart that had been frozen for thousands of years gradually melted, and he gradually had the feelings of people, and understood the joys and sorrows of people, and the separation of joy and sorrow.

Now he is no longer the cold-blooded killer who kills people without blinking his eyes.

The kindness and care of others for him, he can now feel clearly, and will have a touch of gratitude.

This will never happen to him before.

"Tuo Ba Zheng ..."

Suddenly there was a trace of softness in Master Qian's heart. He looked at Tuobazheng and his lips fluttered slightly.

But his heart felt only for a moment, and in a flash, his heart was once again blocked by ice.

"You haven't said anything beautiful, and I can never like you, because I am a man, and only my aunt is in my heart."

He was not afraid of hurting Tuobazheng at all. The sooner he let this fool die, the better.

The thousand-faced son who thought he was so famous, was actually entangled by a fool, so ambiguously entangled, if it reached the ears of Zixiao Pavilion, those of his partners would not blame it.

"I know you like your aunt, and my uncle likes her too, but what does this have to do with how I like you?" Tuobazheng puzzled.

"You ... you ..." The Thousand Faced Son stared at him, almost speechless.

He found himself stupid, and actually reasoned with a fool.

"Can you not call his uncle in the future! I have nothing to do with him at all!" He said unbearably.

"Okay, I listen to everything you say. If you don't let me tell me, you don't." Tuobazheng grinned and smiled.

"What the **** are you going to let me go?" Thousand-faced son no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't make any effort to pull him. He looked around and saw more and more people lively, and he began to be restless.

Because he was still wearing a long dress and holding his dark hair, it was his original face that was revealed.

This gave him a feeling of being exposed to the eyes without wearing clothes.

"I won't let go, Qianqian, you don't know how hard I'll wait for you." Tuobazheng held one arm of Qianmianzi, like that, it was like a poor puppy. There is a little posture of the prince.

The onlookers laughed when they saw this scene.

"I said girl, go home with the second prince, if you have anything to say, go home."

Thousand-faced son is neither crying nor laughing, he ca n’t wait to kick Tuoba Zheng to the country of Java.

I knew that the Chu mansion would be entangled by this madman as soon as he came out, and he would never leave anything.

"What are you doing here?"

Suddenly, a cold and beautiful voice rang.

Upon hearing this sound, Tuoba Zheng suddenly jumped up like a cat with a burnt tail.

Turning back suddenly, the joy on his face froze suddenly.

"Chu ... Shaoyang!" He shouted silently.

The young man standing behind the two men stood long and stood tall, his eyes cold and handsome, and the purple robe looked unusually luxurious under the sunlight, and his eyes became more delicate.

Not Chu Shaoyang, who is it!

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