Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

But now he looked at Shen Ning again, it was completely different from before.

Not long ago, he regarded Shen Ning as a dog's tail grass, and he wished to get rid of it sooner.

This should not blame him, no one wants to let the creditor follow him like a tail.

But now, even if Shen Ning wants to go, he will not let her go.

This little girl is a strange treasure, if he didn't understand the secrets of this little girl, how could he be stubborn.

He is now almost fortunate that he owed a debt to this little girl. If it was not because he owed her money, she might not even be a bird.

"Okay, ten thousand twelve is ten thousand two, plus the previous, I owe you a total of fifteen thousand two silver, Gee, little girl, you didn't expect you to make such a fortune? Have this money? , You can't spend it all in your life, not even in your next life or your next life. "

The man touched his nose and smiled with a white tooth, casting his kindness.

He originally thought that Shen Ning would show an idiot-like surprise expression, fifteen thousand two silvers, afraid that this little girl had never heard of it in her life, how could she know that Shen Ning was still a calm expression on his face, like he had just let it go Fart.

"You talk so much, don't you feel thirsty after so much blood and so much?" She glanced up at him.

I'm really thirsty.

Only then did the man find himself patronized by surprise, and he didn't even have time to wrap his shoulder.

He ripped off a piece of cloth, wrapped it around his shoulder injury casually, walked over to the stream and drank a belly, and walked back.

"Go!" He said.

Shen Ning motionless, said lightly: "You take off your jacket."

"What? Undress? Why do you want to undress?" The man's eyes widened.

"Give you some medicine." She had a flat stone in her hand and a pile of smashed grass on it.

The man smiled and waved carelessly: "I'm not a charming little lady, no medicine, this little injury is nothing."

"This injury is really nothing, but there is an invisible toxin on the paws of jackals, tigers and leopards. As long as the skin is broken and the blood is seen, this invisible poison will infiltrate your body and lurk up, the longest period It can be latent for 20 years, it may not happen for a lifetime, but once it starts, it will definitely die within three days. Whether to apply medicine or not, you decide for yourself. "

"What!" The man's eyes were bigger than the brass bells, and he could not help shivering shrewdly. "Hey, girl, won't you deliberately scare me?"

"Believe it or not." Her expression is always faint, as if talking about not his life or death, but the topic that the weather is good today.

The man stared at her, then turned to look at the ointment in her hand, and muttered: "How do I know if you deliberately scared me? It is this herbal ointment that really makes me toxic ..."

Shen Ning did not wait for him to finish talking, so he threw the stone in his hand to the side.

"Let's go," she said lightly. "Since you don't believe me, I don't need to be kindly regarded as a donkey liver and lungs."

The man refused to leave. He took off his shirt three or two to reveal a sturdy and full chest. His skin was healthy bronze, and there were many scars on the front chest and back.

The scars are deep and shallow, and vary in shape.

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