Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2301: Really silly or fake silly

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

He picked up the herbal paste on the stone, applied a thick layer to the wound on his shoulder, then grinned at Shen Ning, his teeth bright and white.

"The little girl is young and her temper is not small. I just casually said that of course there would be no poison in this medicine. If you poisoned me, where would you go to take the fifteen thousand and two silvers ... Ah!" Suddenly screamed in the head, "Little girl, won't you have to pay for this medicine?"

Shen Ning said calmly: "Save the people to the end, this medicine paste will be delivered for free."

The man's heart fell to the ground and he laughed.

Then he realized that he still looked away. When the little girl put away her claws, she really looked like a harmless lamb.

It's just that now he doesn't dare to be as brazen as he first met.

He was worried that if he annoyed her, there might be hidden weapons hidden around her. If he annoyed her, the leopard was the best example.

The man touched his nose again, said nothing more, turned and strode forward.

Just two steps, Shen Ning said.

"Wait a minute."

The man turned back and looked at her puzzled.

"What's wrong? Can't you walk? You can do it if you want me to carry it. Five thousand two silver dollars, I will carry it until you get out of the forest." He said with a big voice, his teeth showing with a smile.

Looking at the little girl's weak and helpless wind, he couldn't help being complacent for the in-situ price, but he was embarrassed to think that someone had just prepared herbs for himself and forfeited the money.

Anyone knows that Shen Ning ignored him at all and pointed to the leopard.

"Although the flesh of this leopard is poisonous, this skin is intact, and if it is peeled off, it can be worth a lot of money," she said lightly.

The man moved, looking at the leopard's body.

Not bad, this is a complete leopard skin, without any scars, it can indeed sell a lot of money.

But he can take out 15,000 or two silver people casually, and he still cares about a leopard skin!

"Do you want this leopard skin? One thousand two, I will peel it for you." He said with a smile.

He knew that the little girl would never agree, but deliberately made things difficult.

Because he can see that although the little girl is clever and clever, she has no power to let her peel the leopard skin? She has no strength at all.

"Okay." Shen Ning nodded and said seriously, "One thousand two is one thousand two. You owe me fourteen thousand two now."

"..." The man opened his mouth suddenly and stared at her in amazement.

This leopard skin, even if it is intact, is worth up to twenty-two silver. When you open your mouth, it is one thousand two, which is to deliberately want to use his own way to cure his body. Now!

Is she stupid!

Whether she is really stupid or fake stupid, what she says is like splashing water, that cannot be regretted.

The man peeled the leopard skin quickly and quickly. He quickly peeled off a whole leopard skin, took the blood stains by the river, rolled it into a bundle behind him, and gave Shen Ning a glance.

"Can you go now?" He touched his nose a little bit depressed.

"Uh." She continued to follow him.

It was just that this time the man did not leave her far behind, but picked up the chopping knife that was thrown away by the leopard, chopped thorns, and cleared a way.

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