Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"Nonsense! Little girl nonsense!"

The man did n’t even believe a word. He saw Shen Ning the first time he knew that the little girl had no power to restrain the chicken. She could n’t even walk with stability. Just kill a fierce and flexible leopard!

Shen Ning did not explain, walked to the leopard's body and kicked the leopard with his feet.

The leopard died so thoroughly that he didn't move.

She bent down and touched the leopard's neck, and there was already a long silver needle in her hand.

The man opened his mouth in surprise when he saw the silver needle.

"Unfortunately, this needle is poisonous. The entire leopard's meat is highly toxic and can't be eaten, otherwise I really want to taste what the leopard's meat is." Put the silver needle into it carefully.

"This ... where did you change this needle? Do you have a hidden weapon?"

The man finally closed his mouth and asked.

He looked up and down, left and right, and he didn't find any hidden weapon in the little girl.

"If you see it, can it still be called a hidden weapon?" Shen Ning said lightly.

She dared to leave alone and was naturally prepared.

The man's complexion suddenly became dignified.

"Who are you?" He now felt that the little girl was definitely not a poor girl.

Her every move was awkward.

How could a poor girl still carry a poison needle concealer on her body, and the toxicity on the needle was so strong that a tiny needle could actually poison a ferocious leopard in an instant.

Such a poison ... he has heard of it, but he has never seen it.

But in any case it should not be seen on such a poor girl in a barren mountain.

"Who am I?" Shen Ning tilted his head for a moment, which was really a difficult question for her.

She can never tell the man in front of her that she is a modern man who has come across.

"I am a homeless person." She said plainly.

"You will be homeless?" The man almost screamed.

However, he looked at Shen Ning again and thought that the other party might be telling the truth.

Because Shen Ning really looks like a person living in a mountain forest, her dress is worn out and her face is haggard, and she is very familiar with the things in the mountain forest, and she can tell the difference between the mountain apple and the red amaranth at a glance They all sighed like Furu.

"Then the hidden weapon from you came from? Where did the poison on this needle come from?" He looked at Shen Ning in a worried voice.

Not long ago, he also regarded the little girl in front of him as a lamb to be slaughtered, but now he only knows how ridiculous he is wrong.

Where is this gentle girl a gentle lamb, clearly a wolf with no teeth!

No wonder the leopard did not dare to pounce on her when she saw her falling asleep, and instead found herself, because the leopard was smarter than him and did not want to seek his own way.

The man was scared for a while after thinking of the mean thought he hid in the heart of the tree.

If the little girl knew that she was calculating her, would she let herself taste the poisonous needle that had gone without a trace?

Shen Ning gave him a light look.

"This is my business, and I don't know your Excellency. Is my business related to you?" She said coldly.

The man suddenly spoke up, and he realized that he was a little anxious, how could he inquire about things from other girls' houses.

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