Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2267: Only one condition

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Tuoba Zheng smiled and retreated: "Okay, I'm going, I'm going, but I'm outside. If you need anything, just call me and I will come in."

Thousand-faced son did not speak, but looked at him with his autumn eyes.

Tuobazheng felt a cold in his heart, and quickly left the room and took the door, only to feel that a heart was still pounding.

Joy, excitement, excitement and uncontrollable joy made him immersed in the happy waves.

Hearing the sound of water in the room, his heart was tickling, and he tried to peep through the cracks of the window several times and was forced to hold back.

At this moment, he seemed to have returned to the scene when he was peeking at the bath of his father's favorite princess when he was a boy. At that time, he was nervous and excited.

He hasn't felt this kind of nervousness for many years.

The sound of water stopped, and Tuobazheng was excited, almost trying to push the door in, but when he thought of the frosty face, he sighed and took his hand back.

Now he does n’t dare to be a darling, and he does n’t know why. In the past, he was not afraid of fear. As long as he is the beauty he fancy, he has to do everything possible, and he does whatever he wants, regardless of whether the other party is willing or not.

But in the face of Qianqian, he felt that he was blaspheming her no matter what he did. He didn't want to go against her will, maybe he owed her debts in his last life.

Tuoba Zheng sighed quietly, feeling that he finally understood Chu Shaoyang a little bit, why he turned a blind eye to the woman next to him, why he regarded the girl named Ning'er as the treasure in his palm, this is where the love is. !

But he is much luckier than Chu Shaoyang. Chu Shaoyang's favorite girl has become ashes, and the girl he likes is in the room. In any case, he can't lose the happiness he has.

"Thousands of girls, can I come in?"

Tuoba Zheng wandered outside the room door, waited for a while, never heard the voice calling him in the room door, could not help raising his voice and asked.

He heard a sound of shattered footsteps, and then the door was opened.

Tuobazheng saw the thousand-faced son at a glance, suddenly opened his eyes, held his breath, and his heart almost jumped out of his cavity.

"Thousands ... thousands, you ... are so beautiful!"

It took a while for him to recover from his stunned state, but he still felt dizzy, as if in a dream.

The girl in front of him was almost exactly the same as when he saw her for the first time, wearing a long white snowy dress with long hair flying, bright eyes like snow, cold and arrogant and noble expression, just like Lingbo fairy appeared in front of his eyes .

Thousand-faced son glanced at himself in the mirror with a squint, his lips twitched a faint smile.

He hated the makeup of his woman the most, and even hated others for treating herself as a woman, but now, he is willing to act as a woman.

His purpose is only one, that is to do whatever it takes to help her get revenge!

In order to avenge revenge, what is self-esteem and humiliation.

"The second prince, I can marry you, but before getting married, you have to promise me a condition." He opened his lips lightly and exhaled like blue.

Tuobazheng was overjoyed and said with a smile: "Don't say a condition, that is, ten or hundred of them have agreed to you."

Qianmianzi nodded slowly: "Before you get married, you can't touch me. Although I am a poor girl floating in the rivers and lakes, I also know how to take my own weight, if you can do it ..."

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