Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2268: Indifferent treatment

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"I can do it!" Tuobazheng nodded even without thinking.

He was relieved and relieved, thinking that she would give herself a very difficult condition. Unexpectedly, it would be this, which made him pay more respect to the thousand-faced son in addition to admiration.

"Okay." Thousand-faced son Zhan Yan smiled.

Tuobazheng didn't see it, with a sharp blade of sharpness in the other's smile.

He is immersed in the happiness of being overjoyed.

Thousand-faced Master turned slowly, the smile on his face disappeared, and the fingers hanging down his sleeves slowly became a fist.

Chu Shaoyang, you wait, and it wo n’t take long for me to cut off your head by hand. I will cut it slowly and a little bit. I want you to feel ten times, hundreds, and thousands of times pain!


The car curtain was lifted, and a bright light shone into the car.

Shen Ning narrowed his eyes, not surprisingly saw the tall figure of the mask man get into the carriage.

As soon as he came in, he carried a scent of food.

"This is a freshly baked bun with a thin filling, but it's very hot. Be careful when you eat it." The man opened the food box and placed a steaming bun in front of her. There were also small dishes and seasonings. .

Shen Ning's lips smiled ironically.

"You keep tying me, how do I eat? Do you want to feed me?"

The man stared at her as if seriously considering her problems, and nodded.

"If you like the way I feed you, I am naturally happy."

Shen Ning's face was suddenly hot, and then as if covered with a layer of frost.

She stretched her hand forward: "Unlock."

The man did not hold her acupuncture points, but tied her hands and feet with silk ribbons until she ate her meal, but when she slept at night, he still tied her meticulously.

"If you're worried about my escape, why didn't you point my acupuncture point?" She watched him untie the ribbon on her wrist and said coldly.

The man shook his head: "That will make you bloodless and not good for your health."

Shen Ning sneered: "Then you tied me like this, is it good for my body?"

She was **** like a prisoner and her hands and feet were trapped beside this man.

During the day, the man took her to the carriage, rushed on the road nonstop, and at night rested in the inn.

The man hugged her to sleep at night, but except for the first night that confused her, the man just hugged her in a proper manner and never did anything to her.

But this did not let her let go of her wariness.

She always looked at him with alert eyes, always guarding him.

In the past few days, the place where she was burned by the fire has slowly begun to heal. With the daily diet and adequate sleep, her appearance has become better, and there is a light pink on her cheeks. Skin is more delicate.

She eats and sleeps on time. When she first fell asleep in a man's arms, she couldn't fall asleep almost all night. Later, she gradually got used to it. Leaning on his warm and hot arms, she would even sleep till dawn.

When she opened her eyes, she would see that the man was awake but lying motionless beside her. Those eyes looked at her intently through the slits in the mask until she turned coldly to the beginning.

The man chuckled, untied the ribbon on her wrist, and then habitually massaged her elbow soreness.

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