Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2266: Prove it, show him!

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He said softly: "Second Prince, do you really like me?"

"Of course it is true, do you still doubt my heart?" Tuoba Zheng exclaimed.

"If you are true, then prove it to me." Qian Qiangzi gently bit his lip.

His suspicious and thoughtful look in Tuobazheng's eyes made him look warm for a while, but he thought he would be happy even if it was to die for the girl in front of him.

"How do you want me to prove, dig out your heart and show it to you?" He exclaimed.

Thousand-faced son gently shook his head: "If you like me, you can't force me. Like my aunt, I would rather be a jade crusher than a complete person. If you use violence against me, it will only make me more Look down on you, and look down on you forever. "

Tuobazheng immediately loosened his arms and hugged him, his body backed away, an awkward smile on his face.

"I just couldn't help myself for a while, I didn't mean to offend you, Qianqian, you ... don't be angry, how can I use violence against you? I'm not Chu Shaoyang's bastard, I actually want to be in public with your aunt's cave ... Oh, I seem to have said the wrong thing again. "

The thousand-faced son shook his head and said: "Don't mention the matter of my aunt again, don't mention a word again."

He tried to control the urge to kill and calm his expression.

Chu Shaoyang, sooner or later, I will add you to her humiliation, and I will get back to you bit by bit!

Tuobazheng opened his round eyes: "Thousands of thousands, did you promise to marry me?"

Thousand-faced son did not answer.

He gathered a handful of scattered hair and glanced around the room. He said lightly: "I want to change clothes and freshen up. I must be ugly and dirty now."

He was still wearing the same dress two days ago, and his body was full of alcohol. He exuded a smell that he couldn't even smell when he smelled it. He was so sorry that Tuobazheng did not dislike it. He smells ...

Fragrant fart!

"Thousands of thousands, you are not ugly, not ugly at all!" Tuobazheng jumped with joy and said incoherently: "But the clothes on you are too ugly to match your looks at all, I will send someone immediately You send clothes, send the best and best clothes! "

He clapped his hands again and again, summoned people to come in, and ordered him to continue.

After a while, clothes, hot water, jewelry, food, and other things were brought into the room like flowing water. The maid and the wife squeezed the big room, and there was almost no place to turn around.

Thousand-faced man took a breath and frowned at the person in the room.

"You let them all go out, I don't like the people next to me when I bathe."

"Okay, you all go out, go out!" Tuobazheng obeyed his words, even if he saw him frown, his heart would jump.

He drove everyone out of the room like a fly.

"Qianqian, or ... shall I bathe you?" He said with a grin.

Qianmianzi gave him a blank look and said, "You go out too."

Tuobazheng smiled and said: "If I go out, how do you take a shower?"

Thousand-faced son gritted his teeth and sat up from the bed. His condition was much better than that of the soft-skinned Shen Ning, although he could not exert his strength, he was not a wasteless man who could not move.

"Go out!" He raised his eyebrows.

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