Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2206: Because she is a fool

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This was his long-term plan and the first step in preparing him to humiliate her.

But his fingers began to tremble, and he lost his strength to grasp.

"Dog? You actually regarded Ben Wang as a dog?"

Chu Shaoyang settled his mind, then smiled, and he was angry at his inexplicable softness just now, and even more annoyed by the word in her mouth.

"I am a dog, what is he Chu Mochuan? Do you think he will be better than me, gentler than me? Seriously, I have always been curious about one thing." His fingers slowly touched her cheek, soft Sighing carefully: "It's not a day or two for you to get married with him, why has he never touched you? Is it because he can't? Or, he's not a man at all, just an embroidered pillow-surface light? "

She closed her eyes and ignored them.

Chu Shaoyang smiled again: "For whatever reason, I just want to say that he is an absolute fool! Every night holding his beloved girl without any action, either he will not do it, or he will I do n’t like you at all! Girl, there will always be a day when I become a woman sooner or later, Ning'er, we have already worshipped the world, you are already the wife of my Ming media who is marrying, I want to marry you, and you Why make such a look? The flower candle in this cave does not stipulate that it must be in the cave, can it not be done in this hall? "

The words behind him did not lower the voice, and the clear voice echoed in the hall, causing a strange cry and cheers.

"Good talk! Where is the cave room not a cave room!"

"It's best here!"

"Let us feast our eyes!"

All the guests who are afraid that the world is not chaotic are cheering.

There are also some old Cheng who ca n’t help but frown, wanting to say a few words of condemnation, but remembering the emperor ’s kindness and favor of Chu Shaoyang, he swallowed back the words that came to his mouth, but just shook Shake his head and let it go.

"Women, what she will never forget in her life is her first man, the man who made her feel painful. If I can't get your heart, then I will also get your person, I want A deep imprint in your life, even if you hate me, I will get you! I want you to never forget me in my life! "

Chu Shaoyang suddenly lowered his head and stared at her face, fingers pinching her chin, forcing her to open her eyes again in pain.

There were no tears in her eyes, and only a kind of self-deprecation and satire.

"I regret ..." she said softly and said silently: "Why didn't you leave you earlier."

After saying this, after thinking about it, she said silently: "Because I am a fool."

"Haha, hahaha!" Chu Shaoyang laughed loudly, and all the tears came out of his laugh. He wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, but the laughter still couldn't stop flowing.

"This is the ridiculous sentence I have heard in my life, Ning'er, I will rush at you, and I will hurt you well. You can rest assured that after you have tasted this taste, even later I drove you with a whip, and you won't leave me. "

In the laughter, his hand caught the placket of her chest again.

His patience has run out, and he has been impatient to wait any longer.

I believe that he and her have all been seen by Chu Mochuan in his eyes, and listening to his ears, the man must have felt the heartache to the extreme, and must have been angry to the extreme.

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