Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2205: Bitten by a dog

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"Chu Shaoyang, you will regret it." Shen Ning's lips moved. She did not close her eyes, but looked directly at Chu Shaoyang.

Her eyes were as calm as before, which made Chu Shaoyang feel a kind of familiarity in a trance, but at the same time it brought strange stimulation.

Yes, he likes her like this! Let him return to the past in a trance.

That dark underground stone room, she once looked at him with such cold and disgusted eyes.

He was really worried that she begged him for mercy like a pitiful little sheep, so he would lose all interest in her, so he gave her medicine, so that she could not speak or move, only to let He is at his mercy.

It was shameless to do so, he knew it clearly, but he did n’t care at all.

Chu Shaoyang was originally a person who wanted to do whatever he wanted. He does n’t want anything now, but just wants revenge!

Revenge her, even revenge him!

He is going to destroy both of them in full view!

"Haha, regret? No, I will not regret, and I will never regret it. I just want to put the shame you put on me, and I will give it back to you even more! I am not enough, far enough! "

He whispered that only she could hear. The excitement and pleasure in his eyes was uncontrollable. Hearing the sound of rushing sounds around him made him even more excited.

Shen Ning closed her eyes and stopped talking.

She knew that no matter what she said, she could not stop this crazy man, or a crazy beast.

He's crazy!

Although she didn't know how powerful he was to get this way, she did know that Chu Shaoyang in front of her was no longer the one she knew!

"Open your eyes and look at me!"

Chu Shaoyang lowered his head and stared at her coldly, giving orders with a habitual command tone.

This **** woman thought he was Chu Shaoyang or the former Chu Shaoyang who obediently obeyed her?

Once he loved her and fell in love with the bone marrow. He couldn't bear to say a heavy word to her, and loved to die for her!

But how did she repay him?

She was carrying him with other men! She is still acting on herself!

The little white rabbit and sheep she played really succeeded in getting his disgust.

Well, in this case, he will humiliate her fiercely in front of everyone, tear off her little white rabbit mask in front of everyone, and see if she will not act again!

Shen Ning opened her eyes, and her eyes remained calm, without anger or shame.

Her lips moved slightly:

"Whatever you want, I just took a bite from the dog." She said silently.

What, what!

Chu Shaoyang could hardly believe his ears.

He glared at her, her calmness was not pretended, no one can maintain calm in this case, but she can!

But how can she!

Should n’t she be panic-stricken, beg for mercy, confess her mistakes aloud, should n’t she beg her?

Why these other women should have responded to her?

At this moment, he seemed to be hit hard with a big hammer in his heart, staring blankly at her, and his mind became blank.

His palm had grabbed the thin white satin coat on her chest, and as long as it was gently pulled, her body would be exposed in front of people without obstruction.

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