Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2207: Drama, can't act anymore

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What could be more shameful and more painful in this world than watching your wife and your beloved woman lying under another man, Cheng Huan? It must be a hundred times more painful than cutting the meat with a knife!

Chu Mochuan, open your eyes and see clearly!

See how Chu Shaoyang "lovs" your woman!

"Tear! Tear! Tear!"

Many young people have been ignited by this scene. They stood up, and some even stood on the chairs and shouted with fists.

His eyes were flushed, his expression excited, as if the man who forced the bride was themselves.

Even Tuoba Zheng stood up.

The audience was excited.

"Fire! Fire!"

Suddenly, a panic shout came from outside.

Following the shout, a servant rushed in and gave a shocked report.

"The lord is not good, the big things are not good! Fire!"

Chu Shaoyang raised his head fiercely, and his eyes were hazy.

At this time, he is like an arrow on the string, which is about to hit, and anyone who comes to disturb him will only die!

Before the next man's words were finished, he was swept by a strong wind, spitting blood out of his mouth, and flew straight out of the body, crashing into the yard with a snap.

Everyone suddenly exclaimed, but one after another people rushed in.

"Master, the fire is fierce, and it will burn here soon. Please invite Master and all the adults to leave ..."

Someone looked out of the window and screamed with a loss of voice.

"Not good! Really caught fire! Run away, run away!"

Suddenly a strong black smoke came in from the window at this time, only to make everyone cough for a while, many people's faces were discolored, and no matter what image they were, they ran out of the door in a panic.

But the door was narrow and many people crowded together, and suddenly fell back on his back.

Everyone did not care about the pain, let alone complain, and got up from the ground and continued to escape outside the door, fearing that one step later, he would become a roast duck in this happy hall.

The huge Xitang suddenly became a mess, shouting, yelling, running, jumping and jumping.

Chu Shaoyang looked at this scene dumbfounded.

A well-prepared drama he hasn't had time to stage yet, but the audience has all run out. How should this drama let him continue?

He was angry and anxious and shouted, "What about the guards in the house? They all died out? Butler, butler!"

The housekeeper panicked and said: "Go back to the prince, the slave just went to check. This fire started from the stable in the backyard. The fire was not big at all. The slave had sent someone to put out the fire. I thought this little thing You do n’t have to alarm the prince, you did n’t report it to the prince, but the minions did n’t know how the fire burned here ... "

Chu Shaoyang flew a kick and kicked him after he finished talking.

"You waste, stupid! This fire is clearly intentionally set by someone, what the guards in the house are doing, even if someone sets fire? Hurry, let everyone go out to save the fire, and see the person who set fire, Don't talk about killing! "

"Yeah, yeah, lord, the minions will tell you this."

The butler climbed up and ran out, but ran out, but in this happy hall, less than 180 people were seated. Everyone ran out of the door in a hurry. He did n’t squeeze out for a long time. His head was sweaty and his back was soaked with sweat.

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