Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2163: Fool, get away

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What he said:

"Fool, get away!"

Tears ran down the corner of her eyes. She was very sad at the time and did n’t know how she returned to her house. She only remembered that she went to sister Biyun to tell her. Sister Biyun comforted her and said that it was love to call her a curse. The prince scolded her fiercely, that was to love her deeply.

Missing his grandfather, he can't show her love to her in a large crowd?

I actually believed what Sister Biyun said!

Sure enough, it's a fool!

Now Shen Ning will never believe that Shen Biyun's sentence is open to words. The lord's disgust comes from the heart. He really hates her.

If the ghosts in her body really disappeared, then she could no longer see the affectionate eyes of the prince in her life, and could no longer hear the thoughtful words of the prince.

Although when the prince said the wild ghost said these words, she was only in a dark corner, but her heart was full of happiness, and the taste of sweet satisfaction that she would never forget in her life.

This is how people get. The more they get, the more greedy they become. Her original request was simple. She only wanted the ghost in her body to avenge her, but after revenge, she found that she still wanted to get it. Wang Ye's heart!

"I suggest you think about it and answer me again, because once you make a decision, you can't change it anymore." Gu Qingze didn't nod immediately, but reminded her.

She bit her lip and thought for a while and asked, "If I and her become one, then, is this body her or me? Can I still control this body? If she would treat me like before, What if I ’m locked in a place I ca n’t see? I do n’t want to go there again. It ’s small and dark. I ca n’t see anything. It ’s like being in jail. I do n’t want it. I do n’t want to go back. ”

Gu Qingze said: "No, you and she will be in this body at the same time, but you are the original owner of this body after all, her consciousness is much weaker than yours, what you do n’t want to do, she is absolutely Can't do it, of course, if she doesn't want to do something, you can't force her to do it, for example, you wholeheartedly want to marry Chu Shaoyang, but the person she likes is not Chu Shaoyang, you can't force her to go Do something close to Chu Shaoyang. "

She lowered her head and pondered his words, which seemed to sound nothing wrong.

However, after all, he is the master of the wild ghost, do you want to believe him?

After hesitating, she looked up and said, "She now has amnesia, she no longer remembers Chu Mochuan, and the prince treats her well. She has been slowly moved by the prince, if she is willing to marry the prince if she is willing? Then I ... "

Gu Qingze didn't wait for her to finish, she nodded and said: "If it is really her willingness, then of course it is the best of both worlds, and you don't have to worry too much, she is just a lonely ghost who doesn't know where, It ’s the main body of this body. After a long time, you will slowly absorb her consciousness. When the time comes, you will be the master and she will be the vice. She can no longer control your thoughts. It ’s not her who benefits, but you. "

She was overjoyed, but then looked at Gu Qingze suspiciously.

"If this is really the case, wouldn't she disappear? She is your apprentice, will you hurt her like this? I don't believe it." She shook her head.

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