Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2162: Such an ending

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

"Only I, Gu Qingze, can do it in this world. No one except me will believe what you say, or a word." He said one word at a time.

"Then ... are you really willing to help me? You ... why are you helping me?"

She bit her lip and looked at him suspiciously, her eyes full of distrust.

Yes, now she will no longer easily believe others, especially the young man in front of her.

"She is your disciple, you should be wholeheartedly towards her, you said you want to help me, how do I know that you don't want to harm me? You want to let me disappear, let your disciple take the place, and hegemony forever Live this body, right? "

She flinched back, squeezing her body tightly in a corner, hugging her shoulders tightly.

"Don't think about it! Do you want to drive me away! I just came back, and I said nothing!"

Gu Qingze stood there without moving, he shook his head gently.

"Do you still have a choice now? The result of your continued **** of this body is that you will never get Chu Shaoyang's heart, and will only make him more disgusting you day by day! Only let her come back , You can get what you want. "

She bit her lip hard and stared at him silently.

"I have a way to make the two of you become one and become one person. You don't have to leave, she won't leave. Will you accept this ending?" Gu Qingze said slowly.

"Will, of course!" She blurted out again.

If this is really the case, it would be a great ending.

Of course she knew that Gu Qingze was not intimidating herself. Lord, his attitude towards her these days, she knew better than anyone. Although the prince did not discover her secret, he will find out sooner or later.

Even if she wanted to continue to deceive herself, she could not do it, because the lord really hated her day by day, she could not understand or understand, not all the same face and the same body, why the lone soul ghost Let the prince love her and live to death, so that she can give up everything, not even life?

Why did you change yourself, the lord looked like mud and dirt?

That is definitely not just hate, but deep disgust.

Just like before she became married to the prince, the prince looked at her with such disgusting eyes.

At that time, she listened to Shen Biyun's words, and she was dressed up with flowers and makeup, and rushed down the road to the palace under the lord, rushing out to stop the lord's horse's head, and confessed his admiration to him in public.

Because Bi Yun's sister said that he was so heroic, and the last thing he liked was the charming girls. The girl he likes must be courageous and dare to confess.

So she summoned up all the courage and stopped his horse on the street.

She took out the words that she had memorized for three days, but what she exchanged was not the eyes of the lord who admired her favorite. She remembered that the lord was sitting on a tall horseback, and she was as beautiful as a fairy. He only looked at her. At a glance, there was full of contempt, disgust and disdain.

He only said four words to her.

She seemed to have been struck by thunder, and the whole person froze, until he could not even see her back, she still stood there dumbly.

All around was full of laughter and disdain from the lively people, but she could not see or hear, and the words that the prince said always echoed in her ears.

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