Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2164: Not to do it does n’t mean you do n’t want to do it

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Gu Qingze sighed quietly and turned to the door.

"Since you don't believe me, let me find another host. I believe she will be more interested in the new body. Perhaps this is the best way for her." He said to himself.

"Wait!" She exclaimed, biting her lips hard at the same time.

No, it must not allow the wild ghost to find a new host, which would greatly disadvantage her.

Because no matter who she is parasitic on, it will definitely attract the attention of the prince again, and it is only then that she really regrets it.

It would be better to share a body with the wild ghost. She believes that since she can suppress the wild ghost once, she will definitely suppress her for the second time, maybe it will suppress her in her life.

It is said to be shared, but the ancient doctor of the surname Gu is right, she is the original owner of this body, the wild ghost is just an alien, what qualifications does she have to fight the body with herself? Sooner or later, she will absorb her consciousness and make her a part of herself.

But Gu Qingze didn't stop, he didn't hear her words, and he didn't look back.

Shen Ning was anxious, chasing out the door in three and two steps, pulling his sleeve tightly.

"Ancient Doctor, please stay, I ... I promise you, I am willing to be one with her."

Gu Qingze frowned, and his eyes fell on her hand holding her sleeve, and said lightly: "Miss Shen, you are not my apprentice now. This pull is pulling, it is inevitable to be rude."

Huh, Princess Ben hasn't thought of you as a savage savage.

She sneered in her heart, but with a humble smile on her face, she released her hand and saluted him.

"Ancient doctor, I was rude, and I will pay you a courtesy."

"Don't dare to do it. Miss Shen, do you really think about it? Once you make a decision, you can't change it, and there is no possibility of regret."

"I ... I thought about it, everything is according to the Divine Doctor, but I don't know how the Divine Doctor is going to unite me into two?" She watched him carefully.

Gu Qingze thought for a while and said: "I might as well confess to you, I will first let you fall into a lethargy with a golden needle, and then combine you two into one in your sleep. When you wake up, you are no longer alone, but the two of you wake up at the same time. "

It sounds really weird and unbelievable!

But Shen Ning had experienced it, but instead she listened calmly and nodded slowly.

"Okay, just do it. I don't know when the doctor will prepare to give me an injection?"

Gu Qingze pondered: "Tomorrow is the day when you and Chu Shaoyang became married. It is better to wait for you to be married before I give you a needle."

"No, that's too late." She burst out.

"Late?" Gu Qingze looked at her.

"Sir, he ... he is very unhappy with me now and now, and I worry that after he gets married tomorrow, he, he will ..." She bit her lip, remembering the last sentence left by Chu Shaoyang, and the chill hit directly. Heart.

He said in person that a gift was prepared for her. As for what the gift was, she couldn't even think about it.

At this time, although her appearance was restored as before, the two heavy slaps at that time often made her wake up in the past few days even in her sleep.

The prince has not dealt with her again recently, but that does not mean that he does not want to do it.

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