Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Gu Qingze sighed softly and stood up to look at her. The expression in her eyes was more complicated, making her unable to see through.

She bit her lip and smiled reluctantly on her face: "Thank you, Master, your medical skills are really good. If you are not a Master, Tu'er will really have no face to marry Wang Ye tomorrow ..."

Gu Qingze suddenly raised his hand and stopped what she said below.

She looked at him puzzled.

He said quietly: "No, you are not like her as soon as you open your mouth. Although your face is exactly like her, you are not her at all! When will you pretend to be? Who are you ... who?"

Her face suddenly turned white, her smile disappeared without a trace, trembling: "Master, Master, what are you saying? Why can't Tu'er understand your words?"

"Unable to understand? No, you can understand." Gu Qingze stared at her eyes: "Although you are far less clever than her, but you are not a fool, but you want to hide me , But you ca n’t do it. You ’re not Shen Ya at all, and you are not my apprentice. You tell me plainly who you are? Why do you want to dominate Shen Ya ’s body? She? Where did she go? "

Her body shook slightly, then her eyes widened, her eyes innocent.

"Master, what are you talking about? I know Shen Ning, the daughter of General Shen Da ..."

"Okay, you rarely act in front of me, I have seen it for a long time, you are not her at all!" Gu Qingze interrupted her impatiently: "You thought you could hide Chu Shaoyang, but you can't. My eyes, my apprentice has never been like you, sloppy like a snot! Just because you want to pretend to be my apprentice? You do n’t deserve it when you wash her feet! "

Her face changed again and again, and when he finished his last sentence, she couldn't help it anymore and screamed:

"Shut up! What are you qualified to say me like this! Why are you! What are you! What is she? Why can't you say I can't compare to her! What good is she! You all like her, Treat her like a baby! You are like this, and so is your prince! But I am Shen Ning, and I am really Shen Ning! "

She burst into tears and collapsed.

"Did you finally say it? I really read it right, you really are not her."

Gu Qingze took a step forward and said coldly: "Just because you want to compare with her? Do you think you have taken over her body, can you hide everyone? From the beginning, I suspected that you had a problem, and it did Question! Where are you monsters and ghosts, why do you want to occupy her body? "

"Me? Am I a demon? I took her body?"

She raised her head from the ground and stopped crying, her face full of anger and resentment.

"Obviously she is the lonely ghost who doesn't know where it is, it's her who takes my body! It's her! She is the ghost of the dove in the magpie's nest! It's her, not me! I'm Shen Ning, genuine. Shen Ning! Why do you all think that the fake is the real one, and obviously I am the real Shen Ning! "She exclaimed in a crushing voice.

This is the secret that she hid in the bottom of her heart. If Gu Qingze was stimulated to the extreme, she would never reveal this secret.

But now she finally said it, like a big stone was removed from her heart, and the whole person became relaxed.

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