Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2154: Do you want to die?

Biquge www.NovelMTL.com, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Until he walked for a long time, her tears still did not stop, and more and more.

Although the maidservants heard her crying, they were told by Chu Shaoyang that no one came in to disturb her.

Because when the prince said before leaving, the princess wanted to be alone, if anyone quarreled with the princess's rest, the prince would be very, very unhappy.

None of the girls in the house dare to make the prince unhappy.

"Why? What am I doing wrong? Why do you hate me like this?"

"Why? Is there anything I can't compare with her? Why are you so stubborn about her but so dismissive of me?"

"Yes, you tell me, why?"

She fell to the ground, sorrowful, and her voice was like a mosquito.

She was so painful that she felt like she was about to split, and when she remembered Chu Shaoyang, it was like she was using a knife to linger on her.

"Is it better to die? Lord, do you know? I'm as good as death now, treat me like this, I really wish I could die immediately ..." She was very sad, and the tears fell down, wet Through the lapel.

If Chu Shaoyang could see this scene, I would never doubt that she was acting.

It's a pity that Chu Shaoyang couldn't see. He had left far away and could not hear or see.

"Do you want to die?"

Suddenly, a clear and cold voice rang.

"Master, you are back ..." Shen Ning's cry stopped abruptly, and she turned back in shock and joy.

Her voice was stuck in her throat, her face full of disappointment.

Because what appeared at the door of her room was not Chu Shaoyang at all, but a young man dressed in burlap sackcloth, with a beautiful appearance, with a super-mortal look, looking at himself like a movie.

The expression of being hilarious outside the scene made her suddenly feel hateful.

But she lowered her eyelids and cried with a cry: "Master!"

"Master?" Gu Qingze looked at her strangely and raised her eyebrows: "You can't afford this claim of being a princess."

She looked up at him in confusion: "Master, are you being angry with the apprentice? At that time I just woke up, and I didn't recognize the master for a while. Are you angry with the apprentice for this matter? Don't even recognize it? "She bit her lip and looked aggrieved.

Gu Qingze walked in slowly, stepped over the red wedding dress on the ground, walked to her, bent down and looked at her.

Suddenly, she realized that she was only wearing a tight-fitting coat and her face was red. The outer skirt that Chu Shaoyang had thrown on her body was dressed in a mess and she called again:


She was already very dissatisfied in her tone, even if he was his master, but he was a man and an outsider after all, so just entering her boudoir without scruples was always unreasonable.

But thinking that her face could be restored to its original condition, and thanks to his magical medical skills, she could not bear her anger, and there was no attack.

But Gu Qingze didn't look at her body at all. His eyes were always on her face, and no part of her face was overlooked.

She was even more blushed by him.

"Master, you ... why are you looking at Tu'er like this? But is Tu'er's face still okay?" She touched her cheek worriedly and reached for the mirror.

"No, your face is very good, it's completely fine, just like you ... before."

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