Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2156: Lonely Soul

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She was not afraid that this secret would let the sackcloth boy in front of her know, because even if he went out and said, no one would believe him.

"You ... you are Shen Ning? The daughter of General Chu of the Western Chu Kingdom Shen Fang Shen Fang?"

Gu Qingze was stunned. He could see that the woman in front of her was radiating her hair, her face was sad, and her eyes were full of resentment. This was not pretended to be pretended.

If she is Shen Ning, who is the Shen girl he is familiar with?

Shen Ning wiped her tears and stood up from the ground, straightening her body.

Although she wanted to make herself look noble and reserved, she still failed to do so because she felt embarrassed herself.

The ugliest aspect was seen by this young man in linen, and she didn't care anyway. Anyway, she never cared about others. She only cared about him.

"Yes, I'm the real Shen Ning! But you are all blind, but you just treat that lonely ghost as a baby! What are you doing! This is my boudoir, I'm a concubine Without my orders, no one is allowed to come in, you get out! "

She pointed outside the door, raised her chin, and said irritably.

Gu Qingze did not move his footsteps, and of course did not obediently "get out".

He stared at Shen Ning in front of him, only to think that her every move, words and deeds were very strange, but it appeared on the face he was very familiar with. It was really ridiculous!

And this spitting out of Shen Ning's mouth is an earth-shattering secret!

This secret has changed for anyone in the world to listen to it, and she will feel nonsense and she is crazy.

But Gu Qingze knew clearly that she did not lie, every word she said was true!

She is most likely the real Miss Shen Shen Shen Ning!

Because when he had pulsed her, he found out that there seemed to be two Shen Ning in her body.

Lonely ghost?

Could it be that the familiar Shen girl, the Shen girl with a full stomach and a prescription, is a lonely ghost who does not know where it came from?

But this lonely ghost is not only terrible, but terribly cute!

Compared to the real Miss Shen, I do n’t know how many times she is cute!

No wonder Chu Shaoyang's attitude towards her plummeted, no wonder that Chu Shaoyang could not come to see her for three days, no wonder that Chu Shaoyang used to hold her in the palm of her hand, but now she abandoned her ...

It turns out so!

Gu Qingze was like a buddy initiation, suddenly realized.

But there are some things he still has to ask the real Shen Ning in front of him.

"You tell me, what the **** is going on?" He looked at her fixedly and said.

Shen Ning snorted coldly and said proudly: "What kind of thing are you worthy of talking to me? Why should this princess tell you?"

She finally regained her former style of Miss Shen.

Gu Qingze was not angry, and said lightly: "Just because I am the first magician in the world, I have the ability to resurrect you, and I have the ability to drive you out of this body."

"You, what you said is true?" Shen Ning stared at him, his face suddenly changed.

"True or false, do you want to try it?"

She looked at him, her eyes full of fear.

No matter what he said was true or false, she didn't dare to let him try. She finally got her body back. How could she hand over people again?

She gritted her teeth hard and finally opened her mouth slowly.

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