Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2127: Nightmare for life

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He even imagined Shen Biyun as the girl when he held Shen Biyun intimately.

It was this face that made him impressed and enchanted.

Chu Shaoyang could n’t even dream about it, and one day he would personally destroy the face he dreamed of!

He lowered his head and looked at his hands, his fingers slender and beautifully shaped.

But it was these hands that made him regret things for a lifetime.

If she had a face ... well, what face would he have to face her in the future?

Even if she was cured of her face, she was afraid that she would never forget the harm she caused to her. This thing might become a nightmare for her life. She would never marry herself again.

Chu Shaoyang smiled bitterly.

Even if Gu Qingze is like a doctor, he can heal her face, but can he heal her heart?

If he can make Ning'er not hate himself, he is willing to pay any price!

At dawn, Shen Ning woke up.

She was awakened by pain and opened her eyes vaguely, but she could not see anything. There was a faint shadow in front of her, and she felt pain all over her body, especially her face and waist.

What's wrong with me? Why is it so painful?

She let out a cry.

Chu Shaoyang jumped up at once, and he just closed his eyes confusedly and heard her voice.

She woke up!

He looked at her nervously, grabbed her hand, and shuddered: "Ning'er, are you awake?"

"I ... what's wrong with me? Where am I? Who are you?" She couldn't see the people in front of her.

Chu Shaoyang's breath stopped.

Does she remember? Has she lost her memory again?

His face suddenly turned pale and turned his head, he shouted to the outside: "Go and ask the ancient magician, and say that the princess queen is awake, let him come over immediately!"

She blinked her eyes hard and finally saw clearly.

Morning light came in from the window, and the man in front of her was as beautiful as Zhilanyushu.

"Wang, lord, is that you?" She said strenuously.

Chu Shaoyang was shocked again, turned to look at her in disbelief, she didn't have amnesia? Does she remember herself?

"Yes, it's me, Ning'er, your name is ... my name." His heart pounded, almost out of his mouth, and his voice trembled with nervousness.

She closed her eyes and his heart sank.

She hates herself and she no longer wants to call her name.

"Less ... less ... Shaoyang," she said softly.

Chu Shaoyang's eyes were hot, and he almost shed tears.

Thank God!

She has no amnesia! And she didn't hate him!

"Ning'er!" He held her hand tightly. "You call me again, call again." The joy of regaining made his chest full.

The familiar words made her wince.

She remembered what had happened all of a sudden, and remembered that he slammed her two mercilessly.

"No, don't dare, I won't dare again, lord, don't fight, I won't dare to call your name lord ..." she cried bitterly.

Chu Shaoyang's heart clung together, he hugged her and buried his face in her chest.

"Ning'er, don't be afraid, I must have been crazy just to give you such a heavy hand, I ... I am possessed by the devil, I don't really want to hit you, the person I want to hit ... … Not you, if I knew you were you, I would definitely not make such a heavy hand. ”He seemed like a tongue twister.

She was confused, and more and more confused.

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