Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 2128: Come a cat and a dog

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But she understood one thing, that is, he said he would not beat her again.

"Master, you ... you really don't want to hit me anymore?" She whispered.

"I swear, if Chu Shaoyang moves you one more finger, I will be wiped out!" He raised his hand to swear and raised his head, a red thread in his eyes.

She seemed relieved, then frowned again.

"Ning'er, what's wrong with you?"

"Pain ... Lord, I ... My face hurts badly, what about the mirror? I want to see the mirror?"

Chu Shaoyang pressed her hand and said softly: "Your face has just been coated with medicine, don't look in the mirror now, wait until you get hurt, and then take a picture, OK?"

She froze and looked at him blankly, as if she didn't know him.

She whispered her lips and murmured, "Why do you treat me so tenderly, Wang Wangye?" She suddenly rolled two big teardrops in her eyes, and then wept silently.

Her crying was irresistible. Ren Chu Shaoyang could not stop her crying. The softer he persuaded, the more tears she shed.

Chu Shaoyang was very heady.

He had never coaxed a girl in his life. This was the first time the world was broken, but this master, the more he coaxed, the more he cried, and he only cried so helpless that he really didn't know what to do.

Continue to coax? But the more you cry, the more you cry, the more tears flow.

Isn't that coaxing? She was crying so sad, how could she not persuade? Did she make her cry bad?

Chu Shaoyang patted on her shoulder with one hand while looking out the door.

Damn Gu Qingze, why didn't he show up?

At this time, he needed someone to help him out, even if he was a cat or a dog, or even an enemy he had never seen.

Who knew that the people who had sent Gu Qingze had been there for a long time, and Gu Qingze still didn't even show his face.

Where did this **** die?

Chu Shaoyang scolded angrily in his heart, but he had to use a polite voice to say: "Come here, please go to the ancient magician, no matter what, you must invite him to see the princess."

Gu Qingze still did not show up.

But she gradually choked up and stopped crying.

Chu Shaoyang breathed a sigh of relief, and his half of his sleeve was covered with her tears and snot. The eyes were wet and sticky. His eyes swept, and his heart was churning, a little disgusting.

His first thought was to throw this clothes covered with snot and tears, how far.

But after thinking about it, I was afraid that it would irritate her again, what if she would cry more than once.

Chu Shaoyang suddenly discovered that there is nothing more terrible than a woman crying in this world.

It was strange to say that he had never seen her cry before.

At that time he didn't wait to see her in every way. She lived in the oldest and oldest house. She ate coarse tea and light rice and wore clothes that were not as good as people. At that time, she didn't cry.

Later, she gradually walked into his sight, attracting his attention, he abused her with all kinds of abuse, she was always calm and calm, laughed at her.

Later, he became more and more concerned about her every move, until he could not extricate himself.

She didn't cry when he treated her bad, and she didn't cry when he treated her well.

But today she cried into tears.

If she were n’t the one he cared about most, he would have walked away long ago, how far did he hide!

Do women become weak when they are sick?

"Master," she whispered suddenly in a low voice.

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