Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

The medicine was quickly picked up and decoctioned.

Chu Shaoyang personally fed her a bowl of medicine, and then picked up the freshly adjusted ointment sent by Gu Qingze and sent it to her face carefully.

His every move was so careful, as if he were treating rare treasures, so that the people around him hardly believe their eyes.

Is this gentle, watery prince the same as the brutal prince just now?

"Pain ... Don't hit ... Don't hit ... I ... I really Shen Ning ..."

Her eyes were swollen and closed, and her mouth murmured indistinctly, because the pain made the face look more distorted.

Chu Shaoyang's heart hurt fiercely.

Now he believes that she is real, no one will insist on lying in this situation, even he can't do it himself.

"Ning'er," he said softly, pressing his hand against the back of her hand, daring not to force it, with full guilt: "It's my fault, it's all my fault, I shouldn't hit you, don't be afraid , I will never do anything with you again. "

Her hand was shaking in his palm and she wanted to retract it.

Even in a coma, she was afraid of him.

"It hurts ... it hurts me ..."

"Don't be afraid, I'm giving you medicine, and soon you won't have pain." He said in a gentle tone that he had never had before, and stared at her without blinking.

Gu Qingze's medicine was really effective, and she didn't frown and cry, but fell asleep deeply after she applied the medicine.

Chu Shaoyang still didn't let go, he stayed in front of her bed, staying close.

The next people brought him food, but he didn't look at it, waved his hand, and retreated, and sent everyone out.

He could not eat or sleep.

Although she was in front of him, he held her hand tightly, but he was still thinking about her.

He did n’t think of her now, nor the skinny little girl who rescued him from the water eight years ago, but the bright spring and peach blossoms that year, he lay down on a peach branch and listened Under the tree, there was a girl's delicate throat sound, and the laughter was crisp and soft, more pleasant than Yinling.

He opened his eyes subconsciously, looking at the laughter.

Suddenly, he felt numb as if he was electrocuted, unable to move.

It was a girl who was more beautiful than a fairy in the sky. She was reaching for the peach blossoms. She had a smile in her mouth and bright eyes, and the smile of her face compared to the peach blossoms in the courtyard.

He rubbed his eyes to see clearly. The girl wanted to pick not a peach flower, but a hairpin hooked on a flower branch. Her sleeve slipped down, revealing a jade arm like snow lotus. Like the face of Liu Rumei, the gentleman Si Jing made him unforgettable.

At that time, he vowed to find the girl three feet away.

Because after one side, he would never forget her face, although he never admitted it in his mouth, but every night, he would dream of her in a dream.

This is the secret he buried deep in his heart, except that he never knew a second person.

It was because of this face that he missed her after seeing it once, and even the strong passion for Shen Biyun became cold.

He used to think that Shen Biyun was beautiful, but until he saw the girl, he could no longer see Shen Biyun's beauty.

Every time he saw Shen Biyun, he couldn't help but think, if Yun'er could be like that girl, with that girl's eyes, eyebrows, nose and lips, how good.

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