Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Thousand-faced son listened and frowned: "Since this group of men is fierce and afraid that it is the opponent of Shen Gu, they have taken away Shen Shen Doctor, and they must have been ill-willed."

"Young Master, what should I do now? I can't find Shen Shen Doctor, your hand ..." Brother II was worried.

Thousand-faced son looked at his left arm hanging beside him, smiled bitterly, and said lowly: "The big deal is the crippled, nothing."

The two brothers could not help feeling sad when they heard his depressed words. They thought that the young master had always been proud and arrogant. The waste of his left arm must have hit him hard.

"Young Master, you have a rest here for a moment, and then I will investigate the whereabouts of the mysterious group of people, hoping to find them, rescue Dr. Gu, and heal your hand, Young Master!" He pulled his foot away.

"Wait a second, Brother II!" The Master Qianmian stopped him.

Brother II turned around.

"I will go with you. Although I don't have my left hand, I still have a right hand, which is not a waste." Qianmianzi said lightly.

"Little Lord……"

"No need to say more, let's go and find them quickly. If there are many of them, there will certainly be clues left, no matter what, they must not be let go."

Even though the son of Qianmian said this, he knew that if he wanted to find the whereabouts of the mysterious group of people, it was like finding a needle in a haystack.

The gang acted extremely hard. A fire burned the valley to the ground and destroyed all clues.

And the footprints outside the valley are numerous and full of traces left by the patients who went to see a doctor, and there is no way to tell which ones are mysterious and which are sick.

It was getting late, and night was coming, and I could not see anything.

Thousand-faced son had no choice but to sleep with the second brother on the carriage for one night. After the next day, it was clear, and he continued to look for clues.

But they searched for a whole day, and found nothing.

Brother II sighed sullenly: "There is no clue. I'm afraid I won't find anything if I continue to look for it. The guy is really clever, and even ruined all the clues, so that we can't find any clues. . Young Master, what should I do now? "

Thousand-faced son seems to be fried in his heart, and he can't make the antidote of Forgetting Pill if he can't find the God of Valley Doctor!

And she was taken away by Chu Shaoyang, if he didn't take the antidote to rescue her as soon as possible, afraid that it would be her ... if she likes Chu Shaoyang, what should I do!

Senior Brother II saw him with a sorrowful face, only when he was worried about his injury, he persuaded: "If we go back to Zixiao Pavilion first to report to the patriarch and his elders, the patriarch and his supernatural powers may know the origin of this mysterious group of people. Maybe. "

Thousand-faced Master thought about it and said, "Second Brother, you hurried back to report to the Patriarch, and immediately set off."

"What about you, Master? Aren't you going back to Zixiao Pavilion?" Brother Two looked at him in surprise.

Qianmianzi shook his head: "I want to stay and continue to look for clues that the group missed. I don't believe they can do so cleanly and leave no trace."

"The young master, I will stay with you, I don't worry about you staying here." Brother II said.

Thousand-faced Master's face sank: "Can it be in the second brother's eyes, I discarded my left hand, is it a waste?"

His tone was extremely harsh. Brother II felt awkward in his heart and looked at the left arm of the thousand-faced son hanging beside him. He twitched twice and was speechless.

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