Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1991: uninvited guest

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"Second Brother, you look carefully to see if there is a corpse, you can't miss it anywhere." Qianmianzi swallowed and said nervously.

The two brothers were also worried. He searched carefully and secretly worried.

If there is something wrong with the magician, the young master's left hand is afraid that it will be abandoned!

The two men searched carefully in the ruins, but they could be found. There were only some unburned utensils, and no corpses of people or beasts were seen.

"Young Master, I didn't find the body!" Brother II exhaled with a sigh of relief.

Thousand-faced son's heart dangling from his throat could not help falling.

He patted his chest.

Fortunately, fortunately, as long as no corpse is found, it means that Dr. Gu is still alive.

It's just that the **** doctor Gu is the place of the **** doctor, but who burned the fire to ruins? Who has the courage to dare to break ground on Tai Sui? Doesn't he know that if he offended Dr. Gu, he would offend the world?

Perhaps the person who set fire is Gu Shenyi himself?

But why did Valley Doctor Shen set fire to burn Valley Doctor, is it to avoid misfortune?

"Second Brother, please trouble to find someone nearby, what happened here?"

"Okay, I will go immediately, Young Master, be careful yourself."

Qianmianzi nodded: "I'm okay. Although I left my left hand, I still have a right hand."

He pulled out his long sword from his waist, held it in his hand, and continued to search in the valley.

The two senior brothers ran away.

Thousand-faced son rummaged through every piece of joules, and found no clue, nor did he know how the fire burned, whether the enemy had set fire or inadvertently set fire.

With no results in his investigation, and the lack of strength after the injury, he found a place to sit down and wait for the news from Brother Two.

But he was so worried that he could sit there, sit down for a while, stand up for a while, and look forward to the direction of Taniguchi.

What he is worried now is not that his hand muscles are difficult to continue to become crippled, but that if Gu Qingze is in trouble, who else can save Shen girl!

"Young Master, I found out!" Brother II ran back.

Thousand-faced Master revitalized: "Hurry up, what the **** is going on here? Isn't this the Valley of God Doctor? What about Valley Doctor?" He asked in a series.

"Young Master, what you expected is good. This is the Valley of the Healing Doctors, and the Valley of the Healing Doctors lives here. I just found a resident who lived nearby. They said that the business was as usual three days ago. The three disciples were here for consultation. The patient was standing in a row outside the valley, and suddenly a group of uninvited guests broke in. They broke into the medical house where Gu Shenyi lived without a word, bringing Gu Shenyi and his disciples all Go, and drove all the patients out of the valley, and then burned it to the ground ... "

"What! Is there such a thing? What is the origin of this group of people? Why did they set fire to the house? Where did they take Dr. Gu?"

Thousand-faced Master didn't wait for the second brother to finish talking, grabbed his wrist and asked anxiously.

Brother II shook his head and said, "I have asked all the residents nearby, but none of them knows the origin of the mysterious people. They only know that they are all covered in black towels, and they have a fierce glance. The old Zhangtou just asked a question, and was knocked to the ground with a palm. He vomited blood, and until now he was still unconscious, so no one dared to step forward. "

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