Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1993: People go empty

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"Hurry up and report back to the cabinet master!" Thousand-faced son glared.

Brother II did not dare to disobey his orders, so he said, "Then I will go, please, Master, please be more careful."

"Got it." Thousand-faced Master said lightly.

Brother Two walked out two steps and looked back at Qian Qiangzi. He was uneasy and turned around again. He took the leather bag from his waist and gave it to Qianmianzi.

"Young Master, this leather bag is my commonly used hidden weapon. You bring the young master with you in case you need it. There are some silver in it. Please also accept the young master."

Thousand-faced son did not refuse, but reached over and took over, saying, "Thank you, Brother II."

He would never put some silver in his eyes, but he was moved by Brother II's friendship.

It is also strange to say that since he had emotions such as joy, anger, sadness, joy, etc., he deeply felt the mutual concern between brothers and sisters.

When he was on Zixiao Peak before, he had never felt this way, and he never said a word of thanks to others. In his view, the respect and flattery of others for him were all because of his identity and status. It is right and proper.

So his attitude towards others has always been arrogant and rude, and no one in his eyes.

The two brothers heard Qiangongzi thanking him, and could n’t believe his ears. He looked at Qiangongzi dumbfounded for a while, and then told him again, "Young Master, I'm gone. You must take care. . "

Qianmianzi nodded his head, watching the second elder brother go further and further away, the figure gradually turned into a small black spot until disappeared.

He has made up his mind that he will find Gu Qingze anyway, and he will not hesitate to search the world.

If he can't get the antidote of Forgetting Pill, what face does he have to see her!


A month later.

Kyoto in South Vietnam.

Cuiyuzhai is a famous jewelry shop in Kyoto. The jewelry made by his family is famous for its novelty and exquisite craftsmanship. Anyone who has a head and face in Kyoto is proud of wearing a piece of Jadeite jewelry.

The entrance of Cuiyuzhai is always full of people, and there is no end to the stream. The busy work upstairs and downstairs of the man, with a smile on his face, attentively received the lady who came to choose custom jewelry.

But today is also strange. All the ladies who came to buy jewelry were rejected from the door. A buddy accompanied the smiling face and explained the apology to the relatives of these rich and expensive people, saying that today the entire Cuiyuzhai has been His Royal Highness Chu was wrapped up.

"His Royal Highness Chu is here? But what you said is true?"

The boisterous ladies and the wealthy relatives who had come here ate a closed door for no reason. They were annoyed when they heard the name of King Chu.

The name of Chu King Chu Shaoyang can be said to be unknown and unknown in the South Vietnamese country.

Although the West Chu suffered a great defeat in the South Vietnamese nation in the First World War, Chu Shaoyang's name became even louder, and his prestige in the army was so high that no one could compare.

Tuobazheng was also a man. After returning to China, he wrote the details of the defeat in the verse in detail. He concealed himself from the ambush because of greed and merits. He did not conceal anything, and stated that after his defeat, he was lucky. The Chu king Chu Shaoyang rescued him and saved his life.

On the first chapter of this seal, both the court and the field were shocked, especially some ministers who believed that Chu Shaoyang had a sacred heart, and therefore all changed his mind about Chu Shaoyang.

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