Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1973: Rekindling hope

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"Yes! He is a great villain, that is, he forced me to return home, and had to reveal to a foreign country, to be a slave to another country! So, this hatred must be reported by myself! Ning'er, don't ask him Who, but he is really **** it! "Chu Shaoyang said with confidence.

Shen Ning bit her lip and didn't speak. She could see through Chu Shaoyang's slight expression that all he said was true.

When he mentioned the enemy, he revealed his true feelings, apparently hating him to the extreme.

"Ning'er, I promise you, except this enemy, I will never kill people indiscriminately. If I kill an innocent person again, you will leave me forever and never see me again! This will be the biggest punishment for me ! "

Shen Ning finally nodded slowly: "Okay, I hope you remember what you said."

Chu Shaoyang was overjoyed and his smile bloomed like a flower, which made his whole person radiant.

Since Shen Ning met him, he has never seen him as happy as he is now.

"Then let's go now, back to South Vietnam, I will definitely give you a grand wedding!"

Shen Ning whispered: "I don't care if the wedding is grand and grand, as long as you really treat me better than anything."

"No, Ning'er, I must let the whole world witness my marriage with you and be able to marry you as the wife, the happiest thing in my life!"

Chu Shaoyang couldn't wait to pierce his wings and flew to South Vietnam in an instant to complete the wedding.

He even wished to shout a few times to let everyone in the world hear that he was finally going to get married with her!

After going round and round, the gods sent her to his side again. At this moment, he was very grateful to God.

As long as she is close to her, what if Chu Mochuan sees it? He was no longer afraid of Chu Mochuan's appearance and took her away from himself!

He knew that he had been exposed in Xichu, and afraid that all the levels were hung with his own shadow graphics, so Yi Rong changed to take Shen Ning all the way to the south. I will never find my flaws when I come back.

Sure enough, every time he went to a level, he was very rigorously checked, but his technique of easy-to-dress was good, and he passed the level easily.

After reaching the territory of the South Vietnamese country, Chu Shaoyang finally relieved. He saw no chasing soldiers after seeing him, and Chu Shaobai never showed up. Go across the capital of the country.

Chu Shaoyang killed innocent people in the county and threatened to set fire to the city. He was reported to the court by the county magistrate Feige Biography, and two days later came to Mochuan's case.

Seeing this sealed report at first glance, Mo Chuan burst into a sudden heart and couldn't help shooting.

"Chu Shaoyang! It really is him!"

During this time, although he was in the palace, he secretly sent a large number of secret guards to investigate the whereabouts of Chu Shaoyang and Shen Ning, and even sent the chase wind.

But Xi Chu is so big, no one knows where Chu Shaoyang will hide. Wanting to find him is like finding a needle in a haystack.

But even if it is a needle in a haystack, he can't help but find it!

The dark guards he sent sent out news every day, but none of the news made him happy. All the replies were exactly the same, and there was no such person.

Until he saw the secret report, his heart suddenly ignited hope.

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