Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1972: Kill another person

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Chu Shaobai walked very chic, he left with a smile.

But no one could see that at the moment he bent the corner of his lips, a tear rolled down the corner of his eye and fell to the dust.

Chu Shaoyang did not pay attention, nor did Shen Ning.

"Ning'er, you promised me! Promise me!" Chu Shaoyang held her hand hard and looked at her urgently.

What else can Shen Ning say?

Perhaps this is what God has arranged.

She nodded lightly.

At this moment, Chu Shaoyang only felt that his heart was blooming, as if the bare cliff in front of him was full of flowers. He had never been as happy in his life as he was today!

He yelled, jumped up, and couldn't help but flipped a few somersaults in the air, yelling: "Ning'er, I'm too happy, too happy!"

He looked happy like a child who had not grown up.

Shen Ning's lips slightly raised, staring at him with a smile.

No one is perfect, and of course Chu Shaoyang is not perfect, but since he is willing to change for her, she will always let him go the right way.

"I promise to marry you, but I want you to promise me one thing." She suddenly said.

"What's the matter? Don't say it's one thing, even if it's ten hundred, I will all agree!" Chu Shaoyang fell beside her, her beautiful dark eyes were full of affection and smile, and she didn't want to think about it Rush out.

"Don't promise to be so happy, what if you can't do it?"

"I can do it, what do you say?"

Shen Ning looked at him and said: "I want you to promise me, from now on, don't kill anymore! Can you do it?"

Chu Shaoyang stunned and said, "This is what you want me to promise?"

"Not bad!"

Chu Shaoyang couldn't help but frown. He remembered his plans and his enemies. He kept thinking about killing the enemies who had caused him to fall into this field all the time. How could he no longer kill people?

"Why, you can't do it, don't you?" Shen Ningjian discerned his appearance, already seeing the hesitation in his eyes, a cold in his heart and another disappointment.

I am really stupid, thinking that this man will change because he loves himself, but this is impossible!

The request I made was like ridiculously telling a wolf not to eat sheep.

She slowly broke away from Chu Shaoyang's arms and didn't want to look at Chu Shaoyang again and walked down the mountain.

"Ning'er, you wait, listen to me!" Chu Shaoyang chased up with an arrow and stood in front of her.

"Since you can't do it, we have nothing to say, Chu Shaoyang, if you refuse to let me go, then you will kill me, I will never marry you anyway." Shen Ning Cut the nail downright.

"Ning'er, I have to kill another person! I promise you, except this person, I will kill no one else in this world, is that okay?" Chu Shaoyang took her hand, with a sincere tone Said.

"Kill another person? Who do you want to kill?" Shen Ning asked suspiciously.

"An enemy! An enemy who is as deep as my enemy! I must kill him myself!" Chu Shaoyang shot a fierce anger. He gritted his teeth, and his frontal horns protruded.

This hatred was hidden in the deepest and most painful place in his heart, and as long as he reminded him, he hated it.

"Do you really hate him so much? Do you want him to die? He did all the evil to you?"

Shen Ning looked at him in confusion.

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