Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1974: Ready to come out

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Mo Chuan picked up the secret report and read it again carefully from beginning to end.

The county magistrate would find that Chu Shaoyang had written very detailed things, including Chu Shaoyang standing on the roof of the hanging government and making a big rant, trying to set fire to the city, just to find someone, and later that person finally showed up, It's a filthy little guy and so on, all of which are written on top of the secret report.

Seeing this, Mo Chuan shivered slightly while holding the finger of the secret report.

"It's Ning'er! The person Chu Shaoyang was looking for must be Ning'er!"

There was a loud cry in his heart.

Based on his understanding of Chu Shaoyang, Chu Shaoyang was the kind of person who could not move at all before Taishan collapsed. The lives of others were like ants in his eyes.

How could he ever see that Chu Shaoyang would be so nervous about others! He knew that he was a traitor of Xichu. If he showed his way, he would suffer endlessly after the meeting, but he could speak out without hesitation under the eyes of all eyes, just to find someone!

One can imagine that this person is more important to him than his own life.

It can make Chu Shaoyang look heavier than his life. There is only one person in the world. Who is this person is ready to come out!

Mo Chuan held this secret report, and the excitement in his heart was already beyond his control.

After searching for so long, waiting for so long, looking forward to so long, I finally found a little clue about her!

Although he is not 100% sure, the filthy little guy found by Chu Shaoyang must be Ning'er, but this is always a silver lining, isn't it?

He never believed that she was dead, and now it can be concluded that she did not die!

She must have been captured by Chu Shaoyang, and she escaped with every possible means, otherwise Chu Shaoyang would not come up with such a plan to force her to appear.

When he thought of her falling into Chu Shaoyang's hands, he might not know how much torture he would suffer.

"Chasing the wind! Chasing the wind!"

Mo Chuan said loudly that he couldn't wait to leave the palace and went to the town to find out for himself.

Although it had been two days since he received this secret report, Chu Shaoyang would not stay in that town if he was a smart person, but he had to go with the chase wind, and the chase wind would find their whereabouts. .


Pushing the door is not chasing the wind, but the fourth.

The little four replied respectfully: "The wind chase was sent by the emperor, and he hasn't returned yet. What did the emperor tell him to do, just tell the little four to do it."

Mo Chuan froze for a moment, and then remembered that Chasing Wind had long been sent by himself to find Shen Ning, not at all.

"Fly the pigeons to pass the book immediately, let the wind chase back to Beijing immediately, immediately! Immediately!" He continued.

Xiao Si bowed and said, "Yes, the minions will immediately pass on their orders."

He took two steps and couldn't help but look back at Mo Chuan and his lips moved.

During this time, Mo Chuan has kept himself in Yushu Study. After going down, he never left Yushu Study for half a step. No one saw him. Even Zhou Tai had gone several times afterwards, and all ate in closed doors. .

A few days ago, the wedding of Princess Chang and Ye Ma was celebrating the whole country, and Kyoto was full of joy, and Empress Zhou was happy to talk.

But although the emperor appeared in Xitang, he didn't show any smile from beginning to end. Even if he barely smiled, the smile was even uglier than crying, only to see the sadness in Xiao Si's heart, almost crying.

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