Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1971: Shaobai's painstaking efforts

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"Ning'er, you go to South Vietnam with me. Although I and you are close, I owe you a beautiful wedding. I want to make up for everything I owed you. I want you to wear Feng Guanxia." , Marry me at a time of great attention and become my wife of Chu Shaoyang! I want to let the whole world witness our wedding! "

Chu Shaoyang held her hand and looked at her eyes affectionately.

His heart was full of lost joy, and he glanced gratefully at Chu Shaobai.

Although this young man's trick was yin and damaging enough, it resolved the stubbornness between him and her so that she would no longer be cold to herself. Speaking of which, she really had to thank him.

Chu Shaobai smiled slightly, turned around, the white clothes fluttered, went downhill gently, and never looked back.

This cliff is the world of the two of them. It is too crowded to stay here again. He has already completed what he has to do, and he can leave without care.

The scene last night was indeed his arrangement. He worked hard to come up with this strategy. One was to test the third brother's affection for her, and the other was to fulfill her wish.

He always knew what she wanted, but he couldn't promise her, and he couldn't take her away from the third brother.

Seeing the cold war between her and his third brother, he knew that as long as he took advantage of it, it was not difficult to gain her favor, but he couldn't do that, nothing else, just because Chu Shaoyang was his brother!

Especially seeing that she was not as indifferent to San Ge as it seemed on the surface, Chu Shaobai knew that she was still a little late, and now the person who lived in her heart first was San Ge, not herself!

If she did n’t care about her brother, she would never get so angry with her because she killed two innocent maidservants. She still cares about her in her heart, so she wo n’t forgive her. .

He had to think of a way to untie the third brother and her, so that they would be reconciled.

But he knew her character better, and she would never forgive the third brother unless something changed.

After thinking about it, he finally came up with a way, so he would resort to dangerous moves, pretending to be injured and restraining the third brother, and then taking her to escape, making all kinds of illusions, and even taking her off the cliff. .

If the third brother didn't jump off the cliff, then after the third brother left, she was really completely free.

But if the third brother really jumped with him, I believe no girl in this world would be moved by the affection of the third brother!

No matter what kind of ending, for her is a kind of happiness.

Chu Shaobai was thinking of her all, and she never considered herself. As long as she lived happily, she could endure any wrongs.

When he hugged her and fluttered in the air, his heart was also floating in the air.

He heard the tears of the third brother's heart-breaking heart, and could not tell what was in his heart. At that moment, he really hoped that the third brother would cry and leave.

But Chu Shaoyang jumped off the cliff without hesitation as he expected.

At that time Chu Shaobai knew that he no longer had the hope of being with her, and there was no trace of hope.

Very good, this is really good.

The third brother was deeply affectionate towards her, and he saw that he could finally leave with confidence.

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