Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1970: Lost his face

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But it was funny, and she couldn't help moving her heart.

The hearts of people are all flesh, but she has only grown a mortal heart. In the face of such affection as Chu Shaoyang, it is impossible to be unmoved.

Especially when he saw him jump from the top of the cliff without hesitation, her whole person was deeply shocked.

This is not Chu Shaoyang in her impression!

Will he actually jump off the cliff for himself? This is impossible!

But this impossible thing happened in front of her. She saw it clearly. At that moment, she was really moved, and all her anger and resentment towards Chu Shaoyang were gone, some were just deep. Touched.

He may not be a good person, but he is truly sincere with himself!

This kind of life-and-death feeling she has only seen in TV and novels, but did not expect it to happen to herself.

It is also a kind of happiness to be loved by a man in such a memorable way.

Do you really want to keep this happiness out again?

She was puzzled in her heart, but she didn't reach out to push Chu Shaoyang away, but said softly, "You are stupid."

These three words drilled into Chu Shaoyang's ears, making his face flush with ears instantly.

"You just heard what I said on the cliff just now?" He asked with a blushing face in his expectation.

"Well, I heard it all." Shen Ning looked at him funny, seeing that his face was red, and the smile on the corner of his lips could not help expanding slowly.

At this moment, Chu Shaoyang is still the cold-faced and cold-blooded murderous demon king. He looks shy, like a hairy boy who has just fallen in love, and the embarrassed and embarrassed appearance makes her heart soften. In a ball, he could no longer face him.

"You must be laughing at me, don't you? I did a stupid thing, didn't I?" Chu Shaoyang saw her smile in the corner of her mouth, her face was redder, and she even wished to unload Chu Shaobai eight. Piece.

It was all this stupid boy who made him ugly in front of her, crying and yelling, and stupidly jumping off the cliff and killing himself all the face of the man.

She will despise herself and feel that she does not have the majesty of a man!

"No, I didn't laugh at you, I ... I'm very touched."

Shen Ning whispered and stared at him: "I didn't expect that you would do that for me! I never treated you so loudly and angrily, why did you jump off the cliff for me? Even if I am your wife, you It doesn't have to be this way! There are thousands of good girls in this world. Even if I die, you can meet another girl you like and marry her as a wife. Why are you so stupid? "

Chu Shaoyang said: "Ninger, in my eyes, there is only one you! You are the only person I love in my life, and there will never be a second person who can enter my heart. You are full, this heart belongs to you alone! Where are you, I will be! If you jump off the cliff, I will also follow you off the cliff, you are dead, I will stay in this world alone What else does it mean? In any case, I will never let you leave me one step! "

He hugged her tightly, so tight that she couldn't breathe, but he could feel his heartfelt sincerity.

She sighed in the bottom of her heart, closed her eyes, and no longer struggled with herself.

Even if he had more, it was not, but there was absolutely no pretense to her heart!

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