Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1861: Be a man, stand up

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The thousand-faced son suddenly felt shocked. He knew that his righteous father had never said the same thing. He could do it when he could. Now he dared not continue to plead and clenched his teeth and stood up.

"Okay, I don't ask your righteous father, I will save her myself!"

He supported his left arm with his injured right hand and walked staggeringly out of the door.

Lord Zixiao stared at him and said sharply, "Stop!"

Thousand-faced son didn't even hear it, and continued to walk forward. This was the first time he violated the order of his righteous father, but his heart seemed to be burned by a fire, roasting every nerve in his body. Pain, he There is only one idea, that is to find Chu Shaoyang anyway and rescue her from Chu Shaoyang!

"I said, stop!" The Lord Zixiao screamed again.

Thousand-faced son still did not look back, he walked out of the door staggeringly, only to see the sun was shining outside, dazzling flowers, he had lost too much blood, limbs were weak, struggling to walk these steps, and never insisted Lived, fell down and fell to the ground, only to feel that there was a burst of black in front of my eyes, and I might faint at any time.

He took a deep breath and kept his consciousness awake, trying to stand up, but his legs trembled and said nothing.

The black disciples who were standing outside saw each other and came forward to help each other.

"Young Master, how are you?"

"Young Master, you have been so injured, you should rest well."

"Master, what do you want, just tell us to do it."

The disciples in black said with concern.

The thousand-faced son saw the faces of concern, and suddenly moved in his heart, just wanted to speak, only to hear the voice of the Lord Xiaoxiao Pavilion rang coldly.

"All back!"

The disciples in black were stunned and did not dare to speak, but retreated silently.

In the huge yard, there was only a thousand-faced son lying on the ground with his face up, without the support of everyone, he had no strength to sit up.

The sun shone on his face, but didn't bring him any warmth. His whole body and heart seemed to sink into the ice for thousands of years, making him cold.

Cold tears ran down the corner of his eyes, and he now realized that he had become an outright waste person, saying that he would personally save people, and now he could not even walk, even What if he found Chu Shaoyang, what ability did he have to save her?

Even when his hands and feet were intact, he was not Chu Shaoyang's opponent, and now he was abandoned by his left hand. Even if he went, he would just die.

Thousand-faced son's heart is desperate.

Suddenly, a dark figure appeared in front of him, blocking the dazzling sunlight.

"If you are still a man, stand up for me!" The Lord Zixiao was sitting in a wheelchair, his eyes narrowed, and his cold eyes looked at the thousand-faced son lying on the ground.

The thousand-faced son was motionless and closed his eyes as if he were dead.

"Your father is really disappointed with you. For a woman, you have become like this, like a dog of the bereavement! What kind of girl would you like? You will love you? If you let the girl look She won't even look at you as far as you are now! "The Lord Zixiao stared at him coldly, without any emotion in her voice.

Thousand-faced Master finally opened his eyes slowly, looking at Lord Zixiao's eyes, but it was dazed.

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