Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1862: Excellent opportunity

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"Father, you promised Xiao'er, you will not harm her. She has already served her father's oblivion pill and forgot all the previous things, but why is it so, you still refuse to let her go? He said hoarsely.

Zixiao Pavilion Lord's lips were tight, and there was a flash of anger in his eyes.

He stretched out his right hand, and a strong wind flew out, straight to the chest of the thousand-faced son.

Qianmianzi only felt like a big hammer hitting **** his chest, a sweet throat, and a spout of blood.

He knew that his father ’s blow only gave him a lesson, and he suffered a bit of internal injury. Otherwise, with the power of his father, he would use only 50% of his strength to shake his internal organs.

But his eyes greeted the Lord of the Purple Skies without any fear.

"Your father, no matter what, I will go to her. If you kill me, you will never stop me!" He said firmly.


The head of Zixiao Pavilion raised his eyebrows, his face was more angry, and slowly raised his right palm, staring at the thousand-faced son.

"The father-in-law has spent more than ten years working hard to cultivate you. Now, do you want to betray me for a woman?" His face was murderous.

Thousand-faced son raised his chin and proudly said: "Xiao'er never thought of betraying her righteous father. It was just that I promised her one thing. Being a man is unspeakable and unbelievable, so I must go and do it for her. If the father did n’t believe what I said, just kill Xiaoer with one palm, Xiaoer ’s life was given by fate, and now he died in the hands of his righteous father. ! "

Hearing the words, the murderousness in the eyes of the master of the Xiaoxiao Pavilion slowly disappeared. He lowered his right hand and sneered.

"Just with you now? You can't even beat a three-year-old child, how can you find Chu Shaoyang to save people? You can only die if you go! You still stay here to raise the wound, just Father thinks that the son will take care of your broken veins. "

After all, the son of Thousand Faces was his righteous son raised by one hand, and he still couldn't care less.

After a pause, he slowed his tone again: "Xiao'er, you don't want to act with arrogance, it's not that your righteous father won't let you avenge revenge, but you are definitely not Chu Shaoyang's opponent with your current strength. I will take my own life. Your righteous father has taught you to think twice before doing things. Without absolute certainty, you can never attack! Do n’t you forget everything? "

Qian Qiangzi's eyes lit up, as if he saw a glimmer of hope, he said urgently: "Father, you mean, my left hand veins can still be connected? If the veins are connected, is my left hand right? Can it become the same as before? "

The Lord Zixiao pondered for a moment and said, "Your father doesn't want to lie to you. My medical skills are still far from being able to continue your veins, but I believe someone in this world will be able to do this, I want to send you to the Valley of the Healing Doctors and find the first doctor who is famous in the world to heal you. "

"Shenji Valley?" Thousand-faced son thought about it, remembering the words Shen Ning left in the palm of his hand. If the righteous father really sent himself to Shenhe Valley for medical treatment, then this is a perfect opportunity!

He immediately put away his stubborn look and bowed his head in shame: "Yifu, Xiaoer was wrong, and Xiaoer blamed his father, please don't be angry with me."

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