Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1860: Take your own life

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He tried desperately to grab his left wrist with his right hand, but found that his left arm was always soft, as if it was not part of his body at all, and he felt dizzy in his mind, remembering Chu Shaoyang's fierce and fierce sword, like a nightmare. Appeared again in general.

"Ah! Chu Shaoyang, I hate you! I hate you!"

Thousand-faced son hugged his head in his right hand and let out a heartbreaking roar.

He has now recalled that he was injured by Chu Shaoyang's right arm, and he also cut off the veins of his left hand. Chu Shaoyang held a long sword and approached himself like a demon from hell. Threatened to cut off the muscles and veins of his limbs, then scrapped his pipa bones, and then gave himself to Na Tuobazheng ...

If it were not for the righteous father who rushed to save himself in time, he was afraid that he had fallen into the hands of Tuobazheng and was tortured so that people were not like people and ghosts were not like ghosts.

"Right Father, thank you for saving me."

He looked up, his eyes were blood red, mixed with deep hatred, he said word by word: "This hatred is not reported, I am in vain! Chu Shaoyang, what I suffered today, he will call you a hundred times repay!"

Lord Zixiao sighed deeply and patted him on the shoulder, his lips twitched slightly, he wanted to say nothing, but said nothing.

Thousand-faced Master closed his eyes and remembered the scene when Chu Shaoyang drove away in a horse-drawn carriage, and there was another pain in his heart.

He firmly grasped the palm of the Lord Zixiao with his right hand, and asked anxiously: "Father, why didn't you chase it? You must be able to catch up with Chu Shaoyang with your skill and stop the carriage!" You know she is in that carriage, why do n’t you go? "

The main face of Zixiao Pavilion sank and said coldly: "Xiao'er, are you blaming your righteous father?"

As he sinked his face, a rush of gas came out, making people shudder.

Thousand-faced son was afraid, but when he remembered Shen Ning in the carriage, he encouraged the courage and said: "Your father, I want to ask you something ..."

Before he finished speaking, the Lord Zixiao said coldly: "You want me to rescue that girl, don't you?"

Qianmianzi nodded and said, "Your father, only you have the ability to rescue her from Chu Shaoyang, please, be sure to rescue her!"

The Lord Zixiao said lightly: "But why should I save her? Your righteous father told you that Chu Shaoyang won't kill her. You should take good care of your own body. If your left hand has broken veins, if not Heal in time, and your left hand will become obsolete in the future. "

A thousand-faced son misses Shen Ning, where can he still care about his left hand.

He struggled from the bed to the ground. After the sword wound on his right arm was coated with gold wound medicine, the blood had stopped, but after struggling, the blood poured out again. He just felt dizzy and almost unsteady. But he still clenched his teeth and persevered, kneeling in front of the Lord Zixiao.

"Right Father, I beg you, please save her!"

The Lord Zixiao's face was covered with a layer of frost, and his eyes stared at the thousand-faced son with a solemn look.

"The Lord of the Cabinet remembered to warn you that you can no longer kneel for a woman. You are now guilty of crimes, are you still like a man? The Lord of the Cabinet did not kill her personally, it was already on your face, but If you are like this, mother-in-law and mother-in-law, she will blame the head of the cabinet will take action in person and kill her! "

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