Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Mo Chuan knew from the first glance at the word "special envoy" mentioned in the triumphant newspaper that this so-called special envoy, except Shen Ning, will never have a second person!

From the moment when he discovered that she had quietly left the palace, he was angry, anxious, resentful, and annoyed by the girl's boldness, and he was annoyed. This alone sneaked out of the palace.

Doesn't she know that she will worry? When she did this, did she consider her own feelings! This selfish girl, he really wanted to give her a hard lesson!

But soon, his resentment was replaced by concern and concern for her.

The country cannot be ruled out for a day, especially when this kind of life and death is critical, the emperor needs him to sit in the town, otherwise the chapel will be in chaos, so he has no way to go out to find her in person.

But he had already sent out all the Dark Guards who could be sent out, and he had sent people to the Valley of Divine Healer quickly to recall the wind.

One day without news of her, he went to bed and sleep, and every night he opened his eyes until dawn, and a heart was divided into two halves, half worried about her safety and half worried about the affairs of the country.

These days when she left the palace, every day he seemed to be tormenting on the oil pan. In this mood, this girl would know!

He had to pretend to deal with political affairs casually in the daytime, and at night he had to read the battle reports from the front line and the news from the dark guards.

She must have gone to the front line. It is very likely that her first stop was Yuezhou, but the Dark Guard he sent out all reported that she could not find her trace, which made Mochuan worried and angry. .

He almost wanted to go looking for it personally, but he couldn't do it!

In such a sorrowful situation, he finally got her news, but it was in the good news that came back from Yuezhou.

The girl actually claimed that she was the special envoy sent by her, and it was really because she could figure it out!

When Mo Chuan saw this success report, he realized why the messenger he sent could not find her whereabouts. It turned out that this girl was actually dressed as a man, and she had her own human skin mask on her face. She will not recognize this look for a while.

Liu Chengyuan described the layout and course of the entire campaign in great success. From the beginning of the empty city plan to lure the enemy into the city, to the arson of the city and the three ambushes outside the city, all were clearly explained. Everyone was amazed by this interlocking arrangement and scheming.

The ministers all thought that this main policy was the emperor's advice and arrangement, and praised it.

Only Mo Chuan knew that all these strategies were conceived by Shen Ning, and he had nothing to do with him.

He only knew that she had the ability to never forget, and she didn't know how many things he didn't know were hidden in her small head, which could be seen from the two military books she had written for herself.

But he never knew that she would know how to march to war!

This girl, how many things are hiding from herself!

Mo Chuan held the victory newspaper, almost unable to sit still, he couldn't wait to go and grab her back, torture it!

But he knew that he could never find her. Only after Chasing Wind came back could he find her whereabouts.

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