Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1828: Whose blood is it?

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So as soon as Chae Feng returned to the Imperial Capital, without even breathing, Mo Chuan took it away from the Imperial Capital again.

They first went straight to Yuezhou. According to Mochuan ’s estimation, Yuezhou had just experienced a war. Although it won, the city had already burned into a mess. With Mochuan ’s understanding of Shen Ning, she always did things. She should continue to stay in Yuezhou to help the people of Yuezhou rebuild their homeland.

Mo Chuan was pretty good. If there were no subsequent accidents, Shen Ning did think of a way to rebuild her homeland. Unfortunately, she didn't have time to tell Liu Chengyuan, and she encountered Chu Shaoyang.

Mo Chuan rushed to Yuezhou and saw Liu Chengyuan. The first thing was to inquire about the whereabouts of the "special envoy".

However, Liu Chengyuan was dumbfounded, saying that after the Great Fire in Yuezhou, the special envoy and the accompanying girl disappeared together. After a few days, he sent people to look around, but he couldn't find it.

He thought that the Special Envoy had returned to the Imperial Capital, remembering the Special Envoy ’s promise to himself, and saying that he would distribute thousands of them to himself, but unexpectedly it turned into a bamboo basket and fetched water. Thousands of girls.

Of course, his careful thinking naturally dared not report to the emperor.

Upon hearing this, Mo Chuan suddenly seemed to be splashed with cold water and cooled from head to toe.

He knew that an accident must have occurred, otherwise the girl would never say goodbye at such a time.

So he kept chasing the wind and went to find her whereabouts.

However, Yuezhou City had just experienced a battle outside and outside the city, and almost all the traces were burned by a fire, and the city was also in a mess.

It took a lot of effort to chase the wind before they found a trace at the foot of a mountain not far from the city. They followed the trace all the way to the top of the mountain and found a large dry blood stain on a rock.

Although the blood had turned into a dark color, and it was hardly visible on the dark rocks, how could it hide the eyes of the wind chase.

The two stood cold in front of the blood-stained rock.

They didn't know who this large blood stain was, but they followed it all the way, but it was Shen Ning's whereabouts. She had been here before, but her people were gone, only this pool of blood.

Chasing the wind hardly dare to think about it.

"Master ..." He wanted to comfort the master, but when he opened his mouth, he found his voice dumb, almost speechless, and he didn't even know what to say.

Mo Chuan's face was quiet, he looked at the blood stain quietly, and there was no expression on his face.

But his ears were buzzing, like someone was hammering **** his ear drum with a hammer, and hitting it **** his heart, the sound became louder and louder, starting his forehead. There was a convulsive pain.

impossible! She will not die!

This blood stain will definitely not be hers!

She will definitely not have an accident!

He stepped forward slowly and knelt down beside the blood-stained rock to smell the stone. The tears in his eyes slipped down, but he didn't realize it.

Because his heart was bleeding, in this feeling of heartache, he could not feel anything.

"Master, this blood is not the queen's mother!"

Suddenly, the sound of chasing the wind with surprise and joy rang.

Mo Chuan frowned, but didn't hear clearly.

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