Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1826: Strategizing

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He only heard word by word, only to catch a chill after his wind, and he could not help shivering shrewdly.

"Master, if those Nanyue soldiers were really killed by him, then he would not be our enemy. You see that he set up this formation, and he did n’t want to harm us, but he did n’t want us to track his whereabouts. What organ traps are planted in this forest, we are afraid that we will suffer a big loss, which is enough to show that he is not malicious to us, just do not want us to disturb him. "

Mo Chuan's eyes reveal a deep reflection: "You have something to say, I just want to find this person, maybe I can inquire about the whereabouts of Ning'er. She is now unknown about life and death, and her whereabouts are unknown. I don't want to give up as long as there is a clue ! "

He clenched his fists tightly, and there were pains in his heart. No one knew how unbearable that pain was. It was like a bamboo stick stuck into the heart and was splashed with salt water. As soon as he remembered, It was so painful that he couldn't breathe.

So he could not think about it, he didn't let himself think about it, he believed her, she would never let herself go wrong.

Because she is so smart, so wit, so cunning, no one can hurt her. Even Chu Shaoyang's 100,000 army was defeated by her 3,000 men and women, right?

A few days ago, he received a good news from Yuezhou. The good news said that Yuezhou was defeated by the 100,000 troops of the South Vietnamese country with 3,000 troops.

The sudden good news shocked the opposition.

In the hall, the ministers looked at each other, and they couldn't believe that the good news they heard was true.

How can this be!

The Emperor sent the three-way reinforcements to fail to withstand the mighty Nanyue Army, and the Yuezhou Defence defeated the 100,000 troops of the South Vietnam with only three thousand soldiers and horses? This is not a joke, what is it!

So many people went on stage and asked the emperor to investigate the matter in detail, saying that Liu Chengyuan would be very happy, falsely report the war situation, and wanted to invite merit and reward.

However, the success stories came one after another, and the next news was that Yuezhou defender Liu Chengyuan took the chase and regained Shuanglu and Nanguan in one fell swoop, while Nanyue had already withdrawn from the Western Chu Kingdom and rolled back.

At this time, everyone was not calm, and the Manchu cheers, everyone's face was filled with excitement and joy, talking about this sudden victory.

They invited the emperor to greatly protect Yue Cheng's defense of Liu Chengyuan.

However, Liu Chengyuan's victory report said that he could defeat the 100,000 troops of South Vietnam with 3,000 troops. The greatest contribution to this battle was not him, but the special envoy sent by the emperor. Arrangement and arrangement.

He detailed the victory of the battle in the triumphant news, and detailed the plan of the emissary step by step, greatly praised the courage and wisdom of the envoy.

The success report was circulated among the ministers. They were both surprised and admired. They all looked at Mochuan with admiration.

It turned out that the great victory of Yuezhou was based on the emperor's anticipation of enemy planes, and sent special envoys to arrange such a good plan.

So the group of officials began to sing praises and praises the emperor, who praised the emperor for his foresight and vision, and his strategy was better than a thousand miles away. Various praises were like springs.

Mo Chuan, who looked like everyone, had no expression on his face as before, and remained calm as ever.

But no one knew what kind of mood Mochuan was in.

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