Empress Running Away with the Ball!

Chapter 1825: The worst enemy

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Chasing the wind and anxiously said: "But Master, this is the only clue to finding the Queen Mother. The Queen Mother lost her trail in this neighborhood, and the man is very familiar with the surrounding terrain and the martial arts are high. Maybe she will know the Queen Mother. The whereabouts are unknown, so let the genius go down to investigate? "

Mo Chuan suddenly said in his heart, "Yes, you are right, he may know the whereabouts of Ning'er, and I will go with you."

He followed the wind in the direction of the disappearance of Zixiao Pavilion again. How could he know that he only tracked into a jungle, and even chased the wind, and lost his direction, turning around like a headless fly in the jungle.

Mo Chuan stopped, he began to realize that they were wrong, they walked around, never walked out of this jungle, and seemed to have been circled in the same way.

"Chasing the wind, you stop."

Chasing the wind has gone through several circles, and all walks have been the way he once walked. He noticed a piece of clothing hanging on a thorn next to him. The gray color is just the clothes on his body. Not long ago, he had just walked through this bush of thorns.

"Master, we seem to have won the prize."

Mo Chuan nodded and said, "Yes, this is an array of strange gates and gossip. Stand still and don't move around. Let me think about how to get out of this array."

Chasing the wind could not help but slap: "Qimen gossip array? Master, who is this man, what a great skill! He had expected that we would chase it, so he deliberately left trails, and these trails were made into For a while, let us get lost in it. Fortunately, you have discovered the master earlier, otherwise your subordinates may have to walk until dawn to wake up. "

Mo Chuan pondered: "You are right, this man is really a great skill. Not only is he very familiar with the terrain here, but he seems to understand my ideas very well, knowing that I won't give up, I will definitely chase it, strange, I obviously have n’t seen him, how could he know my thoughts? Does he know me? But if I have seen him, I will definitely recognize it, how come I do n’t have any impression? "

Chasing the wind and scratching his scalp, he was confused. He knew that he couldn't understand it even if he wanted to. He simply gave up and just looked around.

Mo Chuan closed his eyes and thought for a moment, then suddenly opened his eyes and said, "I'm really stupid. He has been holding his nose around for so long. In fact, he wants to get out of this strange array of gossip. There is one of the simplest. No way out. "

"What's the solution?" Zhaifeng opened his eyes wide.

Mo Chuan pointed to the Big Dipper in the sky and said, "We just need to jump to the top of the tree and then run in this direction. We can leave this forest of formations very quickly, and there are no institutions here. The reason why we can trap us It ’s just the traces that the person intentionally left. As long as you do n’t look at those traces, it will naturally come out of the trap. "

"However, if we don't track the traces left by that person, wouldn't we just lose the goal we were looking for?"

Mo Chuan Shen Sheng said: "This is what this person wants to achieve. He did not want to trap us, but to let us retreat from difficulties, not to follow. I can only say that this person ’s mind It's so terrible to be so careful! I just don't know if this person is an enemy or a friend. If he is an enemy, then he is the most powerful enemy I have ever encountered in Chu Mochuan's life! "

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