Biquge, the fastest bride and the bride ran away! latest chapter!

Mo Chuan knew very well, flashed sideways, just a little delay, the Lord Zixiao Pavilion has ran out a long distance again.

"Senior, do you want to test the harder time?"

Mo Chuan took a breath, and the light exercise was becoming more and more familiar, and followed closely as the shadows followed.

Lord Zixiao snorted and scolded in a rough voice: "Ignorant boy!"

Hei Suo suddenly flew out silently in his hand, curled up a big tree in front of him, and took advantage of his swing, his figure flew up lightly, sliding like a bird into the sky, he did not wait for the body to land, black Suo collected a roll, wrapped a branch again, and flew past.

He seems to be very familiar with the terrain here, where there are big trees, where there are hidden places, clear.

Every time the black cable flew out, it entangled a branch accurately.

In just a few moments, Mo Chuan had already thrown Mo Chuan far behind him, and soon his figure disappeared into Mo Chuan's sight.

Mo Chuan knew that he would no longer be able to catch up, so he had no choice but to stop.

But he looked at the direction of the disappearance of Zixiao Pavilion, and his heart was shocked and strange. Although the broken man only said a word, his voice was rough, and he could hear that he was not very young.

But his skill really shocked him.

Who is this person? Who is this man?

Mo Chuan tried to press the doubt in his heart and returned to the same place.

Chasing the wind has come back and found that Mochuan is gone. He was shocked and disappointed. He looked around and found nothing. He was worried. Suddenly he saw Mochuan coming back.

"Master! Are you okay?"

After leaving the palace, in order not to attract attention, his name for Mo Chuan was changed from "Emperor" to "Master.

Mo Chuan shook his head and said, "I'm fine, but I just found a man with a broken leg and left in that direction with a **** man on his back. I want to stop him and ask what happened here, but He was running faster and faster, as if he did not want to meet me at all. "

The wind chased "Ah" and cried, "Master, will he just kill these South Vietnamese soldiers?"

Mo Chuan said: "I also suspect that this person did it. Only with such a high level of martial arts can I kill these people with a single hand, so I caught up, but lost it." He couldn't help but sigh .

Chasing the wind hardly believes his ears, repeating the sentence: "Lost chasing?"

He knew that the master's light skill was not under him, even higher than himself, and the man with the broken leg was still carrying a person. With such a high master's light skill, he would actually be chased and lost. It's incredible.

Mo Chuan nodded and said, "Although the man has broken his feet, but the skill is extremely high, not only the skill is light, but also the internal force is extremely deep. He used to point at the abduction and attacked me. After another ten years of training, it's too close to catch up with the wind. Do you know any seniors on the rivers and lakes who broke their feet? "

Chasing the wind thought for a moment, and shook his head: "The subordinate has never heard of any senior who is inconvenient for the two feet. Master, in which direction do they leave, the subordinate wants to catch up and check."

He believed that with his own tracking technique, one or two could be detected.

"No, the man's martial arts are extremely high, and he is very familiar with the terrain nearby, and he doesn't know whether he is an enemy or a friend to us. If you catch up hurriedly, you might be in danger." Mochuan refused.

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