Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 992: The Domineering One-Eyed Immortal Emperor [Three Updates]

In the temple, many people looked at Immortal Emperor Han Zu and frowned.

Indeed, they have followed the Holy Mountain for thousands of years, and even if they have no merit, they still have hard work. Now that the Holy Lord is born, they have chosen the Immortal Realm. Eleven years ago, the Holy Mountain had the opportunity to open the Immortal Realm.


For a time, many immortal emperors stood up and looked up at Emperor Yan: "Emperor Yan, how do you explain?"

When Emperor Yang of the Ice Zen Sect saw this, his eyes narrowed slightly: "Sure enough, this scene still happened."

Eleven years ago, he had guessed that the birth of the Holy Mountain and Emperor Yan's opening of a passage to the Immortal Realm would cause dissatisfaction, but it did not erupt.

Now, because of a Han ancestor who became emperor and said something, it broke out.

"We follow the Holy Mountain for the glory of the Holy Lord. We hope that one day, the Holy Dragon Pavilion will unify the Immortal Realm here instead of compromising. Emperor Yan's actions will probably chill the hearts of many people." Immortal Emperor Hanzu continued, with heart-breaking words. For a while, Immortal Emperors stood up one after another and looked at Emperor Yan questioningly.

Chu Yan also frowned. The current situation was something he didn't expect.

In the temple, Emperor Yan always sat there calmly, very calmly: "Apart from him, do you all think so?"

"I hope Emperor Yan will make it clear!" Someone from the Immortal Emperor said, although his tone was still polite, but it lacked a bit of respect.

"I know." Emperor Yan smiled calmly, looked at Chu Yan and shook his head: "I have told you a long time ago that if you don't become an Immortal Emperor, it will be difficult to convince the public."

"Senior..." Chu Yan blamed himself a little, but he was still wrong.

"But it doesn't matter. Since you are the Holy Lord, the Holy Mountain is yours. No one can question it." Emperor Yan's breath suddenly changed, and in an instant, a sea of ​​flames appeared behind him: "This is the meaning of the Holy Mountain. , Are you going to rebel against the Holy Mountain? "

Everyone's hearts trembled, but no one dared to say anything. But at this moment, Immortal Emperor Han Zu condensed his eyes. He already knew the grudges between Zhan Tianxian Mansion and Chu Yan. If Chu Yan became the Holy Lord, in the future, Zhan Tianxian Mansion would Must be destroyed.

"The Holy Mountain is like this, so I am naturally speechless. However, we who have followed the Holy Mountain for thousands of years can be regarded as the people of the Holy Mountain. We will never let the Holy Mountain go astray. In this case, I have no choice but to offend today, even if I become a sinner for the ages. , We must also kill the cancer for the Holy Mountain!" After the Immortal Emperor Hanzu said this, there was a buzz, and the power of the Immortal Emperor filled the air crazily, forming a battle ax pattern behind him, as if it was about to split the sky, and rolled towards Chu Yanli. Cut down.

"Presumptuous!" The disciple of the Holy Mountain's eyes suddenly turned cold.

"Buzz!" Emperor Yang also raised his hand, and a thousand-foot iceberg rose up to meet the giant axe. Logically speaking, Emperor Yang's realm was higher, but when an immortal emperor was determined to kill someone, the difference in realm was so great. , it was useless at all. I saw the battle ax turned around, withstood Yang Di's blow, and continued to chop down. The residual power alone was enough to kill Chu Yan.

"Today, this son will die!" Immortal Emperor Hanzu said ferociously, willing to do anything to kill Chu Yan.

In the distance, the disciples of Yang Yi and Yushan County were all anxious. Not long ago, they witnessed the glory of Chu Yan. Now, are they about to fall?

"Say it again!" But at this moment, the world suddenly stopped, and the giant ax made of countless patterns stopped and could not be pressed down. Above the temple, thousands of meters away, a sudden sound came from With a voice full of pressure, the whole temple seemed to sink a little.

Everyone looked up suddenly and saw a person appearing on the temple. He was standing there with his hands behind his back, wearing a long gown with cold characters, one eye, but extremely energetic.

"Try it again!" The One-Eyed Immortal Emperor stood in the void, overlooking the temple. He was very calm, but his words were like thousands of years of ice, making everyone feel a slight chill.

Immortal Emperor Han Zu's heart trembled. He became the Immortal Emperor, enjoyed infinite glory, and came to the temple with confidence. But now he was subjected to a threat.

But unfortunately, he could feel that the one-eyed man was stronger than him, stronger than Emperor Yang, and was probably the top Immortal Emperor.

"Who are you?" Immortal Emperor Hanzu asked in a low voice.

"Do you have any objections to him becoming the Holy Lord?" The One-Eyed Immortal Emperor was a member of the Leng clan whom Chu Yan met at the top of the Holy Mountain. He did not respond to the Han Zu Immortal Emperor, but just asked.

"We have followed the Holy Mountain for thousands of years and shared the glory and disgrace with the Holy Mountain. Now the Holy Mountain has bet its future on a younger generation. I don't accept it!" Immortal Emperor Hanzu clenched his fists and said with grief and anger.

"So, do you have any objections?" the One-Eyed Immortal Emperor said calmly.

"Yes!" Immortal Emperor Han Zu nodded vigorously, and the Immortal Emperor's power kept pouring out of his body, disturbing the situation. It seemed that only by doing this could he have some confidence in front of the One-eyed Immortal Emperor.

"Okay." The One-Eyed Immortal Emperor nodded. The next moment he slowly raised his hand, aimed at the location of Emperor Han Zu, and pressed down. Immediately, countless rays of starlight fell down.

Immortal Emperor Han Zu's eyes widened when he felt the power. He felt that the sky he was in seemed to have changed. Instead, he was in the world of the one-eyed Immortal Emperor. He roared and clenched his hands, and a big ax appeared. The power of the emperor struck down with a thud, causing the ground to tremble.

However, it was useless. The endless stars were endless until they enveloped the world. Everyone was stung by the light and could only close their eyes. Immortal Emperor Han Zu stood there and let out a roar. The power of destruction continued to surge in his body. When he came out, he swung his axe, but it couldn't cut through the endless stars.

"Boom!" Then, the stars fell down from the sky. Some people squinted their eyes and were extremely surprised when they saw that scene. They saw that everything in the world was disappearing little by little, turned into fly ash, and was taken away by those stars.

Han Zu Xian Di stood there, looking at the sky angrily: "Isn't it afraid that the Holy Mountain will chill our hearts by doing this?"

"Chilled? You are not worthy." The One-Eyed Xian Di said coldly, and pressed his palm again. In just a moment, that piece of space disappeared, and there was nothing. Han Zu Xian Di stood there before, but now, like everything, it disappeared, leaving no trace of life.

"What happened?" In the temple, everyone stood up, including the Xian Di figure.

"Han Zu Xian Di, the Xian Di figure is dead!" Everyone stared with wide eyes. This time, the one who died was not an immortal position or an immortal master, but an Xian Di figure, a supreme existence in the immortal domain that was enough to open up the world. Just like that, he died?

Killing the invisible?

"No!" All the strong men of Zhan Tian Xian Fu roared, and Han Yang Xian Di stood there, desperate. It shouldn't be like this. The ancestor just entered the Xian Di, and what he ushered in should not be the rise of the Xian Di in the battle platform, but now, he is dead? Just like that?

Han Zu Xiandi probably would never have expected that he became Xiandi after ten thousand years, and thought that he would usher in his own era, but Xiandi died because of arrogance in one day?

Not to mention them, Chu Yan stood there, his heart trembled wildly, and was stunned. That was Xiandi, the supreme Xiandi in the Xianyu.

So far, he has never seen Xiandi die.

Will Xiandi die too?

Just like that, dead?

"Do you have any opinions?" The one-eyed Xiandi stood there, not moved by the death of Han Zu Xiandi, but looked at everyone very calmly: "Yes, you can raise it."

"..." In the temple, everyone was speechless for a while. Raise it? Don't want to die? An Xiandi was just killed.

"No more?" The One-eyed Immortal Emperor stood there and nodded with satisfaction: "In that case, continue to pay homage to the Holy Lord."

There was an uproar in the temple, and then the first person slowly leaned down and paid homage to Chu Yan: "Pay homage to the Holy Lord!"

"Pay homage to the Holy Lord!" At this moment, the sound of worship resounded throughout the Holy Mountain and filled the entire Holy Dragon Pavilion.

At this time, many Immortal Emperors understood that from the moment the One-eyed Immortal Emperor appeared, Chu Yan's position as the Holy Lord was firmly established, and no one could shake it, unless they didn't want to live.

Chu Yan also looked up at the One-eyed Immortal Emperor. The scene just now was too shocking. Is this the lineage of the king of the Immortal Realm back then? Even after years of decline, it is still terrifying.

"Very good, then you can disperse now." The One-eyed Immortal Emperor spoke indifferently. Everyone in the temple was speechless for a while, but they had no choice. At this point, an Immortal Emperor died. If they continued, they didn't know what would happen.

"We'll take our leave." Immortal Emperors began to stand up one after another, clasping their fists in the air, as if to Chu Yan, but more often to the one-eyed Immortal Emperor, and then led their people away.

Until the end, everyone left, and only the people from Yushan County were still outside the temple.

"Princess, Princess, please come in." Chu Yan said softly, and Princess Yushan and others were a little flattered. Although he was the lord of a county, everyone in the temple was a cloud figure, and he couldn't see them even if he looked up in the past, but now, he had the opportunity to sit together.

"You don't have to be polite, since you are the friends of the Holy Lord, you should treat the Holy Mountain as your own home." Emperor Yan also laughed, and Princess Yushan hurriedly bowed her head: "Thank you, Emperor Yan."

Some people who walked away looked back and were a little envious. They understood that after today, even if Princess Yushan and others were at a low level, their imperial power in the Holy Dragon Pavilion would be incomparable with Chu Yan's relationship, and even higher than some Immortal Emperors.

Chu Yan smiled and watched from the side, and understood this truth.

Princess Yushan and others still need time to adapt to this identity change.

"Mr. Chu, you are really miserable." Concubine Yu chuckled at the side, but she didn't dare to laugh as usual, showing a little respect.

"Beauty, there is no need to be like this between you and me. If you don't mind, just call me Chu Yan." Chu Yan said.

"Chu Yan." Concubine Yu said softly, and Taixu Ting also teased at the side: "Chu Yan, when you become an immortal king in the future, can we still call you this?"

"Of course." Chu Yan rolled his eyes at Taixu Ting, and the girl smiled foolishly for a while.

After speaking, Chu Yan looked at Princess Yushan again: "I hope you won't blame me for hiding it before. It's not that I don't want to say it, but there are some things that are useless if you say it."

"I know." Princess Yushan nodded suddenly. Indeed, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes today, let alone others, even if it was himself, Chu Yan told him that he was the Holy Lord of the Holy Mountain, would he believe it?

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