Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 993: Wandering into the Immortal Realm [Fourth update]

"Princess, princess, you stay in the temple for now. We will take revenge later." Chu Yan said to the few people, and they all nodded. Now that Chu Yan is the Holy Lord, the matter of Yushan County is a trivial matter, and they don't need to worry.

"Lengshan, help me arrange a place for the princess and others." Chu Yan said, Lengshan nodded, and said to the few people: "Everyone, follow me."

Yushan Princess and others withdrew, and only Chu Yan, Emperor Yan, and the One-eyed Immortal Emperor were left in the temple.

"King Leng." Emperor Yan looked up at the One-eyed Immortal Emperor, and was also a little excited. His old body could not help but kneel slowly.

Back then, he was arranged to guard a mountain and wait for a person. This wait lasted for ten thousand years, a full ten thousand years. He has not returned to the Leng family. Seeing the One-eyed Immortal Emperor again today, he is naturally very excited.

"You are too polite, Emperor Yan. I have been tired for ten thousand years." The One-eyed Immortal Emperor waved his hand. At this moment, Chu Yan also knew that the One-eyed Immortal Emperor was the current patriarch of the Leng family, named King Leng, and the strongest person in the Leng family, the top Immortal Emperor.

Of course, the patriarch and the Holy Lord are different.

"Senior." Chu Yan looked up at the Immortal Emperor King Leng and blamed himself: "I have caused trouble for you."

"No problem." King Leng looked at Chu Yan and smiled kindly: "In fact, I have already anticipated everything today, but do you know why I still allow you to do this even though I know it?"

Chu Yan's heart trembled. It turned out that the Immortal Emperor King Leng knew it a long time ago? This is not surprising. Why did he appear here.

"Why?" Chu Yan asked.

"The Leng family has ruled the Immortal Realm for many years, leaving behind many branches and bloodlines. Although they declined and hid themselves, everyone in the Holy Dragon Pavilion is actually a branch of the Leng family. That's why they can stay here."

After a pause, King Leng's eyes were sharp, like the king of the world: "The Holy Order is the order of the Holy Lord, an order. It was issued today to inform them, not to discuss. It's a pity that over time, some rules have been gradually forgotten, and some people have become arrogant, so I killed one person today, and it will all be a warning."

"Then senior, today there is a fairy emperor who fell, won't the others have any thoughts?" Chu Yan asked.

"So what if there is?" The Cold King Immortal Emperor smiled proudly: "Boy, remember, my Leng family was able to dominate the Immortal Realm and rule an era in the past, and it was never based on kindness and sympathy, but on strength and iron-clad rules. Now, as long as I am here and the Leng family's rules are there, what can they do if they have objections?"

"In the future, when you become an Immortal King, what can they do if they have objections?"

"Remember, although we are not evil people, this is the world, the real world. The way of enlightenment and kindness can save everyone, but the real control is based on absolute power. When you have enough power to overlook everything, what can they do if they have objections?" The Cold King Immortal Emperor said this very calmly, but it was extremely shocking in Chu Yan's heart.

Yes, whether it is a country or a sect, preaching and teaching is a way, but isn't the real reason for ruling the country strength?

Chu Yan benefited a lot from just a few words: "Junior understands."

"It's good that you understand." Leng Wang Xiandi nodded: "Now that the Holy Dragon Pavilion has conferred you as the Holy Lord, it can be announced here, but boy, do you still remember what I said to you?"

Recalling the heavy snow on the top of the Holy Mountain, Leng Wang Xiandi said that in the fairyland or even higher worlds, there are people who don't want the fairy king to appear in the fairyland and secretly control everything.

"It's good to remember. The fairyland is not simple. You are destined to be the fairy king, but this journey will be extremely difficult. There will be someone who breaks the heavenly way and stops you. No one appears now, just because your realm is still low and has not attracted the attention of others, but once it reaches a certain level, you will be under great pressure."

"So the identity of the Holy Lord cannot be revealed, otherwise, it will do you no good. What you have to do is to hide the sword for ten years and not take it out: once it is unsheathed, it must shock the world and move ghosts and gods. Do you understand?" Leng Wang Xiandi became serious and solemn.

"Junior understands." Chu Yan nodded seriously, hiding his weapon and waiting for the right opportunity.

"Go!" Leng Wang Xiandi nodded lightly.

"Junior bids farewell." Chu Yan bowed and retreated. Leng Wang kept looking at his back and sighed: "This time, the task is heavy and the road is long."

After the holy order, a series of chain events happened in Shenglong Pavilion as expected.

For example, many immortal emperors sent troops to garrison inside and outside Yushan County, and many immortal masters visited in person. Unfortunately, Yushan County Lord and others were not there, but they still left heavy gifts to show their goodwill.

In contrast to Yushan County, Cao Mansion, Yaolong County, and Zhantian Xianfu, after the return of the holy mountain, the three forces immediately suffered a devastating disaster.

The three major forces seemed to have expected that after the return of the holy mountain, they would disband one after another and flee, but even so, the camps of the three major forces were all destroyed and turned into ruins, becoming history forever.

The news soon reached Chu Yan, and he issued his first order after becoming the Holy Lord, which was to call for the arrest of Caofu Immortal Venerable, Hanyang Immortal Venerable, Black Dragon Immortal Venerable, and the core figures who participated in the Yushan County crusade in the three major forces in the Holy Dragon Pavilion.

After this order was issued, everyone in the Holy Dragon Pavilion sighed.

The three major forces were destroyed.

After a period of time, Chu Yan did not continue to stay in the Holy Mountain, but quietly left with Leng Shan.

Now, he has been a top saint for many years, and has not made a breakthrough for a long time.

Before returning, he told Lengshan that this time he would choose to travel and break through instead of being confined to a certain place, because the matter of Yushan County delayed him for a while.

The leader of Tiandi Sect entered the immortal world early, paved the way for him, and let him know more about what immortals are.

Immortals have immortal paths. Only by seeing all the things in the world and embracing all the people in the world, his immortal path will be wider and more vast, and he will go further, so now he got up.

Of course, before traveling, there is still a place to go to return something.


Shenglong Pavilion, Bingchan Sect Mansion.

On this day, a person descended in a silent place. Now, the news that Chu Yan was crowned as the Holy Lord has spread throughout the Shenglong Pavilion. In addition, Chu Yan has been in Bingchan Sect. Someone recognized him and was shocked and wanted to speak.

"Shh!" Chu Yan immediately made a gesture to the man not to speak. The man nodded excitedly, but kept looking at Chu Yan.

Chu Yan is now an idol of the younger generation.

"Don't bother me, I'll just walk around." Chu Yan laughed, walked around in Bingchan Sect, visited some familiar places, and then, unknowingly, he came to the Princess Palace.

Standing there, he paused for a moment, then smiled bitterly and shook his head, did not go in, and was ready to turn around and leave.

"Just one step, is it so difficult to take it?" But suddenly, an ethereal voice came from behind, with a bit of complaint.

Chu Yan turned around, and Yang Yi was standing there. Today she was wearing a light pink long skirt, the skirt was very long, blowing in the wind, highlighting her temperament and graceful figure, like a fairy.

"I'm here to return the Jiuyou Qin." Looking at Yang Yi, Chu Yan smiled helplessly.

"I know." Yang Yi's beautiful eyes were resentful: "I know, you won't come to see me specially."

"I'll go to Emperor Yang, return the Jiuyou Qin, and then leave." Chu Yan sighed, turned around, and was about to leave.

"Chu Yan!" Looking at the back, Yang Yi was somewhat hateful and shouted: "Chu Yan! You bastard! Do you think you are so great! Even if you are the Holy Lord, I will not like you anymore! Bastard! You must be happy!"

The voice was very weak at the end, and there was even some sobbing.

As the daughter of Emperor Yang, she was always so proud in the Holy Dragon Pavilion, the relics of the God of War, domineering and overbearing, and was looked up to by many people, but even so, she knew that she had fallen in love with an unattainable person. When Qing Yi appeared, she knew it.

As she spoke, Yang Yi squatted down, hugged her knees with both hands, and cried softly.

Chu Yan stepped on the air and stopped again, and then he smiled: "You too."

Yang Yi looked up again, glared at Chu Yan with her red eyes, and smiled happily. She didn't regret falling in love with him, even if they couldn't be together, but it was good to be happy, right? Next, she had to work harder and have her own story.

"Let's go!" Chu Yan said to Leng Shan, returned the Jiuyouqin, and left Bingchan Sect.

In the future, as Chu Yan said, he traveled around the world and saw everything in the world. He spent five years here. In five years, he climbed the highest mountain in Shenglong Pavilion, which is not considered a holy mountain. In five years, he went to see the largest lake in Shenglong Pavilion, and went to the end of the sky. He saw spring and autumn, and witnessed the flowers blooming.

He emptied his mind and truly integrated with this world.

He lived with the world and made friends with all living beings. He changed his appearance and made many friends from all over the world. He punished evil and promoted good. With a three-foot sword, he made great achievements. He was a knight and a thief. Of course, he was a thief who robbed the rich to help the poor. Then he waved his sleeves and left.

Five years, he left quietly like this.

Until one day, he was lying lazily in a dense sea of ​​flowers, with strong wine in his throat and sword on his waist, so cool. There was a fairy light falling from the sky of the Holy Dragon Pavilion, so naturally.

Chu Yan's temperament changed slowly. When the fairy light came, he did not resist or accept it. He did not practice deliberately, but just lay there casually. However, everything would not change because of this. It was just a natural process, changing smoothly. When everything calmed down again, he smiled brilliantly.

At this moment, Chu Yan became more handsome. He practiced for decades, entered the fairyland, and determined the fairy position.

But this time the breakthrough was too silent, but it was better than anything else. He stood up with a clear look.

"It's time to leave."

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