Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 991: The ancestor of Zhantian Immortal Mansion enters the emperor

"Long Yang!" Emperor Yang was there. When he heard this, a flash of disappointment flashed in his eyes. He knew that Long Yang was defeated when he provoked Chu Yan before. Unexpectedly, not only did he not learn the lesson and practice hard, but he became even more jealous. .

"Master, what the disciple said is the truth. If the Holy Master chooses the genius of Shenglong Pavilion, or someone like you and the Immortal Emperor, he will naturally be convinced by the crowd. But if he just chooses a martial arts cultivator from the outer immortal realm and is not in the realm of a saint, why should he? ?" Long Yang said stubbornly.

At this moment, there was a lot of discussion in the temple.

"Boom!" Feng Shan frowned beside Chu Yan and stepped out.

"Fir." But at this moment, Chu Yan suddenly said: "I will do it myself."

The moment he used the holy order, Chu Yan understood that he was just a saint, and it was difficult to convince the public. Even if everyone was arrogant and conciliatory today, it would not make much sense.

So he didn't care, there were a few people who jumped out to stir up trouble.

Raising his head, Chu Yan glanced at Long Yang and Lei Ye, then slowly walked out: "Are you not convinced?"

"Yes!" Lei Ye and Long Yang spoke together.

"I understand." Chu Yan nodded, and then he looked around the temple again, scanning them one by one with sharp eyes; "Besides them, if anyone else is dissatisfied, it doesn't matter, we can tell them together."

After hearing Chu Yan's words, many people in the temple frowned.

"I don't accept it!"

"I'm not convinced either!" Immediately, many people stood up. Of course, most of them were juniors, Immortal Lords and Immortal Emperors. Even if they were dissatisfied, they would not put forward opinions. When they reached this level, they would not agree with a person. The junior is angry.

"Okay." Chu Yan nodded calmly, then turned to look at the other side: "Is there anyone else?"

"I'm not convinced!" In the Cao Mansion, the Immortal Lord of the Cao Mansion glanced at a junior who was a third-level Immortal, and the man stood up and shouted.

In addition to the Cao Mansion, many people from some forces that had no enmity with Chu Yan also came forward. Obviously, they all wanted to test Chu Yan.

"There are quite a lot of people." Chu Yan counted and found that there were nearly a hundred people. The weakest among them were all saints, and the strongest had reached the third level of immortality.

"Since you are not convinced, let's make it simple. Chu is now in the top saint realm. Since he is the Holy Lord, he should bear the pressure. Those of you who are not convinced can challenge anyone who is within the third level of the immortal position. I will accept them all. , If anyone can defeat me, I will give up the position of Holy Lord." Chu Yan said calmly, and there was an uproar in the temple.

You know, immortals are inherently extraordinary. It is difficult to cross this realm, let alone the third level of Saint vs. Immortal. Is this simply asking for death?

"Now, who comes first!" With a thud, Chu Yan took a step forward, his momentum suddenly changed, and he kept burning.

He had already known that there would be a lot of pressure on the canonized Lord today, so it was just right to solve it once and for all to avoid trouble in the future.

"It's really crazy." After hearing Chu Yan's words, many people sneered. Han Yangxianzun looked at Lei Ye: "Lei Ye, go ahead and kill him directly if you have the chance."

Although Chu Yan canonized the Holy Lord today, which made him feel desperate, if the Holy Lord dies, everything will cease to exist, right?

"Yes." Lei Ye took a step forward and looked at Chu Yan with a very ferocious look: "Chu Yan, back then, you were able to survive by borrowing the Nine Nether Qin from the Shenwu relics. Today, there are no divine relics, and I have also entered the immortal position. Then I I will personally tell the world how ridiculous you, the Holy Lord, are.”

"Create a battlefield for the Holy Lord." Emperor Yan sneered from above. Do you think that with the immortal position, you can challenge the Holy Lord?

Emperor Yan sees everything that happens in the Holy Mountain. Immortal position? Ridiculous.

The battlefield appeared, and Lei Ye jumped out with a loud step. As he stood there, terrifying lightning flashes appeared all over his body, intersecting with each other, like thunder dragon tattoos, rising into the sky. Then he looked fiercely and punched out.

"Boom!" With just one blow, it was filled with endless fairy light, killing everything. Thunder and lightning were originally extremely fast. A thousand meters away, one step across, and the thunder industry was wrapped in thunder light, as if it was going to kill Chu. The rock is swallowed up.

Countless people looked at the battlefield with their hearts in doubt, including the disciples of Yushan County.

Even though Chu Yan had a record of defeating the immortals in Yushan County, Yang Chen was a disciple of the Lihuo Palace after all, but Lei Ye was the genius of the Zhantian Immortal Palace. The two of them were not the same at all.

"Zhantian Immortal Mansion, Thunder Dragon Killing Heaven Technique! This method, Immortal Technique!" Someone exclaimed: "This thunder industry has a good talent. Only after entering the immortal position, can it operate the Immortal Technique to such an extent."

"This time, how can this so-called holy master stop him?"

The violent power of Lei Ye came crazily, accompanied by thunder and fire from the sky, and his features were ferocious. He saw Chu Yan conferring the Holy Lord today and was not convinced. Therefore, he wanted to break all this and let the world know that if there is a genius who is the Holy Lord, then It should also be regarded as his thunder industry.

"Buzz!" But at this time, Chu Yan stood there quietly, raised his head, glanced at Lei Ye, his eyes condensed, and with just one glance, Lei Ye felt endless power descending on his body, and his body suddenly stiffened. , then the gravity becomes tens of millions times.

"Suppress!" Chu Yan spoke slowly, and with a thud, Lei Ye's body sank, hitting the ground directly, and his body kept twitching.

"This..." Everyone was stunned.

"What happened just now?" Some people couldn't figure it out. The scene just now seemed like Lei Ye launched a crazy attack on Chu Yan, and then... accidentally fell down and almost died.

"It's gravity...the gravity field with the rules of immortal power." Some immortal figures said in shock. They saw it more thoroughly than the immortals, so they understood it better.

"Lei Ye, just lost like this?" Someone said speechlessly, but Yan Di and Leng Shan were very calm about all this, as if it was natural.

Chu Yan stood there and looked at the others who were dissatisfied: "You, come together."

Everyone's eyes were angry. They were all geniuses and had their own pride, but Lei Ye's defeat just now also made them understand that ordinary immortals could not beat Chu Yan alone. Thinking of this, they didn't care. Since Chu Yan could be named the Holy Lord, his talent must be strong. If they came together, it would not be shameful as long as they could win.

"Do it!"

At this time, Long Yang also flew out first. In addition, nearly a hundred strong men, including the third-level immortals and top saints, thousands of magic spells, descended from the nine heavens, rolling up endless stars and smashing towards Chu Yan.

Suddenly, the place where Chu Yan was turned into a chaotic storm of all laws, as if it could kill everything, but Chu Yan stood there, extremely calm.

Although he was an immortal, the master of the Heavenly Emperor Sect was already an immortal, which allowed him to comprehend the power of immortals. Even if he did not have an immortal card and could not release the most excellent immortal status, he could still break some balances.

"Buzz!" Chu Yan waved his hand, and the Heaven-Slaying Sword was sacrificed. Then he turned into a sword, with huge golden wings spread out behind him, like a big roc, soaring up, the sword shadow was ruthless, and the storm of all laws was in chaos.

At this moment, Chu Yan was dancing with a sword in the center of the battlefield, releasing it at will, and every time he slashed, it was a peerless sword technique.

It seemed that Chu Yan was not fighting, but dancing with a sword alone, but as his sword moves flowed, it seemed that the world was full of swords, and the sky was covered by a huge sword shadow, and 30 million sword lights flowed around him, and people were constantly shocked back wherever they passed.

A sword light descended, Long Yang's eyes widened, he raised his hands high, the dragon blood in his body boiled, he wanted to smash Chu Yan's sword light with a punch, but unfortunately, he couldn't do it at all, the sword light was invincible, killing everything, with a thud, his body was directly chopped and flew out, and fell hard to the ground.

When the sword dance was over and Chu Yan slowly descended, there were very few people who could still stand on the battlefield, but even if they stood, they were more or less injured by the sword energy.

"Too strong." Someone was shocked.

In the distance, the eyes of the disciples of Yushan County were full of excitement.

Yu Meiren's beautiful eyes blinked and smiled brightly: "Mr. Chu, so strong."

Chu Yan descended, the Heaven-Slaying Sword was retracted, and his eyes calmly swept the whole scene.

"Is there anyone who is not convinced? If there is, you can stand up and challenge at will at the third level of the immortal position." On the top of the temple, Emperor Yan stood there and sarcastically said.

In the temple, everyone was speechless. Of course, there are still people who are not convinced, but what about it? Saint Chu Yan, challenging the third level of the immortal position, can be said to have crossed a great realm.

Could it be that someone of the middle or upper immortal position was sent to fight?

If so, wouldn’t it be more direct to send the Immortal Lord directly? Of course, they also understand that if they do this, someone from the Holy Mountain will definitely intervene.

“I don’t accept it!” At this moment, a terrible aura suddenly covered the outside of the temple. Everyone looked up and trembled slightly in their hearts.

“Immortal Emperor? Another Immortal Emperor?”

In Bingchan Sect, Yang Yi’s beautiful eyes were slightly surprised, and she looked at Emperor Yang: “Father, are there any immortal emperors who have not arrived at the Holy Dragon Pavilion?”

Emperor Yang shook his head: “No, the Holy Order has been issued, and the immortal emperors of the world are gathering. Now on the field are all the immortal emperors of the Holy Dragon Pavilion. I don’t know who this person is.”

Soon after, a figure of an old man came down. He had white hair, but his skin was extremely radiant.

Seeing the old man, Han Yang in Zhantian Immortal Mansion was ecstatic. He stood up and said excitedly: "Ancestor! Has the ancestor broken through?"

"Yes." The old man, the ancestor of Zhantian Immortal Mansion, also laughed excitedly. He has practiced for a longer time than Chiyang Emperor, but due to his talent, he has always been kept out by the Immortal Emperor. Until not long ago, he finally figured out some ways and became an Immortal Emperor in one fell swoop.

"Brother Han, congratulations." Chiyang Immortal Emperor looked at the ancestor of Zhantian Immortal Mansion and was slightly surprised. Congratulations.

"Brother Chiyang is polite. Compared with you, I am still a lot worse." The ancestor of Zhantian Immortal Mansion laughed loudly, and his confidence was much stronger. As an Immortal Emperor, he can open up a world on his own. From today on, he, Zhantian Immortal Mansion, no longer needs to be controlled by Chiyang Palace.

Then, he looked at the temple and said, "Emperor Yan, the Holy Mountain chooses the Holy Lord, which is destiny. But you did not choose from the Immortal Emperors, but chose a Saint. What does that mean?"

"Han Zu, watch your tone." On the Holy Mountain, an Immortal Master frowned. This old guy, who became an Immortal Emperor, seemed a little crazy.

"Hehe, why should we pay attention? We have always followed the Holy Mountain and were sealed in this world for ten thousand years. However, ten years ago, a great opportunity came to the Holy Mountain. Emperor Yan opened the Immortal Realm passage and let the Immortal Realm people take it. Today, the Holy Lord also chose the Immortal Realm junior. This behavior completely abandoned us. Why should we follow such a Holy Mountain? Why should we respect it?" Han Zu, the Immortal Emperor, came here and said only one sentence. The Holy Temple was immediately quiet.

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