Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 959: The Ambition of the Nine-Sky Brilliant Dragon

As if remembering the battle that day, Jiutian Huanglong's eyes narrowed slightly, feeling a little chilly.

That day, the two of them climbed to the top and had a battle with Feng Shan. They only had one move and were completely defeated.

"After we got off the Holy Mountain, you lingered on. Do you want to pursue the princess of Qingfeng? I heard that you were listed as a candidate for the next Taoist Priest. Are you planning to borrow the power of Qingfeng Immortal Kingdom?" Jiutian Huanglong said calmly, Duanmutong He raised his head and looked at her: "What about you? If you don't leave, what else do you want?"

"You and I have walked up the Holy Mountain, and we should know that the power of the Immortal King is a whole, and the power in you and me is only a very small part, but this part is not enough to support us in attacking the Immortal King. This power can only The one who is complete is the Immortal King." After Jiutian Huanglong finished speaking, he raised his head, and with a buzz, a violent holy power flew out of his body, covering the Taoist temple: "And what's in your body is exactly what I want."

Feeling the power of the Nine Heavens Huanglong, Duanmutong sat calmly, raising his head, and thousands of talismans rose behind him.

"Boom!" The two forces suddenly collided in the void. For just a moment, the ground trembled wildly and the entire mountain was turbulent.

"So strong!" In the towering Taoist temple, many disciples came quickly and were frightened when they saw the two of them.

At this moment, the two of them were still sitting on the stone chairs, looking at each other, just letting the power of their vitality collide in the air.

"The power you want must also meet the qualifications." The two men's eyes were like daggers, colliding in the air.

After a moment, Jiutian Huanglong smiled, and its power quickly dormant, and it was withdrawn into the body. Duanmutong did the same when he saw this, and everything returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

"I will come and get that part of your power." After Jiutian Huanglong said this, he stood up, his yellow robe rustled, jumped into the air, and flew towards the distance.

Watching him leave, the disciples of Shentian Taoist Temple were still frightened, and many people gathered around Duanmutong.

"Master Duanmutong, are you okay?" someone asked, Duanmutong calmly shook his head.

"Hmph! This Nine Heavens Glory Dragon is too crazy and doesn't even take my towering Taoist temple into consideration." A disciple next to him spoke. Duanmutong looked at him and said slowly: "He has the qualifications."

After saying that, Duanmutong looked at the place where Jiutian Huanglong was, and narrowed his eyes slightly: "You want my power, then come, I do the same!"


When news of Chu Yan's death spread, Chumen faced a great crisis.

The God-Slaying Alliance launched a crazy offensive, causing Chumen great losses. For a time, the God-Slaying Alliance's morale greatly increased.

On this day, many disciples of the God-Slaying Alliance were drinking and chatting in front of a bonfire. Suddenly there was a commotion, causing many people to look up.

I saw a figure strolling outside the city gate of the God-Slaying Alliance. He was the only one walking slowly but extremely confidently. Many people in the God-Slaying Alliance turned to look at him and frowned.

"Hey, which camp are you from?" A first-level immortal warrior stood up and yelled at the man, but the man didn't seem to hear him and continued walking towards the city.

"Bold!" The war general's eyes turned cold, and when he raised his hand, a war-celestial ax struck down behind him, with the intention of opening up the mountain, and even a crack appeared in the sky.

"Buzz!" In just a moment, the man raised his head, and the battle ax froze in the air, unable to move. The man raised his head again and looked at the warrior. A ray of fairy light bloomed, and the warrior immediately let out a scream, "Boom!" With a bang, it flew out.

"Who!" This movement immediately alarmed the God-killing Alliance members. They put down their wine glasses and stood up one after another. A third-level immortal from the Huaqing Immortal Dynasty stepped forward. This person's name was: Chen Yi, who is now Huaqing. The leader of the Immortal Dynasty.

Looking at that figure, Chen Yi narrowed his eyes: "Prince Jiutian? I wonder what the purpose of visiting late at night is?"

Yes, the person who came was none other than Jiutian Huanglong. He jumped in the air and stood at the highest point of the city wall. He slowly lowered his head and looked at everyone: "From today on, the God-Slaying Alliance no longer needs to be here."

"What do you mean?" Chen Yi's eyes turned cold, and the others also smiled sarcastically: "That's so arrogant!"

"Our God-Slaying Alliance has combined with many top forces in the Immortal Realm. Just you, do you want to destroy our God-Slaying Alliance?" Chen Yi also said coldly. The current God-Slaying Alliance combines the Supreme Weapon Palace, the Golden Dynasty, and the Sword God Mountain. The scholar side of the Holy Academy is so huge that it is not an exaggeration to call it the first alliance at the foot of the Holy Mountain.

Glancing at Chen Yi, Jiutian Huanglong raised his hand, and a crazy light shot out. Chen Yi's face changed with shock, and he felt as if he was being strangled, and his hands were grabbing hard at his throat.

Everyone was shocked. Chen Yixian, the third-level immortal, was so vulnerable in the hands of Jiutian Huanglong?

"I need some people in the Holy Mountain. It's too annoying to recruit them one by one, so I'm here." Jiutian Huanglong raised his hand, and Chen Yi was lifted up. Then, Jiutian Huanglong looked down: "Now , you have two choices, surrender, or die!"

"You are so presumptuous!" A disciple of Jin Dynasty roared, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Jiutian Huanglong's other hand dropped with one finger, and with a thud, his heart was pierced by the fairy light. Everyone was shocked. Living.

Seeing this scene, Jin Zhantian's eyes became even colder: "Jiutian Huanglong, this is the main city of our God-Slaying Alliance. You are so presumptuous, where are your people?"

"To face you, why do we need others? I alone am enough." Jiutian Huanglong showed his arrogant attitude, invincible in all directions. Then he raised his hand and saw that the sky had changed color, with endless fairy light entwining it. As a golden dragon, it seems that as long as he thinks, these golden dragons will fall and kill everyone.

"Jiutian Huanglong, if you do this, aren't you afraid that if you leave the Holy Mountain, you will be retaliated by our forces?" The people of Sword God Mountain roared.

"The Holy Mountain is a battle for the younger generation. You, no one has climbed the 5,000 steps of the Heavenly Ladder, but I have climbed the Holy Mountain. In the future, I will become the king of the Immortal Realm. Then, you will feel honored to have followed me in the Holy Mountain." Jiu Tian Huang Long said arrogantly.

"For the last time, surrender or die!" Jiu Tian Huang Long was extremely cold and arrogant. The disciples of the God Killing League were silent, shocked and unwilling. Jin Zhantian clenched his fists. He believed that he was not weaker than Jiu Tian Huang Long, but after climbing the Holy Mountain, the gap between the two was immediately apparent.

Facing that terrible power, the disciples of the God Killing League had no choice but to surrender.

On the same day, the Holy Mountain was in an uproar.

Originally, everyone was concerned about the battle between the God Killing League and Truman. The God Killing League was in an advantageous position and was thought to take advantage of the situation to attack and destroy Truman.

But on the second day, the once powerful God-killing Alliance was destroyed, and the plaque on the main city was replaced by the Jiuxiao Battle Alliance, which came out of nowhere and directly swept away all the strong teams from all sides and became the first team at the foot of the Holy Mountain.

The dissolution of the God-killing Alliance also gave Chu Men a chance to breathe.

But this breath did not last too long.

Jiutian Huanglong subdued the God-killing Alliance, fought wildly at the foot of the Holy Mountain, opened up territory, plundered all the inheritances, secret houses, and opportunities related to the Immortal King Taoism in the Holy Mountain, and released a message to find a person at the foot of the Holy Dragon. This person is good at the power of time and space, comes from the Wild Immortal Realm, and is the master of the Heavenly Emperor. Anyone who kills this person will be rewarded with a Immortal Mansion.

For a while, the wind direction at the foot of the Holy Mountain changed vaguely. In addition, Duanmu Tong in the Cantian Taoist Temple also made some moves. He locked his target on Qingyi, but he was unsuccessful.

However, the secret house at the foot of the Holy Mountain is limited. With the large-scale mining of Jiutian Huanglong, the resources at the foot of the Holy Mountain are depleted. In the end, he can only target the other two top teams.

Truman, the Holy Mountain Elite Team.

On this day, the Holy Mountain Elite Team, led by King Fang, was surrounded from all sides.

"Buzz!" There was a sound of breaking air in the sky. King Fang looked up and saw a man standing in the sky, riding on the Nine-Sky Cloud Dragon, with his hands behind his back, looking down on everything.

"Jiutian Huanglong, do you really want to do this? This is the Holy Mountain!" King Fang looked up at Jiutian Huanglong with cold eyes.

"The resources in the Holy Mountain have been fully mined, but unfortunately, it is still not enough. Anyone who has stepped on the ladder to heaven must release his vitality, otherwise, he will be killed without mercy!" Jiutian Huanglong's voice was cold, without any ripples.

"Asshole!" King Fang growled and said to the people around him: "Break out with all your strength!"

"Think it's useful?" When Jiu Tian Huang Long raised his hand, golden light flashed, and the ground of the Holy Mountain trembled. Rays of plundering light burst down crazily, covering King Fang and others. In their bodies, a very fine golden Dao flew out and fell into Jiu Tian Huang Long's hands.

When all the power was swallowed, Jiu Tian Huang Long narrowed his eyes slightly, opened his hands, and the golden veins on the top increased a little, but unfortunately, it was still very weak.

"Is it still not enough?" Jiu Tian Huang Long was a little disappointed. The higher he stepped on the Holy Mountain, the more Immortal King Dao would accumulate in his body. Unfortunately, these people were too weak and were not enough to awaken the Immortal King Dao in his body.

"In the Trumen, several people walked very high." Chen Yi narrowed his eyes beside Jiu Tian Huang Long and said.

"Trumen?" Jiu Tian Huang Long's eyes flashed with greed, and his eyes turned and fell into the distance.

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