Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 958 Duanmu Tong's words

"Okay." Qing Yi nodded lightly, and then she raised her hand, and a crashing sound was heard. The vines rolled up Yun Feiyang again, and then hit the ground hard with a bang. With a bang, Yun Feiyang vomited blood continuously.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the restaurant was stunned.


Wangfeng watched from the side, wanting to laugh, but holding back, not laughing.

Duanmutong's eyes also shrank. He was just saying polite words, but who could have expected that Qing Yi would take it seriously?

"Princess Tsing Yi, why not forget it?" Duanmutong laughed dryly.

Qing Yi looked at Duanmutong incomprehensively, her beautiful eyes blinking: "You were the one who told me a lesson, weren't you? Why are you regretting it now?"

"Uh..." Duanmutong regretted a little, but he couldn't watch Yun Feiyang die, so he had to bite the bullet and speak again: "Princess Tsing Yi, Feiyang's unintentional words have been taught a lesson, so spare his life. After all, There is no deep hatred between Towering Taoist Temple and Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty?”

Everyone looked at Qing Yi. It could be said that Duanmutong was very polite. He had already given Qing Yi enough face in the Immortal Realm.

"No!" However, Qing Yi said crisply and shook her head. Her world is very simple. Now that Chu Yan is not here, she will protect Xiao Qingcheng just like she protects Chu Yan, not allowing her to be harmed at all. Besides, Yun Feiyang If so, it would be enough for him to die.

In an instant, Duanmutong's eyes shrank, and a cold light suddenly appeared.

"Princess Tsing Yi must make the relationship stalemate?" Duanmutong narrowed his eyes. He was unwilling to take action. Firstly, it was because of Tsing Yi's background, the Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty, the dominant force in the north. In addition, Tsing Yi's beauty also attracted his heart. A bit of admiration, but this does not mean that he dare not take action. Now in the Holy Mountain, he believes that there are not many people who can stop him.

"Sister Qingyi, forget it, I'm fine." From behind, Liu Qingcheng said softly. Qingyi turned to look at her, her beautiful eyes sparkling.

"The power of the Towering Taoist Temple is not weak. If a full-scale war breaks out, we will not be able to take advantage of it. The Huaqing Immortal Dynasty may also launch a pounce." Yuqiong Xian'er's voice came.

Qing Yi pondered for a moment, waved his hand, and the green vines retreated. Only then did Yun Feiyang get up, covered in blood and extremely embarrassed.

"Next time, you will die." Qing Yi said coldly, and then turned around without saying any nonsense.

"You haven't apologized yet!" Duanmutong glared at Yun Feiyang. Yun Feiyang clenched his fist, feeling unwilling to accept it, but still said in a deep voice: "I'm sorry!"

"Everything is a misunderstanding." Duanmutong said with a smile, and then he raised his head and looked at Qing Yi's back: "I have long heard that Emperor Qingfeng's beloved daughter is unparalleled in talent. When I saw her today, she was indeed extraordinary. I wonder if the princess has time to have a baby together. Get together?”

Wangfeng and Ye Xun's expressions darkened. Is Duanmutong poaching in front of them?

"Shut up!" Ye Xun scolded, Duanmutong glanced at Ye Xun with cold eyes, ignored it, and continued to look at Qing Yi: "Princess, think about it?"

"I have someone I like." Qing Yi looked at Duanmutong with complicated beautiful eyes. She could naturally tell that Duanmutong was deliberately provoking and said coldly.

"What about Chu Yan?" Duanmutong smiled calmly and nodded seriously: "I had some misunderstandings about him at the beginning, but we were destined to climb the Holy Mountain together and saw his talent. He is indeed a remarkable person. If he continues Give him some time and it won’t be difficult to surpass me.”

The atmosphere in the restaurant suddenly became weird. Duanmutong was praising Chu Yan?

"It's just...what a pity." Duanmutong sighed, and then shook his head pretending to sigh, making many people stare.

"Do you know the news about Brother Chu?" Tianxin asked excitedly in the crowd.

"I know." Duanmutong nodded, and Ye Xun and others looked at him when they raised their heads.

"How is Brother Chu doing now? Is he okay?"

"Oh, God is jealous of Tianjiao, so let's not mention it." Duanmu Tong shook his head again, but the more he acted like this, the more anxious Ye Xun and the others became. Liu Qingcheng also frowned and whispered worriedly: "Mr. Duanmu, please tell my husband. What is his whereabouts? Is he okay now?"

"What a pity for the beautiful lady." Duanmutong looked at Liu Qingcheng and said silently: "My condolences, girl!"

One sentence made everyone's heart sink infinitely. Even though there had been rumors for a long time that Chu Yan was destined to die on the ladder to heaven, but no one could confirm it. But today is different. The person who said this is the best person to take the ladder to heaven. Duanmutong is far away. Do I need to say more to express my condolences?

Liu Qingcheng felt her eyes go dark, and her delicate body trembled.

"Qingcheng! Don't listen to him." Ye Xun stepped forward to support Liu Qingcheng.

"I'm warning you, you're talking human words!" Wangfeng was impatient and violent. With a bang, his demonic energy ignited and he pointed at Duanmutong: "You're talking nonsense, be careful I'll beat you up!"

"I know this is hard to accept. In fact, I feel the same way as you all. That day, Brother Chu, Prince Jiutian, and I were the only ones left together. We chatted a lot. Some of the original grudges have been eliminated long ago, and the three of us have become Old friend, however, the road to heaven is as difficult as climbing to the sky. Brother Chu's level has finally dropped a bit. I witnessed with my own eyes that he was punished by the Holy Mountain God and was destroyed invisible." Duanmutong said with great regret, actually feeling a little sad. Many people's eyes were fixed, and everyone in the Chu family was equally moved. Could it be that Tianjiao really died like this?

"I don't believe it!" Liu Qingcheng was heartbroken. She raised her head and looked at the Holy Mountain. With a flash of her body, she jumped towards the Holy Mountain.

No matter what, she didn't believe it. The Holy Mountain was difficult, so she went up to the Holy Mountain again. If it was really God's punishment, she would ask the sky why it was so unfair that it didn't have eyes.

Qing Yi frowned, looked at Duanmutong coldly, turned around without saying anything.

"Why does Princess Qingyi have to do this? You are in your prime, but you have to guard a dead person." Duanmu Tong frowned, but Qingyi ignored him and flew away.

Looking at the departing figure, Yun Feiyang clenched his fists. He looked at Duanmu Tong in confusion: "Brother, is it just like this? With your ability, why are you afraid of that bitch?"

"What do you know!" Duanmu Tong scolded, and said: "It would be a happy thing if such a beauty could accompany you. The most important thing is that she is the princess of Qingfeng Immortal Dynasty."

"Then Brother, Truman, is it just like this?" Yun Feiyang was unwilling. He had not yet avenged the revenge of the Immortal Realm, and he would never let Liu Qingcheng, that bitch, go.

"Truman, why do we have to do it ourselves?" Yun Feiyang smiled calmly and whispered a few words to the person next to him. The person's eyes condensed, nodded in response, and left.

Afterwards, Duanmu Tong looked at the back of Qing Yi again, full of greed. He firmly believed that he would become an immortal one day and compete for the position of Cantian Taoist. If there was an immortal country to support him, who in this immortal realm could do anything to him.

Thinking of this, his mind became more determined.

"Let's go!" The people of Cantian Taoist Temple left, but today's incident was like a fuse. The death of Chu Yan was confirmed by Duanmu Tong and spread wildly.

In addition, there was another thing that fermented wildly at the foot of the holy mountain.

It was the death of Hua Qingyu.

Before, Hua Qingyu was killed by the master of Tiandi Sect and the time and space were disordered, and no one witnessed it. But on this day, someone claimed to have seen it with his own eyes. On that day, Hua Qingyu chased Chu Yan and was killed by Chu Yan with a treacherous means.

This news, like a powerful agent, directly ignited the war between the God Killing Alliance and Chumen, and the conflict between the two sides rose to a new height.

During this period, even immortals on both sides fell.


The camp of the Cantian Taoist Temple has been polished for seven years. It is brilliant and is built in a huge secret house with abundant immortal energy.

One day, a man suddenly walked outside the Cantian Taoist Temple. He was wearing a cloud-shaped dragon robe with nine clouds and a real dragon on top.

"Who is coming?" When this man appeared, guards from the Cantian Taoist Temple immediately flew out with stern eyes. This man revealed a touch of immortal power.

"Let Duanmu Tong see me." The man raised his head and had endless majesty at a glance. Many guards' faces sank and they all felt a strong oppression.

"How dare you!" But immediately, someone growled: "Young Master Duanmu, you can see me just because you say so?"

"Nonsense!" The man snorted coldly and waved his hand. With a crackling sound, a dragon scale chain broke through the sky and flew away. He grasped it in the air. The guard screamed and was immediately pulled down by the chain. It fell to the ground with a rumble. The other guards looked serious.

"Stop it." At this moment, a clear voice came from the Taoist temple, and many guards were delighted: "Young Master Duanmu!"

"Young Master, this man is extremely arrogant and looks down on everyone." A guard spoke, Duanmu Tong flew into the sky, looked at the yellow robe figure, and said calmly: "Everyone retreat, you are not his opponent even if you join forces."

After that, Duanmu Tong looked down at the other party: "Prince Jiutian came to my Taoist temple from afar, I wonder why?"

Everyone's heart condensed, this person is the prince of Jiutian Xianchao, one of the two miracles of the Holy Road, Jiutian Huanglong?

Jiutian Huanglong raised his head: "Won't you let me go in and sit down?"

"Please." Duanmu Tong chuckled, Jiutian Huanglong jumped, stepped into the air and walked towards the Taoist temple.

After entering the Taoist temple, Duanmu Tong waved his hand, and a stone chair flew over. Jiutian Huanglong was not polite, raised his hand to catch it, turned around and sat down, and looked at Duanmu Tong.

"It seems that you also felt it after getting off the ladder." Jiu Tian Huang Long felt Duan Mu Tong's power and said.

"You too." Duan Mu Tong smiled. Jiu Tian Huang Long did not respond. He turned his palm and looked down. In just a moment, there were faint golden Dao laws swimming on his palm. It was very subtle, but it really existed.

"The Dao law of the immortal king on the ladder is indeed very strong. It took seven years to ascend to heaven and enter the immortal position. It's a pity that this power is too subtle." Jiu Tian Huang Long sighed, then he looked up and looked at Duan Mu Tong, and said calmly: "You know, there is no divine punishment on the ladder, and he was not killed."

"So what?" Duan Mu Tong smiled calmly and said: "That day, you and I climbed the ladder together and lost to that person. You should know how strong that person is. Do you think he has a chance to win when he is only a saint at the eighth level? Now that many years have passed, he still hasn't come down the mountain. Most likely he was killed by that person, so I am not lying."

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