Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 960 The Eve of the War

In the eighth year of the Holy Mountain, there was complete chaos.

The strong rise of the Jiuxiao team directly swallowed up the God-Slaying Alliance and the elite team.

After that, Jiutian Huanglong issued a message asking Chumen to surrender voluntarily, otherwise he would be killed without mercy.

However, with the characters of Ye Xun, Wangfeng and others, they naturally would not agree, which also caused the Jiuxiao team to directly target Truman.

This also made everyone secretly sigh, I am afraid that Trumen will be destroyed this time, and the disaster they have to face is the Jiuxiao Team, which is more terrifying than the God-Slaying Alliance.

However, so far, eight years later, there is still no news about Chu Yan.

In the Holy Mountain, even if the storm breaks out, the ladder still stands there without being affected at all.

During this period, Liu Qingcheng and Qingyi went up the ladder to heaven several times. As a result, Liu Qingcheng suffered a strong backlash, but she still persisted. There was an icy cold air in her body that made snow fall in the sky.

Tsing Yi has always been with her, and she also has terrifying power in her body.

However, the holy mountain now has no end. No matter how high the two girls go, it will be of no use.

However, no one still believed that Chu Yan died.

On this day, the Leng family in the Holy Mountain was in the world.

Chu Yan is sitting here cross-legged, his vitality is swirling and flowing in his body, and around him, there are golden brilliance spinning. If the Nine Heavens Huanglong appears again at this time, he will definitely go crazy for it, because the Immortal King Dao Lineage he wants is coming true. A complete holy light shrouded down.

"As expected of the Holy Lord, he has cultivated the power of the Holy Lord to the extreme in just one year." Many members of the Leng clan couldn't help but admire him when they saw this.

After a year, Chu Yan has been prying into the mystery of the Leng family.

In one year, he cultivated a set of special skills exclusive to the Holy Lord Leng: the Holy King's Dragon Art.

After practicing the Holy King Emperor Long Jue, he discovered that the power of the Leng clan was extremely terrifying, and it was a power that could spy on the secrets of heaven.

Ordinary practitioners can only cultivate the heaven, earth, sun and moon, and control the power of the universe, which is all achieved by relying on the vitality of the world. Therefore, even the Immortal Emperor will be very limited in the power he can exert in a barren place.

But the Holy King's Dragon Art is extremely special. His power is to completely transform the power of heaven and earth into his own power. To put it another way, it is to transform himself into this piece of sky.

Be in harmony with heaven and be the same as heaven.

After another long time, Chu Yan's breath was restrained, and he opened his closed eyes. He couldn't help but sigh: "The Leng clan is worthy of being called a saint clan. This power is really powerful. It can fuse the power of heaven and earth. Heaven is mine." , I am Heaven, I have achieved great success in cultivation, and I am on par with Heaven!”

"Holy Lord!" This year, Feng Shan had been standing by Chu Yan's side. When he saw Chu Yan coming out of seclusion, he stepped forward.

"What did you call me?" Chu Yan looked at Feng Shan. Feng Shan was stunned and immediately changed his words: "Young Master!"

"Firson, although I am now the new Holy Master of the Leng clan, you and I are similar in age and are of the same generation. After we left the mountain, you and I were brothers. In the future in the Immortal Realm, we should not refer to each other as Holy Master." Chu Yan nodded and said with a chuckle.

"Feng Shan understands." Feng Shan nodded. A year ago, he followed Chu Yan just out of a mission and a promise. However, after a year of getting along, he found infinite possibilities in Chu Yan. He truly admired Chu Yan for his extraordinary talent. Also willing to follow.

"Young Master has made a breakthrough?" At this moment, Feng Shan felt the power bursting out of Chu Yan's body and said in surprise.

"Yeah." Chu Yan smiled and spent a year in seclusion, finally becoming a top saint. Then his eyes flashed coldly: "One year, it's time to leave."

"Young Master is going down the mountain?" Feng Shan was quite surprised: "With your talents and the resources of the Leng family, you may have the opportunity to break through to the immortal position within three years. Why are you going down the mountain at this time?"

"I can break through to the immortal position at any time, but if I lose some because of this, I will feel guilty for the rest of my life." Chu Yan shook his head with a smile. He has practiced so far in order to find his parents, avenge the blood, and protect the people around him.

Now, the leader of the Heavenly Emperor Sect is at the foot of the Holy Mountain, so this year, although he is on the mountain, he knows everything below the mountain. Naturally, he also knows that the Jiuxiao Team is about to attack Trumen.

So he couldn't wait any longer and wanted to go down the mountain now.

"Are you sure you won't wait until you break through to the immortal position?"

"When you get to the immortal throne, you can go to the divine palace to explore." The one-eyed middle-aged man came out of the sky and looked at Chu Yan.

"Well, breaking through to the immortal position does not happen overnight. It can take a few years at the earliest, and it may take more than ten years at the slowest. I won't wait any longer. When I step into the immortal position, I will come back to see my senior." Chu Yan bowed slightly and said.

The one-eyed middle-aged man nodded: "That's fine, Firson, let you go. Now the Leng clan can't follow you out of the mountain, but one day, when you become the Immortal Emperor, you can order everything here. Cultivation in the Immortal Realm, Your identity is sensitive and you should be careful.”

"The younger generation will remember the words of the elders." Chu Yan responded, his eyes became more serious, looking through the sky and looking down the mountain.

Time in the Immortal Realm is really fast.

Eight years have passed in the blink of an eye. Qingcheng and Qingyi, how are you?

I'm back!


At the foot of the Holy Mountain, under the crazy plunder of the Jiuxiao team, the world fell into chaos.

In recent days, Truman has become particularly heavy, and many disciples know that the day of decisive battle is coming soon.

Now Truman has been forced to the foot of the ladder.

"Sister-in-law Qingcheng, sister-in-law Qingyi!" On this day, Wangfeng came over, looked at Liu Qingcheng and Qingyi and said, "The Jiuxiao team is about to attack, so please leave the Holy Mountain first!"

"I won't leave!" Liu Qingcheng shook her head stubbornly: "He hasn't come down yet, I have to wait for him!"

Qing Yi stood there without speaking, but her beautiful eyes did not twinkle at all.

"Two sisters-in-law, senior brother will be fine." Wangfeng frowned and emphasized: "Just leave the killing to a few of us. You leave the Holy Mountain first. Senior Brother Chu will definitely come back safely!"

But at this moment, Liu Qingcheng raised her head, looked at Wangfeng, and suddenly smiled.

"Silly boy, I am your sister-in-law!" Liu Qingcheng smiled sweetly, but was a little sad: "If he is not here, I am here, it is the same. If he is not here, I am not here either, is this Truman still Truman? "

Silently looking at the wind, Qing Yi looked up at this moment, her cold beautiful eyes looked far away, and she said sharply: "Here we come!"

In an instant, the Chumen disciples all became serious. Yuqiong Xianer, Lin Daoyan, Ye Xun, Lin Ang, and Chen Le were all here, looking up at the sky.

I saw patches of black clouds shrouding them, and there were nearly ten thousand people in a majestic lineup. Some people were riding ancient monsters, and there were some battleships and divine soldiers, as well as the Supreme Weapon Palace and their royal weapons, all the way to the foot of the ladder to the hinterland of Trumen.

"What a strong lineup!" The Chumen disciples' eyes were focused, shrouded in darkness, and they all felt a touch of pressure.

"Miss Xian'er, Team Jiuxiao wants to destroy Chumen. We might as well go down to the Holy Mountain now. With the Immortal Emperor outside, no one can threaten the Immortal Pavilion." The Immortal Deacon of Yuqiong Immortal Pavilion whispered.

"Master Chu is kind to me." Yuqiong Xian'er shook her head gently, but the deacon frowned: "Miss, there is a huge gap between the lineups of the two sides now, and their top combat power is also not as good as the other side. Jiutian Huanglong borrows the power of the Immortal King, Chu The door is no match at all, so why would the young lady put herself in danger?”

"No need to say any more, I have made up my mind." Yuqiong Xian'er interrupted and looked at the immortal guardian next to her: "Distribute the immortal soldiers to everyone."

"Alas!" The deacon narrowed his eyes and sighed, but he still did as Yu Qiong Xian'er said.

"I'm a good boy..." On the side of Xuantian Sect, Chen Le blinked and vomited when he saw the endless figures.

"What, you want to back off?" A senior brother from Xuantian Sect next to him rolled his eyes.

"I, I, Chen Le, are not that person!" Chen Le felt guilty for a while, and then sighed bitterly: "Brother Chu, I have worked hard for you. If I am still alive this time, how about you go to the middle of the fairyland in the future?" Treat me and take me to the best restaurants, and I won’t recognize you as my brother from now on!”

"Buzz!" The Jiuxiao team arrived from the sky.

"Stop!" Jiutian Huanglong raised his hand, and the huge lineup was uniform and stopped for Jiutian.

Jiutian Huanglong slowly lowered his head, looking down, despising everything. Now he has this kind of confidence.

"Truman, this is your last chance. Surrender within three breaths, otherwise, you will be killed without mercy!" The Nine Heavens Huanglong roared, and in a moment, there was a golden dragon roaring in the sky.

"So strong!" Just the dragon's roar transformed from one piece of Yuan Qi made the Trumen disciples feel endless pressure, and their faces turned pale.

"Jiutian Huanglong, aren't you afraid of retaliation for doing this? If you leave the Holy Mountain, is it possible for your Nine Heavens Immortal Dynasty to bear the price?" Chen Le said.

"Since ancient times, in the Immortal Realm, I have been king against the heavens. I have been indecisive and restrained. How can I be the king?" Jiutian Huanglong said arrogantly. He said that he was the king against the heavens, so today he is here to go against the heavens and create a king's path.

"Three breaths have arrived. It seems that you have chosen to die!" The next moment, Jiutian Huanglong's eyes were filled with cold light, he raised his hand and slowly lowered it.

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