Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 96 Crazy Training

It was late at night when Chu Yan returned to the freshman area, holding two pills in his hand.

One is the Yin Yang Pill refined by Mu Ling'er, and the other is the Pure Yin Pill refined by him. After hesitating, Chu Yan took the Pure Yin Pill.

The rich Yin Qi turned into cold air and rolled away in his body, causing his hot body to burn out bit by bit. Finally, after half a stick of incense, he felt the roar in his body, and a picture like the Yin and Yang diagram of Tai Chi formed in Chu Yan's Dantian. The balance of yin and yang suppressed the blazing flames in his body, and at the last moment, Chu Yan's dantian flashed with light, a strong light appeared, and another ray of dust.

"Are you on the second level of Juechen Realm?"

Nowadays, Chu Yan is very thirsty for power. This time, the Wolf Group directly won the first place. It was purely an accident. But Chu Yan also knew that he and Liang Zi of Changsheng Hall were also completely connected. Just as he said, in the mirror, He has never worried otherwise, but once they enter the mirror, Changshengtang will definitely suppress them ruthlessly.

In the final analysis, after all, their strength is not enough. Just like today, Xuanfeng can proudly tell him that you are not worthy. If his strength can be stronger, then Xuanfeng will not be condescending, so he has to change himself. powerful.

As Mu Ling'er said, is Lin Changsheng really the strongest? No. What is the Shengtai in Xuanfeng's mouth? What level will the real strong person be in the Ten Thousand Sects Ceremony three years later? Chu Yan doesn't know, but he won't give up. He has an appointment with Liu Qingcheng, so he must work hard to break through. Just fine.

Three years later, when we met on the highest mountain in the Ten Thousand Sects Ceremony, what Chu Yan wanted at that time was definitely not just a divorce note. What he wanted was Liu Qingcheng's approval. Similarly, he also needs to be recognized by the wilderness. If he wants to step into the wilderness again, he is still far away.

"The road to martial arts is vast and endless. No one has ever practiced to the end, even in the wilderness. But now my strength is still far behind." Chu Yan thought in his heart, and what followed was a long period of hard training. .


Half a month later.

At dawn when the rooster crows, in the mirror trial, there is a violent crackling sound in the air. A figure comes here early, punches out, and a mirror monster dies tragically under the figure's punch.

This figure seems to have been here all the time, like a crazy demon, practicing crazily. Not only him, but also a simple and honest fat man, running wildly every day. Next to the fat man, a young man holding a spear kept dancing.

The seven new students then fell into a period of crazy training, which made all the disciples gasp. This kind of powerful training was simply abnormal. They consumed it to the limit every day, and then relied on elixirs to replenish it and continued to practice.

"These lunatics!"

"But these freshmen are really serious. That Chu Yan broke through another level in less than half a month and has reached the third level of Juechen. Haha, I guess Li Yan has no chance to fight with him. ”

"But it's strange, the people from the Changsheng Hall never showed up." The new practice of Chu Yan and his group has almost become a beautiful scenery in the mirror trial. There are also some old students who are open-minded. Seeing that Chu Yan and others have great martial arts skills, they come to Chu Yan. Yan and others discussed.

Chu Yan and others are also very generous about this. In martial arts, competition is the best way to improve strength.

Just at this moment, there was a violent collision in a mountain forest. Ye Xun, holding the Iron King Dragon Spear, kept colliding with Xuan Yu. After dozens of rounds, the two of them took a few steps back. Xuan Yu's sleeves were covered by the white tiger Yin was shocked and shouted excitedly: "Awesome!"

"Senior brother is also very strong. I have the support of the Iron King Dragon Spear, otherwise I would not be my match."

"Forget it, you were able to defeat Chen Hao half a month ago. You all have great talents. From now on, this Haotian Sect will be your world." Xuan Yu also waved his hand very boldly.

Chu Yan jumped forward and smiled at Xuan Yu: "Brother, how about we compare with each other?"

"Come on, you can defeat Li Yan at the first level of Juechen. Now you and I are in the same realm. Fighting with you is just humiliating myself. When the time comes, I will be too shocked and my martial arts heart will be dusted, and I will not be able to practice. Xuanyu rolled his eyes at Chu Yan and shook his head.

Chu Yan also smiled bitterly. There were people who challenged him half a month ago, but now, he felt helpless. No one wanted to fight him, which made his progress much slower.

However, the third level of Juechen also brought him to a bottleneck. Among the nine levels of Juechen, there are three levels each: upper, middle and lower. Each three levels is a hurdle, so it will take some time for Chu Yan to break through the fourth level of Juechen. Fortunately, Chu Yan He didn't force it. He calculated that with his current hands, he should be able to defeat the strong men on the sixth level of Juechen. If he got back the Sun-Destroying Sword, he could fight on the seventh level of Juechen.

Therefore, he also believed that it would not be long before Lin Changsheng, Xuanfeng and others would no longer be qualified to look down on him.

When the martial arts realm encountered shackles, Chu Yan did not force it, but kept consolidating it. In addition, he spent more time studying the fire patterns. After the last alchemy, Chu Yan came into contact with the fire patterns for the first time. It has been greatly used. Now that he has completed the ice and fire divine patterns, he can easily carve them with flames, so he also wants to try more advanced fire patterns.

Chu Yan once again took the soul into his Divine Consciousness Mansion, looked at the fire patterns all over the sky, and calmly realized that although these divine patterns were left by Qin Ruomeng, every formation and eye pattern was extremely clear, but the flames of each person were The temperatures are different, the attributes are different, and the depictions are also very different, so these fire patterns can only be used for perception.

Finally, the image of a fire pattern came to mind.

Level four fire pattern, Nirvana refining domain!

Chu Yan's eyes lit up: "If this fire pattern is refined, it can live forever like a phoenix in Nirvana and never be destroyed. If it is used to make elixirs, even if the elixir explodes, it can be re-refined from the ashes to make the herb Nirvana. , re-refining! If this is the case, can I master this fire pattern and reduce the consumption to the minimum?"

Chu Yan became excited. In addition to the level of alchemy masters, another point of competition is the success rate. Imagine that a ninth-grade alchemist has a success rate of only 1%. That may not be as good as an eighth-grade alchemy master. After all, Maybe it was luck once.

But with this fire pattern, Chu Yan no longer has to worry about failure. What makes Chu Yan even more excited is that this fire pattern can also be used in attacks.

"If it is used to attack, it can become an endless realm of refinement, allowing people to suffer the pain of burning fire, but they can die and be reborn, and finally lose their souls in pain?" A chill flashed in Chu Yan's eyes. This is the so-called life is worse than death. ?

Kill you, resurrect you, kill you again! What a domineering fire pattern this is?

Chu Yan became excited. The fourth level fire pattern was already infinitely close to the level of a king. If he could master it and give him time to set up a fire pattern formation, he would be able to fight against a king even if he met him!

In the blink of an eye, another three days passed. Chu Yan did not leave the mirror trial for three days, and continued to understand the fire pattern. Finally, on the third day, fire burned within ten feet of his body, forming an endless fire array in the sky above the fire array. , seems to have a mournful phoenix.

"Successful!" Looking at the exquisite fire pattern formation, Chu Yan couldn't believe that there would be such a magical thing in the world if he hadn't carved it himself.

"So strong." Suddenly a sweet voice sounded, and Mu Ling'er came to Chu Yan: "Have you comprehended the fourth level fire pattern?"

"It's not a comprehension, it's just that you've learned it." The other alchemists need to comprehend it themselves, but he has the hundreds of fire patterns left by Qin Ruomeng, so he is familiar with the fire patterns, but it doesn't count as a comprehension.

"Abnormal!" Mu Ling'er chirped. It took her ten years to realize more than a dozen third-level fire patterns on her own, but now Chu Yan has mastered the fourth-level fire patterns.

"Come, hold my hand, I'll show you something." Chu Yan smiled, then clasped the fingers of his two hands together, and then the two souls closed together, and Chu Yan took it to his spiritual consciousness. .

Seeing the thousands of fire patterns in the Tianchuyan Divine Consciousness Mansion, Mu Ling'er opened her mouth slightly, very shocked!

"Oh my god, you actually know so many fire patterns?" Mu Ling'er was shocked. If these fire patterns appeared in the world, what a terrible wealth it would be?

"Read it carefully and see if you can figure out some fire patterns that suit you. Just copy them." Chu Yan smiled faintly, but Mu Ling'er's heart moved slightly. These fire patterns are priceless treasures. If outsiders know about them, , it must be a fatal disaster, but Chu Yan told himself without reservation that this was a huge trust.

Chu Yan seemed to notice something strange about Mu Ling'er and said with a smile: "I can't trust others. Will you and Qiu Yu betray me?"

Mu Ling'er hesitated for a moment, then showed a sweet smile, and the flowers trembled.

Yes, I am afraid only the three of them will understand the feelings between the three of them.

In another three days, Chu Yan and Mu Ling'er realized it together. This incident immediately spread within the Haotian Sect. The most beautiful woman in the Haotian Sect was practicing together with Chu Yan. The two people even held hands together. This also made countless people angry.

In the alchemy hall, Xuanfeng's eyes were gloomy, and a figure suddenly appeared next to him: "Are you big-hearted enough, can you still endure this step?"

Xuanfeng glanced at the figure. It was Lin Changsheng: "Your position as the number one in the Changsheng Hall has been snatched away, but you have done nothing this month. Don't you feel embarrassed?"

"There is nothing to be ashamed of. The first place in the third team is just a false name. I, Lin Changsheng, don't care, but Mu Ling'er is about to become someone else's woman. You should be more angry than me, right?" Lin Changsheng laughed.

"No one can touch the woman I like." Xuanfeng snorted coldly, disappeared directly, and leapt into the mirror trial.

Looking at Xuan Feng's back, Lin Changsheng smiled coldly, then turned and left without saying anything.

Chu Yan, what will happen after you become wild? Can you really stand proudly? In the mirror trial, it will soon become your nightmare!

When I think of what Chu Yan said that day, I will make you afraid to take a step forward soon!

Lin Changsheng had a fierce look on his face.

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