Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 95: Alchemy Competition [Three Updates]

The Alchemy Hall is a three-story building, but each floor is very spacious. As soon as you enter, you will be greeted by the strong fragrance of elixir.

"The fragrance of medicine is everywhere here. It is indeed a treasure land."

"What? Are you interested in joining the Medicine King Group? All disciples of the Medicine King Group can take medicine at will when refining elixir." Mu Ling'er smiled.

Chu Yan shook his head. Although the alchemist is noble, that is not his dream. He still hopes that he can go further and further in the martial arts. Only in this way can he defeat that person and enter the wilderness again.

"I know you won't agree, but it doesn't matter. How about it, I haven't seen you for ten years. Are you interested in a competition?" Mu Ling'er said to Chu Yan playfully. At the beginning, her alchemy technique was taught by Chu Yan, but now after ten years, she also wants Chu Yan to see how exquisite her alchemy technique is.

Chu Yan hesitated and nodded with a smile. Alchemy and martial arts are the same. They also need to learn from each other and communicate to make progress.

He has been refining a lot of pills in Haotian Sect these days, but he has not made any progress. Now he can improve himself by learning from Mu Ling'er, so he agreed.

"Then let's each choose the materials and see who can make a pill with higher quality and better use, how about that?" Mu Ling'er said provocatively.

"Okay!" Chu Yan agreed with a smile, and then the two of them chose their own materials. Mu Ling'er first chose a red sun grass, and then a super yin fruit, plus various auxiliary materials. Chu Yan was slightly surprised when he watched from the side. Although he didn't make many pills, he had the recipe left by the Pill King, so he could naturally see at a glance the pill that Mu Ling'er was going to make, the third-grade Yin-Yang Pill?

"This little girl has made great progress in ten years." Chu Yan secretly admired. Yin-Yang Pill is extremely difficult to refine because it needs to adjust the balance of Yin and Yang, but once it is made, it has a great effect on the body. It can balance the vitality, open the Yuan meridians, and open the acupoints. It is a very rare pill.

However, Chu Yan was not willing to lag behind and selected three herbs in succession, Ice Lake Seaweed, Tianshan Snow Lotus, and Extreme Yin Fruit. Mu Ling'er looked at him with surprise.

"All Yin Pills?" Mu Ling'er frowned slightly. Alchemy itself is very similar to the human body. It needs both Yin and Yang. It doesn't have to be balanced, but it can't be too biased. Now Chu Yan has selected all the extremely Yin herbs, plus the burning of the fierce fire, and can it become a pill?

"Be careful not to blow up the furnace and kill yourself." Mu Ling'er teased, and Chu Yan didn't care. After the two of them selected the pills, they refined them together.

Starting the fire, preheating, quenching, extraction, a series of skills, both of them mastered it perfectly, and at this time, it also attracted many disciples to watch.

"Senior Sister Ling'er is actually competing with others in making pills?"

"Yes, this is rare. Senior Sister Ling'er's alchemy skills are recognized by the Alchemy Master, comparable to many elders. Isn't this kid too self-conceited?" Many disciples kept talking, but they kept their eyes on it, wanting to learn from it.

Alchemy requires fire control, which is the most difficult, especially for three-color pills, which all need fire patterns to condense.

These fire patterns are very scary, and powerful fire patterns can even be used to attack, forming a huge fire array. If you accidentally enter the array, even a king may suffer a catastrophic disaster, so don't underestimate the truly powerful alchemists. Who says they have no attack power?

Once they are given time to make a fire array first, these usually elegant alchemists will immediately become like Shuras.

"It's the fire pattern! Senior Sister Ling'er finally used her trump card, the Yin-Yang Fire Pattern Array!"

"Well, this fire pattern array looks ordinary, but the yin and yang are evenly distributed, half like ice and half like fire. If used to attack, the person's yin and yang will soon be broken and exploded to death."

Chu Yan also looked at Mu Ling'er and grinned: "It's amazing, ten years ago, I didn't see you, but you actually comprehended such a high-level fire pattern."

Fire patterns are very magical. Only alchemists can comprehend them. And as the grade increases, it is more difficult to comprehend. For example, Mu Ling'er's fire pattern is a third-grade fire pattern. It is very difficult to comprehend it. It needs to be tempered in the consciousness palace to form three flames.

"It seems that those who don't use the voltage box bottom can't really beat this little girl." Chu Yan thought, and then began to close his eyes. The soul appeared in another world. That was not the dantian, but the consciousness palace.

The human body has two major vital points. One is the Dantian, which everyone knows, and the second is the Shenshi Palace, which is where the human soul is hidden. Everyone has it, but many people cannot open the door. Only some high-level alchemists or those who have stepped into the King and enhanced their perception can enter.

In the Shenshi Palace, Chu Yan took a deep breath. His Shenshi Palace was not big, but the sky was densely packed with fire patterns. These fire patterns were all left to him by Qin Ruoming. The highest one had a ninth-level fire pattern. It was rumored that it had long been lost in the world. If it appeared in the world, it would definitely cause a storm.

Chu Yan sat cross-legged. This was not his first time to come to the Shenshi Palace, but it was his first time to comprehend the fire pattern.

However, Chu Yan had a goal, otherwise he would not have chosen three extremely yin herbs.

Ice and fire divine pattern!

Chu Yan reached out and grabbed one from the divine patterns in the sky, revealing a smile. The world only knows that fire is a very yang thing that can burn the world, but it is not known that there is also a cold fire, which is similar to ice. It seems to be burning, but it is freezing.

"It's you!" Chu Yan was overjoyed. His own flame power is already very strong, and his whole body is full of yang energy, so he also needs a Yuanyin Pill to balance it. Now this ice and fire divine pattern can make up for this and add an extremely yin force to his flame.

"The divine pattern of ice and fire can block Yang Qi and break the balance, so even all-yin herbs can be turned into elixirs!" Chu Yan opened his eyes, and then the flames in front of him rolled, and a faint blue light appeared, and the three The Taojiyin herbal medicine is also being tempered continuously. In the alchemy furnace, a fire pattern of terrifying coldness is actually formed?

"That kid... can actually use fire patterns? Moreover, the fire patterns are so cold." Everyone in the alchemy hall was shocked by Chu Yan.

Mu Ling'er was also shocked. With such cold power, could it still be called a fire pattern?

"Hmph, this little bastard is still so unusual." Mu Ling'er glared at Chu Yan, but there was a hint of spring in his autumn eyes: "You really don't save any face for me. This time I guess I will I’m embarrassed in front of my disciples.”

"Sister Ling'er's elixir is ready." After a long time, the elixir incense rose from the elixir furnace in front of Mu Ling'er, and she took out a Yin-Yang elixir.

"Third-grade Yin-Yang Pill, so powerful." Many disciples were envious, and then one of them looked at Chu Yan: "I just don't know what level of pill he is refining, and whether it can surpass Senior Sister Ling'er."

"Definitely not. Senior Sister Ling'er is a genius in the Alchemy Hall. No one can beat her except Senior Brother Xuanfeng."

"Bang!" While the discussion continued, there was a sudden explosion in front of Chu Yan. Everyone was stunned. A furnace explosion?

Mu Ling'er also frowned, while Xu Tiantian laughed: "You're quite impressive, but you didn't expect the furnace to explode? Isn't it a shame?"

However, in response to these discussions, Chu Yan smiled and said nothing, and did not care. Instead, he stood up and smiled at Mu Ling'er: "I lost."

"Are you okay?" Mu Ling'er didn't care about winning or losing, but asked worriedly.

Chu Yan smiled and shook his head. He put the alchemy furnace away without even opening it. Many alchemy disciples let out a sigh of ridicule.

"It's okay. Your fire pattern is also very powerful, but there is a problem with the selection of materials for your elixir. How can all-yin herbs be used to make elixirs?" Mu Ling'er glared at Chu Yan resentfully, and then handed a Yin-Yang elixir to Chu Yan. Yan: "Here's this for you. I just saw that your body has too much yang energy. Please adjust it."

Chu Yan was stunned, but he didn't expect that Mu Ling'er chose the Yin and Yang Pill to deliberately adjust Yin and Yang for himself?

"I accepted it." Chu Yan was not polite to Mu Ling'er, and Mu Ling'er continued: "If you don't want to join our Medicine King Group, why don't you first take the exam to become a qualified disciple of the Alchemy Hall? In this way, you will be able to make alchemy in the future. , or you can come directly to the Alchemy Hall."

"Forget it, I don't want to be killed by eyes." Chu Yan laughed bitterly. For a moment, he was surrounded by eyes that wanted to kill him. He wanted to join the alchemy hall. He would be here every day from now on, so he wouldn't be eaten by others. Already?

Mu Ling'er rolled her eyes at Chu Yan, but didn't say much, and then Chu Yan stayed in the alchemy hall for a while. There were many things he could learn here, and he also watched some elders making alchemy, especially those elders running fire. When tattooing, he was very careful and wanted to learn more.

In the evening, Chu Yan just left the alchemy hall, but before he could go far, a figure came towards him, blocking Chu Yan's way.

"Is something wrong?" Chu Yan frowned, and the man looked up. He looked like a young man. It was the young man who had attended the mirror trial with Mu Ling'er earlier, the alchemy genius Xuan Feng.

"It's nothing. I just want to remind you to stay away from Mu Ling'er from now on. She is not a woman you can get your hands on." Xuan Feng said calmly, but it sounded very ironic in Chu Yan's ears. remind? Is this a reminder? That violent energy was clearly threatening.

"Whether I am close or far from Sister Linger, it seems to have nothing to do with you, Senior Brother, right?" Chu Yan said emotionlessly.

"Boom!" Xuanfeng didn't talk nonsense. A fierce energy directly enveloped Chu Yan, pressing hard on Chu Yan.

"Boom!" The soles of Chu Yan's feet sank, sinking deeply into the soil. He was so strong! The pressure brought by Xuan Feng to Chu Yan was no weaker than that of Lin Changsheng?

"I watched your battle in the mirror trial today. It was quite interesting to make Lin Changsheng suffer a loss. However, Lin Changsheng is just a waste among the last few on the grand stage. I advise you not to cause trouble for yourself. Xuanfeng finished speaking, but there was a hint of chill, and then he left another sentence: "In addition, I also heard that you competed with Ling'er today to test the alchemy? Are you not worthy of being an alchemist in the future? Don’t come to this place either.”

After saying that, Xuanfeng turned and left, that proud figure like a giant.

You are not worthy of being an alchemist, and don’t come to this place again!

How humiliating is this?

But when Xuan Feng turned around, Chu Yan grinned, and there was a faint thunder rolling in the sky, but it stopped when he waved his sleeves.

A blue icy elixir appeared in his palm.

The elixir was so exquisite that it seemed to be able to freeze space. The moment the elixir appeared, the elixir refined by Mu Linger was trembling? Afraid?

Chu Yan, was he really defeated?

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