Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 97: Only fit to kneel

In the mirror trial, Chu Yan and Mu Ling'er continued to comprehend for another half month, and each gained something. Mu Ling'er also comprehended a fourth-level fire pattern from Qin Ruomeng's legacy, and there were countless third-level fire patterns, but in terms of alchemy, Chu Yan was just the opposite. Most of the fire patterns he understood were mainly offensive.

When the two of them finished, Mu Ling'er smiled and said, "I won't say thank you to you."

Chu Yan rolled his eyes at Mu Ling'er: "It's better to say thank you than to show off, but sister, what is Shengtai?"

Although Chu Yan was born in the barbaric wilderness, he had not been in the inner circle for ten years and did not know much about the affairs of Wan Zong.

"Shengtai is a ranking of the truly powerful among the Ten Thousand Sects. This ranking can basically determine the name of the Ten Thousand Sects Grand Ceremony three years later. Those with high gold content and those who can rank among the top 100 on the Shengtai will basically be They are quasi-king-level experts, and they all have super martial arts and very strong bloodline. Even the top thirty have the ability to be a king in a battle. "

"So powerful?" Chu Yan was slightly surprised. Cross-level battles in small realms were not uncommon, but it was difficult in large realms.

Like back then, Chu Yan's seventh level of Dongchen could defeat the ninth level of Dongchen, but the ninth level of Dongchen couldn't even defeat the first level of Juechen, and this kind of jump became more and more difficult as you go up, so the difficulty of Juechen's battle with the King will be bigger.

"Well, Wan Zong attaches great importance to the Shengtai ranking, but it is not completely accurate. After all, people from ASEAN and Sangu do not participate in this ranking, and the top ten rankings of Wanzong Ceremony are often from ASEAN and Sangu."

Chu Yan nodded. Manhuang and ASEAN Sangu were superior to Wan Zong, so naturally they disdained this kind of ranking. However, people like Chi Yue, Lin Daoyan and others had already reached the king level. They would also participate in the Wan Zong Ceremony three years later, and they would definitely Will get a very high ranking.

"But if you are interested, you can also compete. If you enter the top thirty, you will be a genius among thousands of sects. The ranking of Shengtai will change every year. Almost after the opening of Haotian Tower, there will be a Shengtai. Taiwan ranking, all sects will participate.”

"What is Lin Changsheng's ranking in Shengtai?"

"Ninety-nine, second to last."

Chu Yan frowned. Lin Changsheng, the being who could suffocate him with just his vitality, was actually only the ninety-ninth in Shengtai?

"What about you?" Chu Yan looked at Mu Ling'er, who smiled and shook his head: "I haven't fought for it. If I had fought for it, I should be like Lin Changsheng. Not much better. Don't underestimate this Shengtai ranking. , although the first place is only the ninth level of Juechen, there is a huge gap between the first and the hundredth. Even if you are one, there is a big gap. Many people can only move forward in a year on the stage. One or two, unless there is someone in front who breaks through the king, will be removed from the stage."

"Doesn't the king participate in the ranking?"

"King is considered a leap, because the Wan Zong Sheng Ceremony only accepts people under the age of twenty-five, so once you step into the king, you can basically lock in the top 30 Wan Zong new recruits, and naturally disdain the so-called Sheng Tai. But many people will still go After all, the title of No. 1 in Shengtai has great influence in Wan Zong, and being able to obtain this position will also have a huge impact on the cultivation of one's mind, and it will also receive many benefits from Wan Zong. "

Chu Yan nodded. Indeed, what kind of honor is it to be the leader among millions of people among thousands of sects?

"But it's still early for you. The first criterion for striving for prosperity is the ninth level of Juechen. There, it is basically impossible to kill people across levels because everyone has a deep background. If you are strong, they are also strong. , I won't leave you any chance." Mu Ling'er smiled lightly and said, "But little bastard, you have to work hard. I still have great confidence in you. I think you should be able to get one on the grand stage next year. Not a bad ranking.”

"Next year?" Chu Yan smiled slightly and said nothing. He didn't care about the grand ceremony. His goal was just the Ten Thousand Sects Grand Ceremony.

I wonder what that little girl is doing now. Chu Yan looked at the row of teeth marks on his shoulder and couldn't help but miss her.

At this time, in another place in the Mirror Trial, it seemed that it had been quiet for too long, and the storm that many people had forgotten finally came slowly.


Ye Xun and others had been busy practicing, but suddenly a scream shocked the forest.

"Fan Ye!" Everyone roared, and Fan Ye was pierced by a burst of vitality and disappeared directly from the mirror trial.

Ye Xun's eyes were red, and he saw a figure slowly approaching in front of them. He was so arrogant, looking down on Ye Xun and others: "Where are the people from Chuyan?"

"Who are you?" Ye Xun stared at this person, feeling a huge pressure on him.

"You don't deserve to know." The man said indifferently, and then he waved his hand again, and the wind of his palm came out, killing Qian Dong with one palm: "Let Chu Yan come out!"

Many freshmen were red-eyed. This person appeared too powerful and was completely crushed, making them feel powerless.

"Did not say?"

"Boom!" This man took another step, and the ground suddenly trembled. He didn't even make a move, but strong winds pierced through the fat man and others like sharp swords, causing their bodies to spatter with blood.

"Fight!" Ye Xun's eyes were red, and he stared at this person as he used the Iron King Dragon Spear.

"Kneel!" Looking at Ye Xun's actions, the man was still disdainful, and he took another step forward! Boom! An invisible force suddenly descended on Ye Xun, making him feel his knees sink and he almost fell to the ground.

"You have good perseverance, but you still have to kneel down in front of me!" The man snorted coldly and stepped forward again. The thick vitality seemed to fall from the sky, and every strand of vitality was engraved with bright red blood marks.

"It's blood! Gravity blood!" Everyone's eyes widened. Mu Ye, Fatty and others immediately knelt on the ground, as if they were being pressed tightly by an invisible hand, making them unable to stand up.

Blessed by the blood seal, the energy is as heavy as a mountain.

Click! There were bursts of crisp sounds from Ye Xun's knees, and the bones were broken, boom! Ye Xun finally knelt down, and his knees suddenly sank into the soil. The man gathered his energy and looked coldly at Ye Xun's row of people, who were all kneeling there.

"A group of ants, only worthy of kneeling down! Tell Chu Yan that today is just a warning. If he dares to get close to Mu Ling'er, he will be the one kneeling here next time! My name is Xuanfeng!" Xuanfeng left a sentence, saying, The form disappeared, and in just a short moment, the new students were covered in blood, and all the old students were shocked.

Ye Xun and the others were all staring wide-eyed and breathing heavily. They had been working hard these past few days and had just found some success. But now they were so powerless in the face of Xuanfeng. That terrifying aura was beyond their ability. Countervailing force.

Qian Dong was even more shocked. His martial arts will seemed to be shaken at this moment, as if it was shattered by the terrifying power of Xuan Feng.

"What's going on?" Hearing the scream, Chu Yan rushed to find him, but he was still a step too late. When he saw the miserable scene, his eyes were red.

"It's Xuanfeng." Ye Xun told Chu Yan everything that had just happened with a hint of coldness.


"Xuanfeng, you are playing with fire!" Chu Yan was furious. A red light flashed between his eyes, and he turned around and stepped out of the mirror trial.

Haotian Sect, outside the alchemy hall, Chu Yan stepped here directly after leaving the mirror trial.

"Is this the new student Chu Yan? How dare he come here?" The people in the Alchemy Hall were slightly surprised when they saw Chu Yan. Today's scene in the mirror trial had already spread throughout the sect.

The news that Chu Yan came to the alchemy hall quickly spread, and a figure walked out: "Boy, do you really dare to come to the alchemy hall?"

Chu Yan glanced at this person. He didn't recognize him, but he was very powerful. He was on the fifth level of Juechen, and should be above Chen Hao. It seemed that Mu Ling'er was right. There were indeed some very powerful people hiding in the Alchemy Hall.

But...so what? Chu Yan was able to kill Chen Hao in the first place, but now he was confident to kill him, so he directly withdrew his gaze and looked at the alchemy hall: "Xuanfeng, get out."

This person's name is Lin Yu, and he frowns. He is also considered a fourth-year old man in the Medicine King Group. When did a new student treat him like this? And he actually shouted for Xuanfeng to get out?

"Boy, for the sake of Senior Sister Ling'er, get out of here. Although you have good talent, you are vulnerable to the Medicine King Group. If it weren't for Senior Sister Ling'er, what kind of bullshit group could you be ranked first in?" Lin Yu was very sarcastic and arrogant: "There are hundreds of people in the Medicine King Group, all of whom you should look up to. I would like to advise you not to seek death."

"Get out!" But suddenly, Chu Yan's vitality came and fell on Lin Yu, making Lin Yu's pupils shrink. The power, the third level of Juechen, actually made him dare not say a word.

"Xuanfeng, get out!" Chu Yan shouted again. All the disciples were shocked. Dare you let Xuanfeng get out? are you crazy.

"I didn't expect you to find me so quickly." Xuanfeng walked out and saw Chu Yan showing a hint of cold contempt: "Those brothers of yours are really happy to kneel in front of me."

"Boom!" Chu Yan's expression changed, and the next moment he took a step forward, energy surged all over his body. Mu Ling'er also rushed here at this time, and frowned when he saw this: "You are not his opponent yet. I'll handle this."

"No need." Chu Yan didn't look away, still staring at Xuanfeng: "I accepted the warning you gave me. I came here today to give you a warning."

"Give me a warning?" Xuanfeng was startled for a moment, then showed a playful look: "Why?"

"Why should I? You don't need to know that in the future mirror trial, if you want to attack me, I will fight. But if you dare to attack my brother again, I will kill you."

"Kill me?" Xuanfeng laughed even more crazily, and his energy rose into the air, ready to take a step forward.

"Kneel down!" Chu Yan shouted indifferently, and the sky suddenly rolled. Xuanfeng glared fiercely, as if there was an invisible force shackles that immediately trapped his body, making him vomit a mouthful of blood, his body stiffened, and his knees bent. ,Kneeling on the ground.

"Ninety-seventh place in Shengtai? You only deserve to kneel!"

Chu Yan said coldly, returning what Xuanfeng said to Ye Xunzhi, and then turned around and left. Xuanfeng could only kneel there. There was an infinite power in the sky, making it impossible for him to get up.

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