Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 94 Let's see if the Haotian Sect can stop me

Chu Yan finally stood on the first platform, looking down on the world.

He looked down at Changsheng Hall and Yanmeng, and as for the Freshmen Camp, he could no longer see it.

"My Wolf Group is here, come and fight if you don't accept it!"

That voice, the sky is long and lasting for a long time!

The Wolf Group is here, come and fight if you don't accept it!

Did the three-team competition in the mirror trial finally break the previous balance today? Changsheng Hall, Yanmeng, and Freshmen Camp, the three teams in the past, are now all lost. Standing on the first high platform is just a strange boy. Many disciples' eyes are burning, and many people even have a premonition that in the next many years, the name of the Wolf Group will be remembered by the people of Haotian Sect.

"I want you to die!" Lin Changsheng's voice was cold, and a majestic breath suddenly pressed down on Chu Yan.

At that moment, the seven freshmen were all trembling, oppressed by that huge force, so strong!

Chu Yan was also nailed to the ground, but he looked at Lin Changsheng and remained calm: "You can kill me in the mirror trial. But if you leave here, I dare to kill you. You see, can the Haotian Sect stop me."

Lin Changsheng's footsteps suddenly sank. At that moment, he actually felt the king's arrogance in Chu Yan?

Lin Changsheng, in the end, did not dare to take that step. He also understood that although he had a good talent, it was all in the Haotian Sect. Leaving here, in this land of the world, if the wilderness wanted to kill him, who could stop him?

"I hope you don't regret it. You can't enter this mirror trial in the future." Lin Changsheng left a cold word and turned away.

"Wait!" Mu Ling'er's faint voice sounded, and Lin Changsheng's footsteps paused slightly. Mu Ling'er continued: "It seems that this challenge is not over yet. Are you leaving without watching it?"

"Huh?" Lin Changsheng's eyes sank. Now the Wolf Group is first and Changsheng Hall is second. Is there anyone who wants to challenge?

However, the next scene made many people hold their breath. A beautiful figure stepped onto the third platform. She was not very old, but her vitality was burning with green blood marks. Pill blood?

"That's Chen Xin from the third grade!"

"It's really her. Three years ago, Chen Xin was not the first in the first grade, but she showed extraordinary talent in alchemy and was valued by the Medicine King Team. Although I haven't seen her much in the past three years, I heard that she is already a third-grade alchemist. She is very powerful."

"But what does she mean now? Is she going to challenge?"

"Has the Medicine King Team... finally joined the team competition?"

"Chen Xin from the Medicine King Team, challenge the Flame Alliance!" Chen Xin is very petite, but the power of the fourth level of the Absolute Dust Realm shocked many people. The most amazing thing is that she also mastered the power of blood?

The Flame Alliance frowned, and Lin Yuyan looked at Mu Ling'er with hatred. Now the Flame Alliance is third. If the Medicine King Team participates, then her Flame Alliance will not be third and can only be reduced to a team outside the top three.

"Yanmeng, defeated!" Chen Xin used three moves to repel all the strong men of Yanmeng, but she didn't stop yet. She stepped directly onto the second high platform: "Chen Xin from Medicine King Group, challenge Changsheng Hall!"

Lin Changsheng's eyes immediately turned cold, and he stared at Mu Ling'er: "Medicine King Group, are you sure you want to do this?"

Mu Ling'er smiled quietly: "For several years, my Medicine King Group has not participated in the mirror trial, but now it seems that some people have forgotten our existence. So from today on, let's join in the fun."

"Fight!" On the second platform, the disciples of Changsheng Hall accepted the challenge, but Li Yan had been killed by Chu Yan, and Xiaoya also lost her qualification in the battle with Yu Ruoxi. No one in Changsheng Hall could fight Chen Xin.

In the battle between the three teams, Changsheng Hall once again missed the opportunity to be second and fell to third.

Yanmeng was even more pathetic, not even making it into the top three.

Lin Yuyan's eyes were filled with pain, and then turned into resentment. She hated Chu Yan. It was Chu Yan who caused all this. She clenched her jade hands tightly: "Unforgivable!"

"Sister, stop it... Don't make any more mistakes." Yu Ruoxi shook her head at Lin Yuyan in pain, but Lin Yuyan didn't say anything and turned away directly.

Chu Yan saw this scene, but he didn't say anything. It was all Lin Yuyan's own fault. If she knew her mistakes and corrected them, it would be fine. If she didn't, they would be enemies next time they met.

This time, the three-team competition finally underwent a huge change. Only one of the top three teams in the past, Changsheng Hall, was left, but it was only in the third place. After today, everyone will remember a name, that is Chu Yan!

With his own strength, he first killed Yanmeng and then defeated Changsheng! Finally won the first place.

Mu Ye smiled in the audience. Today he realized how correct his choice was.

This young man began to burn, revealing his own light. He was less than twenty years old, at the first level of Juechen, and had dual blood. With this kind of talent, if he grows up in the future, can he really not surpass Lin Changsheng?

Mu Ye smiled but said nothing, because he had already guessed the result.

Lin Changsheng...even though he had a good background and talent, it was a pity that his stage was limited to Haotian Sect. Chu Yan was different. He had a bigger background and better talent. He would be the one who would compete with the countless geniuses of Sangu ASEAN and Wanzong Shili in three years.

Lin Changsheng left, and Zhao Yu looked at Chu Yan painfully for the last time. Qian Dong looked at Zhao Yu: "Zhao Yu, you chose Changshengtang to seek the title of the first, but now the first place was destroyed by Brother Chu in a battle. Do you regret it?"

Zhao Yu glared at Qian Dong, and the positions of the two seemed to have been swapped. He turned away without saying a word, but a seed of resentment was planted in his heart.

"You little bastard, are you enjoying yourself today?" Mu Ling'er came forward coquettishly and glared at Chu Yan resentfully: "I came to Haotian Sect, but you didn't come to see me. Tell me, what are your intentions?"

All the freshmen looked at Mu Ling'er, and their hearts trembled... They didn't look carefully just now, but now they look at it, it's so beautiful.

There seemed to be no flaws on the delicate cheeks, which were as delicate as jade, and a pair of phoenix eyes seemed to compete with the bright moon.

"No wonder you refused when I recommended Ruoxi to you. It turns out that you have been thinking about Senior Sister Ling'er in your heart." Mu Ye grinned at the side.

"If you keep talking nonsense, get out of the wolf group!" Chu Yan glared at Mu Ye, and then looked at Mu Ling'er bitterly, thinking about the scene in the inner circle ten years ago, where two teenagers and a girl walked together, all the way We have gone through so many storms.

"Why are you in Haotian Sect?" Chu Yan asked. He had also introduced ASEAN to Mu Ling'er.

"Qiu Yu said that after you were in the outer circle, you would definitely come to join Wan Zong, so she asked me to come here to wait for you. Unexpectedly, you actually came." Mu Ling'er said with a sweet smile.

Chu Yan suddenly realized that Qiu Yu seemed to have been paying attention to him in the past ten years, but when he thought of his own sister in ASEAN, it seemed that all this was not surprising.

But at this moment, Chu Yan felt a coldness falling on him. The young disciples of the Medicine King Group were all murderous, which made him smile bitterly: "Do you think I dare to look for you? You look for me. In this way, if I come looking for you, I won’t even know how I died.”

Mu Ling'er smiled sweetly, and then went too far. She directly held Chu Yan's hand and rubbed against Chu Yan: "Really? Why do I feel that this hatred is not enough now?"

"Are you trying to kill me?" Chu Yan couldn't laugh or cry. The members of the Medicine King Group seemed to want to kill him one by one.

"Who makes you so heartless? You haven't come to see me for so long. Of course I'm going to cause you some trouble." Mu Ling'er smiled sweetly, and Xu Tiantian blinked beside her. This was the first time she saw herself like this. Senior sister is so open-minded. When in the past has she not rejected men and people thousands of miles away?

"Now that you're here, are you interested in going to the Alchemy Hall?"

"Let's go." Regarding the alchemy hall, Chu Yan actually wanted to go there for a long time, but he had been delayed before, so he didn't go. But now that everything has been resolved, it is time to go to the alchemy hall. Regarding the alchemy hall, Chu Yan It will never be abandoned, that's what Qin Ruomeng told him.

"You go back to the freshman camp and wait for me. I'll go back later."

"It'll be okay if you don't come back." Ye Xun said with a bad smile, making the disciples of the Medicine King Group even more misunderstood.

Chu Yan cursed in his heart! This bastard! Knowingly knowing that he is engaged! And he deliberately caused trouble for himself!

But Chu Yan didn't care. The relationship between him and Mu Ling'er was already very close. After all, Su Xishuang was his sister in the outer circle, so Mu Ling'er must be his sister in the inner circle. In Chu Yan's heart, their status is almost the same.

"Is the Medicine King Group very strong? I think you offended the Changsheng Hall today." Chu Yan asked on the way to the Alchemy Hall.

"Not too strong, but not afraid of the Changsheng Hall." Mu Ling'er smiled playfully, and then said: "Do you really think that Lin Changsheng is the number one person in the Haotian Sect?"

"Isn't it?" After joining the Haotian Sect, what Chu Yan heard the most was Lin Changsheng's title as the number one person, so he also regarded Lin Changsheng as the number one.

"Of course not. Although the Haotian Sect is not as good as the Wilderness ASEAN and Sangu, it can still be regarded as one of the ten thousand sects. You grew up in the Wilderness and have lived in ASEAN for a long time. Don't you know that real geniuses are not on the surface? "

Chu Yan was panicked. Indeed, every Ten Thousand Sects Grand Ceremony was a huge feast. Both the Wild ASEAN and the Three Valley Ten Thousand Sects paid great attention to it. With Lin Changsheng's strength, he would not be qualified to compete for the king in three years.

"Let's see, when you surpass Lin Changsheng, you may be able to touch that level. But time is tight. There are only two and a half years until the Ten Thousand Sects Ceremony. This time, you should be quite ambitious. ?" Mu Ling'er laughed.

Chu Yan smiled and said nothing, is it a grand ceremony for all sects? He couldn't lose, he had an appointment with Liu Qingcheng, and they would meet on the highest mountain in three years.

The Alchemy Hall of Haotian Sect is considered a holy place. All the disciples who can join here are proud, because the alchemist itself is also a very noble profession in this world. Any high-level alchemist will be attacked by many forces. The guest who tried his best to win over.

Just like Qin Ruomeng back then, as the Alchemy King, countless forces in the world have received her favor. If they were called upon, they would be a very terrifying force.

The same is true in Haotian Sect. Some powerful disciples will make friends with the disciples of the Alchemy Hall in order to obtain elixirs. Therefore, the disciples in the Alchemy Hall also have their own pride and do not even bother to fight for the first place in the three teams. False head.

The honor points are inexhaustible for them.

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