Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 93 Part 1

"Fight!" Chu Yan roared, and the Fengyin in his hand swung out. He finally stepped onto the first high platform and the position of the first team of Haotian Sect.

Li Yan's face was gloomy to the extreme: "You are seeking death."

"Today, Changsheng Hall will lose!" Chu Yan swung his long sword, and the blood marks dyed the vitality red. All the disciples of Changsheng Hall responded to the challenge.

But at this time, Chu Yan's combat power was too strong, and the blood marks were blessed. He was not inferior to any Juechen level 5. Among the three-year disciples, Juechen level 5 was the peak. Unless they were four-year disciples, no one was at Juechen level 6.

Zhao Yu was very depressed. At the beginning, he was also one of Chu Yan's group, but because of Lin Changsheng's words, he joined Changsheng Hall. He thought that from then on, he would completely leave Chu Yan and others behind and have huge cultivation resources. But he never expected that a month later, Chu Yan and others actually stood in the place that should belong to him by relying on themselves.

I am the first freshman, I am the focus of everyone's attention, and I should be the most dazzling in this challenge, but all of this was taken away by Chu Yan and Ye Xun.

"I will fight you!" Zhao Yu stepped on the first platform angrily and pointed the Iron King Dragon Spear at Chu Yan. Chu Yan looked at him with fighting spirit: "When the nine of us joined Haotian Sect together, I gave you countless elixirs, fearing that you would fall behind. Fatty was even hunted down for you and almost died, but you did not remember the favor and betrayed us."

"The way of martial arts is to practice with one heart and strive for the first place. You are now challenging Changshengtang and want to compete for the first place. What qualifications do you have to preach to me!" Zhao Yu said coldly.

"You joined Changshengtang correctly, but you were wrong. You shouldn't have attacked Ye Xun in the mirror trial. Since you did it, then die!" After Chu Yan finished speaking, the blood seal of vitality gathered, and the power continued to bless, and it immediately descended on Zhao Yu.

Zhao Yu was shocked. He was now at the third level of Juechen, and with the Iron King Dragon Spear, he believed that he had the confidence to defeat the entire freshman camp by himself, and he was not weaker than Ye Xun. But when facing Chu Yan, he felt so powerless that he couldn't even take a step?

"Iron King Dragon Spear, you don't deserve it!" Chu Yan blasted out with a palm, and the Iron King Dragon Spear was already in Chu Yan's hand.

Zhao Yu was blasted off the stage and vomited blood continuously. When he looked at Chu Yan again, his heart was full of pain! No, Chu Yan must not be allowed to take the position of the first high platform, which belongs to him!

Boom! Zhao Yu's body was burning with blood marks.

"Bloodline again? This power is the same as Chen Hao's blood mark?" Countless new disciples were surprised, and Li Yan also shouted angrily: "Changsheng Hall, come together!"

"Are you bullying my Wolf Group because there is no one?" Led by Mu Ye, Fan Ye and others also rushed into the first platform. The Wolf Group and Changsheng Hall finally had a fierce battle on the first high platform.

"Burning Blood Seal!" Li Yan roared, and everyone was shocked. They saw that all the disciples of Changsheng Hall were burning with strong blood power, but their power was so similar, and each vein was almost the same. The blood power was unique, and everyone's blood could not be the same. Even twin brothers had different personalities and blood. But now, the blood of all the disciples of Changsheng Hall was exactly the same?

The reason was self-evident.

"How shameless!" As an alchemist, Xu Tiantian was naturally familiar with the situation of the Blood Seal Pill: "Sister Ling'er, Changsheng Hall uses elixirs, and the elders don't take action. Then, I'm afraid Chu Yan and the others have no chance in this battle."

Mu Ling'er smiled quietly: "Not really, competing in elixirs? Changsheng Hall can't compare with him."

"Huh?" Xu Tiantian smacked her lips and looked at Chu Yan expectantly: "I want to see how capable you are to make Sister Ling'er so confident in you."

"Grand Elder, don't you want to stop it? Changsheng Hall, violated the rules!" Luo Feng roared. All the same blood, naturally from the blood of a king.

Jiang Feng was also helpless. The last time Chu Yan got into trouble, he was scolded: "Old Yi, don't you care about the wilderness?"

"In the mirror trial, everything depends on strength. There is no background. This is the rule of the world, and even the wilderness cannot change it." Luo Tianyi stroked his beard and sneered. He was obviously covering up, which made many elders speechless.

The last time a barbarian came, he directly destroyed the Law Enforcement Pavilion of Haotian Sect. Now Luo Tianyi dares to go against Chu Yan?

"Take them all!" Chu Yan raised his hand and several purple pills shot out, and each new student had one more in his hand.

Mu Ye and others caught the pills and swallowed them without hesitation. This is confidence in Chu Yan. After all, unknown pills can harm people for life.

When the pills entered the body, the breath of all the new students suddenly increased. That force seemed to stretch his dantian, causing their vitality to explode and instantly increase by more than double.

"Po Yuan Dan?" Xu Tiantian's expression became interesting. Po Yuan Dan is also a third-grade pill. Unlike the Blood Seal Pill, this pill can directly increase a person's vitality. In half an hour, it will increase by three levels.

Mu Ling'er smiled without saying a word. Competing with the Pill King for pills? Don't you want to live?

The strength of everyone has increased again and again, and the only advantage of Changsheng Hall seems to be gradually weakened.

"Boom!" Chu Yan rushed forward again. He had only one target, Changshengtang and Li Yan!

"Kill!" Mu Ye roared. Fan Ye and the others all protected Chu Yan and cleared the way for him, creating a huge gap between Chu Yan and Li Yan.

"Boy, I really didn't expect you to reach this point, but the first position will never be yours. I advise you to get out of here quickly." Li Yan faced Chu Yan, still proud, that burning The blood mark gave him enough confidence.

"I really don't know how you can show off by using blood that is not your own!" Chu Yan smiled contemptuously, and the next moment, he swung his long sword and blasted it towards Li Yan.

The Tianxing Sword Technique attracted the starlight and bloomed directly on Li Yan's body. However, it did not threaten Li Yan. Li Yan's blood was also very strong. The blood seal was carved on his vitality, allowing his vitality to form a shield of Gangqi, which could protect the sword. Mang is completely blocked.

"Defensive bloodline? It's not your own, but it's still unbearable!" Chu Yan's figure was like a ghost, and those blood marks were getting stronger and stronger, constantly supporting him under his feet.

Chu Yan's first bloodline, the Bloodline of Speed, was learned while practicing Three Thousand Galaxy Fall, and this bloodline mark also maximized Chu Yan's speed, leaving him with only an afterimage.

"Speed ​​bloodline? Without a strong attack, it's just a show of force!" Li Yan is not to be outdone. In the world of martial arts, speed is the only thing that cannot be broken, but that does not mean that fast speed can break everything. Without strength, no matter how fast the speed is, it can only be used to do A runaway.

"Really?" Chu Yan's face was expressionless. The moment he approached Li Yan, the vitality in his palm began to write again, and he saw that the bloodline mark carved on the vitality turned out to be a force as strong as a mountain.

"Bloodline of power? Double bloodline?" Li Yan's eyes widened, and then he trembled. The bloodline protecting him suddenly shattered into powder. Chu Yan punched out, knocking Li Yan away.

That ridiculous defense did not stop Chu Yan's progress.

Many disciples were shocked. At such a young age, they actually realized the dual bloodline?

Luo Feng's eyes were very exciting and full of excitement! The power of bloodline comes from digging into oneself, but often when ordinary people dig out a bloodline, they cannot dig deeper. But the young man in front of him is less than twenty years old and has not yet become a king, but he has already dug out two bloodlines?

What kind of peek into oneself is this? How much pressure do you have to bear?

Every time the power of blood penetrates deep into a layer, it is like a pain like peeling off silk and cocoons. Therefore, many people are unable to awaken one power of blood in their lifetime, but the young man in front of them has achieved two.

"Stop!" Lin Changsheng finally couldn't stand it anymore. He spoke in a voice as cold as ice, followed by a majestic momentum that rolled towards Chu Yan.

Chu Yan's body froze, and he was tightly suppressed by Lin Changsheng. The power of the ninth level of Juechen was really terrifying.

"Return to your second station. I can pretend that what happened today did not happen. If not, I will kill you when I see you in the mirror trial!" Lin Changsheng's tone was calm, and he still maintained the arrogance he deserved.

Kill him on sight! The hearts of the disciples were trembling wildly. Lin Changsheng, has this first person finally made a move?

He was threatening Chu Yan, trying to force Chu Yan to give up his number one position.

Chu Yan looked at Lin Changsheng and suddenly smiled, smiling very proudly: "Lin Changsheng, are you finally afraid? That day, you took the initiative and humiliated us by not letting our brothers join the Changsheng Hall, threatening the Yan Alliance, thinking Cut off all the cultivation resources of our brother! But at that time, you had thought that one month later, the initiative would be in my hands. If I kill him like a dog, you, the Changsheng Hall, will no longer be the first!"

The hearts of all the disciples trembled, Changsheng Hall! No longer number one!

Is Changshengtang really going to lose?

"I can guarantee that if you dare to take first place today, you will regret it." Lin Changsheng was still arrogant: "The three teams are only allowed to take action within three years, but in the mirror trial, I will let you know why life is worse than death! You If you give up being first, I will allow you to practice in the mirror trial!"

"My seven brothers, why do we need your permission? Are you worthy?" Chu Yan smiled quietly at Lin Changsheng's threat. He raised his hand, and the wind slowly fell, piercing Li Yan's heart: "This First, I, Chu Yan, am still sitting still today!"

Li Yan is dead! The strongest person in the Changsheng Hall in the past three years took the elixir, but was still killed by Chu Yan in front of Lin Changsheng.

"You are seeking death!" Lin Changsheng's anger rose, but Chu Yan turned his eyes and stared at Lin Changsheng: "Lin Changsheng, you made the Mirror Trial become a nightmare for our brothers, forcing us not to dare to step into it. But now, didn't you expect that the number one position is at my feet, and soon the mirror trial will become your nightmare, and I will make you afraid to step into it!"

After saying that, Chu Yan smiled and stood on the first high platform. At this time, his eyes were so determined!

Soon, I will make you afraid to take a step forward! That voice echoed in the ears of all the disciples.

All the disciples became weird. If it was this young man, then maybe! It really can.

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