Emperor Yutianwu

Chapter 931 The changing times

In the fourth year since the opening of the Holy Dragon Pavilion, the forces sent by all parties in the Immortal Realm have found some very good backgrounds to rely on in the Immortal Realm.

They have also gained something.

For the Immortal Realm, the Holy Dragon Pavilion is like a special existence. It is a completely closed space. Only every ten years, some people from the Immortal Realm will be invited to enter.

But as to who issued this rule, no one knows. If someone must know, there is only one place, which is also the most sacred place in the Holy Dragon Pavilion: the Holy Mountain.

The Holy Mountain is just a mountain, but it is in the center of the Holy Dragon Pavilion. This mountain seems to have no end, directly piercing the clouds, and can be seen from any place in the Holy Dragon Pavilion.

It is rumored that the real owner of the Holy Dragon Pavilion lives in the Holy Mountain. Some people also say that it is because of the existence of the Holy Mountain that the Holy Dragon Pavilion exists today.

So for the Holy Dragon Pavilion, the Holy Mountain is the most noble place. Even some great geniuses and descendants of the Immortal Emperor are proud to enter the Holy Mountain.

However, the Holy Mountain is there, and there may be almost no people who go to the Holy Mountain.

On this day, there seemed to be a figure standing on the Holy Mountain, very ethereal, like a shadow, but it really existed.

He stood on the top of the Holy Mountain, looking at the earth below.

"Time is getting closer, do you still think that what you said is right?" The shadow turned around and looked at a young man who looked like a scholar next to him.

"It can't be wrong." The young scholar smiled: "Get ready, open the Holy Dragon Pavilion, and a new generation of Holy Lord will be born."

"I know." The figure sighed and then looked at the person next to him: "Do you have anything else to ask?"

"No, just spread the news." After the young scholar finished his instructions, he turned around and walked towards the Holy Mountain again.

"Is the Holy Dragon Pavilion about to usher in a new era?" Watching the scholar leave, the shadow-like figure murmured softly, and the next moment, his figure flashed and disappeared.


Holy Dragon Pavilion, Chiyang Palace.

Since the last imperial war, Chiyang Palace has been slightly depressed.

In Zhantian Immortal Mansion, several elders sat cross-legged in the hall that day, looking quite embarrassed. They suffered the most losses in that imperial war, but Chu Yan defected to Bingchan Sect, which shattered their hope of revenge.

"Elders, there is a person outside who wants to see you." At this time, a disciple came to the hall to report.

"No!" An immortal elder said impatiently.

"Elder, the man said that he was from Bingchan Sect." The disciple said hesitantly.

"Bingchan Sect?" The immortal elder's eyes turned cold, and he was even more upset. Last time, it was because of Bingchan Sect that they suffered huge losses. Now, they still have the face to come to see him?

But the other party was the power of the Immortal Emperor, so the elder said: "Let him in."

"Yes!" The disciple retreated in response, and brought someone in a moment later. This person was wearing a brocade dragon robe, quite handsome, and at the top level of saint.

"Long Yang of Bingchan Sect, meet several seniors." That's right, the person who came here was Long Yang.

"Yang Di's beloved disciple, Long Yang?" Seeing Long Yang, several immortals from Zhan Tian Xian Fu couldn't help but become serious.

"It's me." Long Yang nodded coldly.

"Hmph, what's the matter with Bing Chan Sect coming to Zhan Tian Xian Fu? Zhan Tian Xian Fu has already let go of the last incident. Do you still want to show off? Bing Chan Sect, don't go too far. Although you are Yang Di's beloved disciple, if we want to kill you, you can't stop us." An immortal elder said unhappily.

Hearing the other party's words, Long Yang did not get angry, but smiled sarcastically: "The Shenwu Ruins, Zhan Tian Xian Fu suffered huge losses and lost all face. I came here today to give Zhan Tian Xian Fu a chance to take revenge, but since you don't mean to, Long is meddling. Goodbye."

After saying that, Long Yang turned around and was about to leave.

"Wait!" But at this time, an elder of Zhantian Immortal Mansion looked at him and said, "Speak clearly."

"Chu Yan has withdrawn from Bingchan Sect, and has nothing to do with our Bingchan Sect." Long Yang paused, and the corners of his mouth rose a little. Although Chu Yan left, this incident caused a rift between him and Yang Yi, so don't blame him.

"Really?" The strong men of Zhantian Immortal Mansion changed their faces. After the imperial war, they were humiliated, but they could not take revenge. Why? Isn't it because of Bingchan Sect? Now that Chu Yan has withdrawn from Bingchan Sect, they don't have to worry about anything anymore.

"Of course it's true. Everyone can see what Chu Yan did that day. He was intentionally using my master, Emperor Yang. Although Emperor Yang took action, he was also embarrassed. As for Chu Yan, he was actually very disdainful. Later, Chu Yan entered the Bing Zen Sect and was extremely arrogant. He blasphemed the princess and has now been expelled. Of course, if you don't believe it, you can also check it yourself. I think with the strength of Zhantian Immortal Mansion, it should not be difficult to find out." Long Yang said.

"Even so, why are you telling us this?" An immortal in Zhantian Immortal Mansion frowned.

"I have waited for you to say this. Whatever you do next is up to you." Long Yang said calmly, without explaining the reason, and walked away.

Looking at his back, the hall of Zhantian Immortal Mansion fell into silence.

After a long time, an immortal figure finally spoke: "Everyone, what do you think of this boy's words?"

"It is credible, but not completely believed. I guess it is very likely that there is some personal grudge between Long Yang and Chu Yan, and he wants to deliberately use my Zhantian Immortal Mansion to do things." At this time, an elder said, and the others nodded. This kind of thing is not difficult to guess.

"Then what should we do? Kill or not?" Someone in Zhantian Immortal Mansion asked.

"Of course I want to kill." At this moment, a hearty laughter suddenly came from outside the main hall. The people in the Zhantian Immortal Mansion looked up, and then their eyes narrowed, and they saw a young man walking over, wearing holy clothes.

"See Young Master Wang!" Several elders stood up one after another and knelt down devoutly. This young man's name was King Chiyang. He was the youngest among the many descendants of Immortal Emperor Chiyang, but he was the one with the best talent.

Of course, he only has the strength of a top saint. Logically speaking, even if he is the descendant of the Chiyang Immortal Emperor, an immortal figure does not need to be like this, but it is enough for one reason. This young man has been to the Holy Mountain. Returning from the Holy Mountain.

"Seniors, there is no need to be polite." King Chiyang spoke grandly, and the immortals slowly stood up. Then they looked at King Chiyang with colorful eyes. The young man in front of them was the only one among the many descendants of Immortal Emperor Chiyang. One by one, those who went to the Holy Mountain and stayed in the Holy Mountain to practice.

"Young Master Wang, will you gain anything from going to the Holy Mountain this time?"

"I have gained a lot. I have seen the splendor of the Holy Mountain. Compared with the Holy Mountain, my Chiyang Palace is too small, and my realm is too low." King Chiyang said with emotion.

"How old is Young Master Wang? He will definitely become a giant in the future." An Immortal Lord flattered: "Young Master Wang is returning this time, are you planning to inherit the throne?"

King Chiyang shook his head: "I used to envy my father, who unified the whole country and was the lord of the palace. But when I went to the Holy Mountain, I realized what I wanted. This time, I came back to visit the Holy Mountain. , The second is to bring a piece of news, and help me solve some minor problems in Chiyang Palace."

After saying this, King Chiyang looked at the powerful men around him and said calmly: "You guys, go and bring Chu Yan."

"Yes!" In an instant, many figures flew out of the sky.

"Prince!" At this time, a terrifying voice came, and the hearts of everyone in the Zhantian Immortal Mansion trembled. This was the voice of the Great Emperor, the Chiyang Immortal Emperor.

"Father." King Chiyang looked into the void and nodded. The next moment, a shadow condensed out. The Immortal Emperor Chiyang looked at King Chiyang with eyes full of doting and said with a smile: "This time on the Holy Mountain, How was the harvest?”

"a lot of."

"That's good." Immortal Emperor Chiyang nodded.

"Father, the Holy Mountain sent me out this time for one more thing." King Chiyang paused, and everyone became serious and looked at King Chiyang.

"Soon, the Holy Dragon Mountain will fully open the Immortal Realm and usher in a new era." King Chiyang took a deep breath, and his eyes couldn't help but burn with a trace of fighting spirit. Times create heroes. For him, this will be It's an unprecedented opportunity.

Everyone's eyes were fixed. Is Shenglong Pavilion going to be fully opened to the Immortal Realm?

The rules that have existed for thousands of years are about to be broken, and everyone naturally guesses that this will be a new era.

"Good job!" Chiyang Immortal Emperor couldn't help but get excited. Of course, in addition to this, this news also spread crazily inside and outside Shenglong Pavilion and the Immortal Domain.

All the Immortal Domains have received this news. The Holy Dragon Pavilion is fully open. This has never happened in the history of the Immortal Domain. Some other powerful forces with a keen sense of smell cannot help but feel that the Immortal Domain and the Holy Dragon Pavilion are about to usher in a new era. A new era.

Perhaps, this will be the era of the next king of the Immortal Realm after the Immortal Realm has been without its master for ten thousand years. Therefore, all the major forces are excited.

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